龙腾世纪 维基


Area-Apprentice Quarters
我就直說了吧:高塔已經不在我們的控制之下了。 ―格里高爾






注意: 法師窩蹲在本任務中對話會發生細微的不同。

攻略:序章[ | ]

卡蘭哈德湖碼頭[ | ]




  • 如果已近觸發了任務先遣隊佩劍,那麼可以和入口左邊的拾荒者對話。
  • 嬌慣公主酒館在入口下坡後左邊位置。
  • 船夫凱斯特在旅店內。如果主角是個法師,凱斯特會提到鄧肯之前渡河的事兒。他還會提到聖殿武士已經沒收了他的渡船,禁止任何人前往。
  • 法盟的代表在酒館邊上,接受相關任務可以點擊查看他身邊的袋子。
  • 有一個陸標船可以由狗狗在此做「標記」。
  • 如果接受了黑石民兵團的任務瀆職,薩麥爾和兩名打手將站在法盟代表和陸標船之間。
  • 如果接受了黑石民兵團的任務死亡通告,拉蘭娜則會在嬌慣公主酒館內。


  • 說服他,告訴他上司不會喜歡他這樣。
  • 恐嚇他,告訴他你快沒耐心了。
  • 即是沒有學習相關技能,你可以選擇說服或恐嚇一次後,又再一次選擇另外一個,卡羅爾也會將你帶到塔內。
  • 賄賂他40Gold
  • 如果你有以下同伴隨行,他們會有辦法讓你進入塔內。
    • 璽偶會跟卡羅爾說她失去了耐心並要打碎他的骨頭。
    • 如果主角說「難道我們就不能做點什麼嗎?」以及莫瑞甘再隊伍中,卡羅爾會要求莫瑞甘留下才放行。但是莫瑞甘會告訴他一些可怕的想法,迫使其讓行。
    • 如果蕾莉安娜在,她會講故事說服卡羅爾。
  • 斯坦不耐煩了,用他的餅乾賄賂了卡羅爾(優先)。

塔內[ | ]


  • 選擇尋找生還法師以及拯救法環。
  • 清除/殺掉塔內所有生物,說「他們已經沒救了」,同時也讓塔內沒有任何惡魔有逃離的機會。
Bug icon 漏洞! xbox360xbox360如果你在與格里高爾談話中,以"我需要考慮一下正確的行動方案。"結束第一次談話,然後又再一次和他談話時選擇 "我必須考慮考慮這個。"結束對話,那麼你再次和他說話時,他便沒有了更多對話選擇。大門將保持關閉,你也沒法進行任務了。


注意: 一旦進入大門,便在完成任務前沒法回到世界地圖。
  • 格里高爾身後的軍需官是塔內唯一能夠買賣物品的人物,當你進入大門後就沒法再訪問他了。
  • 在首次遇見溫妮的房間呢,可以替換隊員。
注意: 如果莫麗甘在隊伍中且好感度到達一定程度,與之對話會帶來她的一些回憶,被聖殿武士拿走的弗萊瑪斯的魔書就在這個塔內。(詳細見下文)

攻略:第一章[ | ]

The blight



注意: 如果莫瑞甘在團隊中,她將參與一些對話。如果溫妮發現了她是一個叛教者以及認為你包庇她,溫妮將會攻擊你。如果你決定幫助溫妮,莫瑞甘將會降低好感度,除非你有很高的脅迫技能。你想避免莫瑞甘降低好感度且也想讓他一同進塔參加戰鬥的話,很簡單,進入塔中的時候不要帶莫瑞甘,等和溫妮對話後決定幫助她之後在那個房間內換隊友把莫瑞甘換出來就行了,而且溫妮還不會質疑莫瑞甘的存在。當然,你也可以得到莫瑞甘友好 (+3),比如選擇說:「如果事情有什麼不同的話,說明你很可能是他們一夥的。」,以及「我們要儘快離開」。

第一層樓[ | ]

參見: 學徒宿舍


注意: 奧根在團隊中的時候,當溫妮接觸屏障時,將會觸發兩者間的對話,並讓你獲得奧根友好 (+2)
注意: 所有的戰鬥是以10-11級左右的團隊做參考。
Bug icon 漏洞! ps3ps3有可能保護罩從視覺上不會消失,當然你還是過的去。


第二層樓[ | ]



注意: 讓她加入軍隊似乎要有特定的背景和技能,除此之外只能讓她逃跑或殺掉。PC版的主角必須有掠奪者,血法師或者刺客專精,或者至少一名隊員是血法師。第一步選擇對話:「你所做的只不過是自怨自艾,真可憐。」或者:「你知道我們不能讓血法師活下去。」然後選擇「和暗裔戰鬥,也是你自己的救贖。」溫妮會表示反對,但是不會增加好感度。

注意: 如果你的隊伍中有蕾莉安娜和阿歷斯泰,阿歷斯泰會說這個血法師不能在教會得到救贖,而蕾莉安娜會持反對意見,他們之間對教會的理解有衝突,這時候會有一個特殊的對話選擇,你可以選擇支持兩者之一或者直接跳過,這選擇無所謂,沒有後繼影響。此外,無論你怎麼處理這個血法師,她都不會再次出現在遊戲中。



注意: 如果你在說服戈德溫額外給你錢的之後,再次和他說話,便沒法獲得關於奧爵德的消息以及也沒法殺他了。




第三層樓[ | ]

當你和隊友們到達三樓時候,你們會找個一個箱子後面的雕像。隊伍在進入一個大房間的時候會發現三個沿牆的雕像,在最後面一個房間,裡面有個雕像可以激活支線任務守望深遠意志 ,這些雕像都和這個任務有關。



第四層樓[ | ]

Desire Demon




注意: 讓惡魔離開可以從蕾莉安娜處獲得友好 (+1) (莫瑞甘,夏爾,阿利斯泰,澤弗蘭和溫妮好感不變), 與惡魔戰鬥會使得斯坦競爭 (+3) (如果一開始直接和惡魔開打將避免這一點)。

The second encounter will be a much more powerful Blood Mage than has been encountered before who has taken control of a large group of Charmed and Possessed Templars. Keep the party's spell casters away from the door again and kill the mage as soon as possible. With the mage out of the way, the templars are just like those on the third floor: they're tough, but not unmanageable. Loot Archon Robes from the dead Blood Mage, then continue. The chest in the back has a lock difficulty of Very Hard (60).

Now is a good time to rest up, and go back and do the Watchguard of the Reaching side quest if the Warden hasn't already. Once you enter the central chamber on the fourth floor, things are going to change. Walk in the room, and enter an immediate cutscene.

Sloth is an Abomination and so much more. He hovers over the body of an as of yet unnamed mage who may look familiar if you did the Mage origin. No matter the dialogue options you choose, Sloth will put the Warden and party into a sleep. Once the cutscene ends, the Warden will enter a form of hazy reality only ever knowingly visited by Magi. If the Warden is a Mage or saved Connor during the Arl of Redcliffe quest, then he or she will recognize this place as the Fade.

Bug icon 漏洞! Sometimes a glitch will occur when you walk to the left of the second room you enter without going to the central chamber. This glitch will automatically teleport you to Cullen's prison and you can get to the Harrowing chamber without having to fight Sloth in the Fade. (This glitch is confirmed on all versions).

影界:迷失於夢[ | ]

In the Fade the Warden must break the defenses of the demon Sloth and kill him. Here we will discover that the nameless mage that Sloth was standing over is Niall. Because the quest to escape from the Fade and kill Sloth is so long, it will be covered in a separate article. Please see The Fade: Lost in Dreams for details.

攻略:第二章[ | ]

歸來:第四層樓[ | ]

Cullen's Prison


從影界中出來後,主角將回到塔內第四層,內奧的屍體附近。你可以在屍體身上找到安卓拉的禱文。In the next room kill the Drake (consoles), loot Charred Corpse for The Libertarian's Cowl, then pick up the book Codex entry: The Legend of Calenhad: Chapter 2. As the party continues towards to top of the Tower to confront Uldred, they will be assaulted by Dragonlings and may encounter a drake. This fight is rather simple as long as you have some form of paralysis and avoid the flame breath. There will be some demons and a room that appears empty of all but a chest until the Warden attempts to retrieve its contents. The resulting fight can be rather difficult as you may be low on supplies after the Fade. Luckily there is a multitude of potions around for you to loot. Going for the chest will trigger a trap and spawn several more demons to attack the party. One of the locked chest contains Beastman's Dagger.

By the stairs leading up to the Harrowing Chamber, the Warden will find Cullen, trapped in a magical prison. If the Warden is a Mage, Cullen may react accordingly -- he will even reveal that he harbored feelings for a female mage Warden. Cullen initially believes the party members are illusions the demons sent to torment him.

Once Cullen has been calmed down by the Warden, he will postulate a moral dilemma for the player. Cullen describes his torment as ghastly and explains to you that Uldred is upstairs in the Harrowing Chamber forcing the rest of the living mages to become either Blood Mages, Abominations, or some version of both. He is convinced that not a single mage can be allowed to make it out of that chamber alive, and everyone must be killed.

  • The Warden may agree with him, go upstairs, and slaughter everything in sight. Doing so will end all hope of getting the Circle of Magi to help with the Blight but will allow the Templars to be recruited to the final army. Note that agreeing with this course of action causes Wynne to attack the party immediately, forcing the Warden to kill her before being able to proceed. Once you have agreed, you cannot change your mind!
  • The Warden can disagree with Cullen outright and try to save the mages. You can still side with the Templars afterward when talking to Greagoir. This option is useful for keeping Wynne in your party and recruiting the Templars into your army.
  • The Warden may choose to refrain from making a decision until he or she has gone upstairs and witnessed the situation firsthand. This will put off the decision until Cullen and Irving make their cases to Greagoir. If Sten is in the group, he may support Cullen's recommendation; the Warden may try to persuade him otherwise; a negative approval rating (e.g.: 競爭 Sten: 競爭 (+5)) may result. If you pick the dialogue choice "I have made my decision" when it is first presented, Sten does not interfere nor lose approval -- it seems he simply doesn't like you to change your mind or even debate the point after your initial pick.

With the decision made, the Warden may go upstairs.

注意: In the PC version, before entering the Harrowing Chamber, ensure that you have "The Litany of Adralla" in one of the action slots (especially if deciding to side with the Mages). This is important for the battle shortly to come. For the console version, the Litany of Adralla can be accessed through the radial menu under advanced. In the PS3 version it is in the items menu.
Bug icon 漏洞! pcpcps3ps3 After returning from the Fade, the select party members icon may become active, and Wynne can be replaced by any other character. This way she will not attack when the annulment chat option is chosen.
Bug icon 漏洞! xbox360xbox360 Party changes can only be done in the room containing Niall's body. You can leave the room and re-enter to change party members at will. Party members cannot be changed outside of that room. If Wynne is replaced by another character, Wynne's voice is still heard during your conversation with Cullen, and Cullen will respond to Wynne as if she were still there.

劫禮室[ | ]


Confronting Uldred

In the Harrowing Chamber, the Warden will finally meet Uldred. Uldred was the mage who offered the services of the Circle of Magi to light the beacon during the Battle of Ostagar, before being overruled by the Revered Mother. Since then, he has been busy staging a coup in the Circle Tower and become possessed by a Pride Demon.

A cutscene plays upon entering the Harrowing Chamber wherein Uldred forces a mage to become an Abomination. There is an extended dialogue the Warden may engage in in order to learn more of Uldred's goals and motivations. The Warden is free to choose any number of dialogue options, but ultimately Uldred must be killed.

作戰[ | ]

Once the cutscene ends, Uldred shows his true form as a Pride Demon. He has a lot of health and some very strong abilities. His three lackey Abominations aren't the same as the previous ones the party fought earlier as they are a fair bit stronger.

Uldred himself is incredibly powerful, almost certainly the most powerful foe you've faced so far. Wynne, Morrigan, and Alistair are the ideal companions, although Sten may substitute for Alistair in this mix. Wynne will be invaluable, as she heals the party frequently. Morrigan is likewise valuable, as her many offensive spells seem to have the desired effect when it comes to mass damage. As a spell caster, Mana Clash will do a large amount of damage to Uldred and prevent him from using his powerful spells, but it hits him less often than weaker enemies. Sten/Alistair could either be used to distract Uldred or, ideally, to slay the abominations first. Now, if the Warden usually flanks an opponent, he or she should do so more from the side in this battle as Uldred has a nasty habit of kicking those behind him without turning.

Every so often during the fight, Uldred will attempt to corrupt one of the other Mages who are bound up around the room. Using the Litany of Adralla every time a mage is surrounded by three rings of pulsing light will prevent Uldred from adding another Abomination to the battlefield. If Wynne is in the party, she will tell the Warden to "...use the Litany." In the PC version, the Litany will usually appear on the action bar when it is looted from Niall's dead body; if not, take the time to find it and place it on the action bar. For console players, the Litany is accessed through the radial menu on the advanced tab. As long as just a single mage lives through the fight, the Warden can side with the Magi in the moral decision presented by Cullen.

Once Uldred finally goes down, loot Cinderfel Gauntlets from him, then speak with First Enchanter Irving (or Cullen, should you have killed all the mages). The Warden's dialogue with Irving/Cullen may have lasting effects on the game.

結果[ | ]

When Uldred is killed, First Enchanter Irving or Cullen will take the Warden downstairs to Knight-Commander Greagoir where the matter of the treaty will be discussed. Should you have sided with the mages during the previous discussion with Cullen, he will try to convince Greagoir that all the mages need to be killed; the Warden may fan the flames or vouch for the mages through dialogue options.

注意: The decision you make here may have a direct effect on how you deal with Connor in Redcliffe, as well as the quest An Unlikely Scholar.

To side with the Templars:

  • Irving must have died during the fight with Uldred, in which case Greagoir will side with the Warden against the Blight;
  • If Irving survived, The Warden must mention to Greagoir that some blood mages may have survived. In that case, Irving will agree with this fact and willingly go into containment and put the mages' lives in the templars' hands. Wynne accepts this decision and stays with the party. This ending results with +12 approval from Morrigan.

To side with the Mages:

  • Irving must have survived the fight with Uldred. Then, the Warden just needs to ask Greagoir what he thinks or simply mention that order has been restored to the Circle. This ending results with +7 approval from Wynne.

It is not possible to gain both Templars and Mages. If The Warden asks Greagoir what he thinks and Greagoir had said before that he would accept no less than First Enchanter Irving saying it is safe, he will stick to his word and call off the Annulment. Irving will then confirm that the mages will aid you against the Blight. Later, back at camp, the mage's envoy will state that the Templars have sided with you as well, however this appears to be merely dialogue, as only the mages appear as selectable allies during the Final Battle.

{{Note|Originally, if the Warden was a blood mage, Wynne would report her suspicions to the templars. This was removed from the final game, but an unofficial patch is available to replace the scene for the PC version, it is a smaller optional file available under the larger "Dialogue Tweaks" patch. The Warden can admit to this and end up being forced to fight both the Mages and Templars present. However, with a high enough persuasion the Warden can tell them it is "Grey Warden magic", which First Enchanter Irving eventually accepts, allowing you to keep your chosen allies for the final battle.

{{Note|After you have talked to First Enchanter about Dagna joining as a study you can leave the tower and reenter the tower you will see a white arrow. If you follow that arrow you will come across dagna in the library and you can tell her then.

支線任務[ | ]

All of the following quests may be accessed once Broken Circle has been started.





獎勵[ | ]

  • See Quartermaster for merchant items.
  • To open all locked chests in the Circle Tower, a lockpicking score of 60 or more is needed.

收穫[ | ]

Apprentice's Amulet

Archon Robes, source: dropped by a blood mage

Beastman's Dagger, source: locked chest

Buckle of the Winds, source: a pile of fifth

Charged Mitts, source: dropped by a fade rifter (side quest)

Cinderfel Gauntlets, source: dropped by Uldred

Kaddis of the Lady of the Skies, source: a chest

Litany of Adralla, source: Niall's corpse

Love Letter, source: locked chest

Mabari War Harness, source: chest

Sailor's Charm, source: vanity

Scroll of Banastor x2, source: piles of books

Shiver, source: dropped by a desire demon

Small Painted Box, source: First Enchanter's personal desk (quest item)

The Libertarian's Cowl, source: a charred corpse

Yusaris, source: dropped by Shah Wyrd (side quest)

禮物[ | ]

Remarkable Malachite, for Shale, source: from Quartermaster at Apprentice Quarters (first floor)

Black Grimoire, for Morrigan, source: in Irving's Quarters at Senior Mage Quarters (second floor)

Chantry Amulet, for Leliana, source: a templar corpse at Senior Mage Quarters (second floor)

Silver Chain, for Morrigan, source: a vanity at Senior Mage Quarters (second floor)

The Rose of Orlais, for Wynne, source: a pile of books at Senior Mage Quarters (second floor).

Water-Stained Portrait, for Sten, source: a charred corpse at Senior Mage Quarters (second floor)

White Runestone, for Alistair, source: dropped by an abomination at Great Hall (third floor)

Small Gold Bar, for Zevran, source: dropped by a charmed templar in the Great Hall (third floor) or Templar Quarters (fourth floor)

Beef Bone, for Dog, source: a chest at Templar Quarters (fourth floor)

Sun Blonde Vint-1, for Oghren, source: a vanity at Templar Quarters (Fourth Floor)

漏洞[ | ]

  • If Uldred is not looted, leaving the Harrowing Chamber and then returning sometimes resets the fight with Uldred, meaning that the player can defeat him multiple times and gain experience each time. Remember that you must never loot him in order to come back and find him. If you ever loot him, he will not spawn anymore no matter what. xbox360xbox360 This can be done if you don't take everything. The same happens for Patch 1.05 pcPC version but only a couple of times.
  • xbox360xbox360 If you haven't collected "The Litany of Adralla" before the battle against Uldred, once you defeat him you will be returned downstairs to report to Knight-Commander Greagoir but you'll be unable to enter the tower again making it impossible for you to complete the quest and the game.
  • If you decide to destroy the circle and tell Leliana that you don't recall asking for her opinion, Alistair's voice could be heard saying that you're getting it regardless even when he's not in your party at the time.