龙腾世纪 维基


龙之纪元:起源 - 觉醒


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Templatetools 此章节不完善,需要扩写。

龙之纪元:起源[ | ]

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“我们现在有了一只狗,阿里斯泰还是最蠢的那个。” — 莫瑞甘
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Alistair at camp.


注意: 如果阿历斯泰被安诺拉执行了死刑,那么他的某件装备将会被放置在赤崖,如果只是离开,那么不会出现


  • 在众人的帮助下,阿历斯泰被领主大会承认为玛瑞克的儿子并坐上了其父的宝座。
  • 因为无法接受洛根被饶恕性命这个事实,阿历斯泰愤而出走,从此再没出现过。
  • 为避免以后发生内战,安诺拉女王在领主大会上下令处死了他,这断绝了戴尔林家的血脉。
  • (阿历斯泰杀死大恶魔)在邓利姆对抗大恶魔的战斗里,阿历斯泰为了救助朋友与结束瘟潮而献出了生命。

龙之纪元:觉醒[ | ]

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黑暗编年史[ | ]

Splr1 da21
“有个人类领主在狩猎我们的同胞,先锋。让他看看我们对死亡的理解。” — 大恶魔
这里包含 黑暗编年史 的信息. 点击 展开阅读。


  • 他在族中之圣者任务中支持了布兰卡并保留了虚空神砧,因为战斗中有魔像作为增援出现。
  • 他在瓦解之法环任务中,对法环实行了废除。尽管如此,市场区还是可以看到一名法环法师,而温妮也在瓦解之法环事件中幸存,她同圣殿指挥官格里高尔卡伦守卫着邓利姆的侨民区大门。
  • 他在 野兽的天性 任务中站在了 狼人 一边。
  • 他在领主大会上杀死了洛根并被选为国王。
  • 他答应和安诺拉订婚,以促成同贵族们的和平谈判。
  • 他完成了莫瑞甘黑暗仪式,因为她仍在队伍之中。
  • 他在洛泽林招募了蕾莉安娜并解救了斯坦,因为两人都在战斗中出现了。
  • 他招到了一只并将其命名为“吠裔”。
  • 他没有接受泽弗兰加入队伍,但还是饶了他一命。泽弗兰会在精灵侨民区守军中出现。
  • 他没有将奥根留在队伍里,因为奥根住在诺德贵族酒店里。
  • 他在圣灰之瓮罐任务中保留了安卓斯特之瓮
  • 玺偶既没有出现也没被提到,她下落不明。
  • 他饶恕了豪尔伯爵,因为豪尔出现在城市大门处。
  • 他尽管处死了洛根,但还是说服了考丝琳爵士与他一同战斗。考丝琳和豪尔一起出现在城市大门处。
  • 他放过了沃恩斯,因为沃恩斯出现在市场区。

龙之纪元II[ | ]

Splr1 da12
“还有些人拥抱命运,他们将能彻底改变这个世界。” — 弗莱玛斯
这里包含 龙之纪元2 的信息. 点击 展开阅读。

Template:Multiple image

  • (阿历斯泰独自统治-默认)


  • (阿历斯泰与安诺拉共同统治)


  • (阿历斯泰与费罗登英雄共同统治)


  • (阿历斯泰仍为灰袍守护者)


  • (阿历斯泰被流放)

龙之纪元:静寂之森[ | ]

Splr1 da25
“而我却没有跟身边失败的那伙人一块走进死亡的深渊。” — 阿历斯泰
这里包含 静寂之森 的信息. 点击 展开阅读。

Template:BioWare canon







交往信息[ | ]




罗曼史[ | ]

Splr da2
“我们现在有了一只狗,阿里斯泰还是最蠢的那个。” — 莫瑞甘
这里包含 龙之纪元:起源 的信息. 点击 展开阅读。

Alistair is romantically interested in women. He doesn't take relationships lightly. There are various ways to begin a romance with him during his dialogue. Compliment him; tell him you like him, essentially anything but openly mocking him will put you in his good graces. If propositioned before an appropriate approval rating he may turn you down due to his own inexperience, saying that he wasn't raised to take that sort of thing lightly; continued propositioning after this point will lead to disapproval. If continued approval is built, he will eventually join you in your tent. He likes to feel wanted and needed, and will even respond to a little bit of bossiness. However, he doesn't like being mocked about intimacy.

Alistair will take the lead and invite you to bed if your approval rating is high enough after completing his personal quest (and you haven't already gotten him to go back to your tent). The conversation will be initiated the next time you go to camp.

When Alistair becomes interested in the female Warden, he will offer a gift of a rose. You may choose to accept it or not. If you have high approval with Alistair and high approval with Zevran or Leliana (adore or love levels), when you next speak to Alistair, he will force you to choose one of them.

If Alistair becomes king and the Warden is anything but a human noble, or is a human noble but is not going to marry Alistair, their relationship can only continue if Alistair has been hardened. If he has not, the relationship will end. Even if he has been hardened the relationship can still end if the correct dialogue options are not chosen when he speaks to the Warden after the Landsmeet. Be sure to choose "Nobody can force the king to do anything he doesn't want to" in order to convince Alistair to continue the relationship.

注意: A human noble must pass a Persuasion check in order to marry Alistair when choosing between him and Anora at the Landsmeet, though it is not necessary to be in a relationship with him or even to have high approval. With a hardened Alistair, this option only becomes available if you did not accept Riordan's proposal to make Loghain a Grey Warden; if you accepted the idea then the hardened Alistair takes the throne directly and executes Loghain, thus avoiding the whole dialog where you could choose between Alistair and Anora and would have had the option to rule beside him.

If the Warden has already slept with Alistair and "hardened" him during his personal quest, and his approval is ~high enough~, she can have a threesome with him and Isabela on her ship.

Leliana's Codex entry in The Darkspawn Chronicles (DLC) states that she is rumored to be Alistair's lover. This is not directly addressed in Origins, however, even if the Warden does not romance either character.

If Alistair's approval rating reaches a high enough point, Wynne will engage in conversation on this topic, saying that she disapproves of the relationship and that she does not wish for Alistair to be hurt.

After Alistair's approval reaches Adore/Love, if the Warden talks to Leliana she enquires about his 'performance'. If this takes place outside camp with Alistair in the party, he'll interrupt, asking why Leliana is giggling. The Warden may respond:
- "You. And your performance." Alistair will be confused at first, then Leliana will say that you are discussing how he 'treats her in bed'. Alistair will finally cotton on and say "Maker... What is wrong with you women?"
- "Uh.. Darkspawn." Skeptical, Alistair will respond, "Right. Yes, you're giggling about darkspawn. So funny, them darkspawns!"
- "Nothing, just girl talk." Alistair will decide not to enquire further.

任务[ | ]

龙之纪元:起源[ | ]


龙之纪元2[ | ]


礼物[ | ]

Despite being raised by the Chantry to be a templar, Alistair has a deep interest in the arcane and occult, as evidenced by his preference for gifts of statues and rune stones. His plot items, however, are his mother's (repaired) amulet, found on the desk of the Arl of Redcliffe in Castle Redcliffe and Duncan's Shield, found inside Market Warehouse, in Denerim Market District.

名称 位置 描述

Alistair's Mother's Amulet Black Runestone Duncan's Shield (gift) Joining Chalice Onyx Demon Statuette Small Carved Statuette Stone Dragon Statuette Stone Warrior Statuette White Runestone


Sometimes if you put Alistair into your party, he may respond as if he has just received a gift that has improved his approval to you by +1

数据统计[ | ]

参阅Companion Strategies for suggestions on how to develop Alistair。

Alistair in battle

Relative Attribute Weightings on Auto-Level: Strength 1.5, Dexterity 0.8, Willpower 0.4, Magic 0, Cunning 0, Constitution 0.9.

Class: Warrior

Specialization: Templar

Skills: Expert Combat Training

Starting Talents:

Templar: Righteous Strike

Warrior: Powerful

Weapon and Shield: Shield Bash, Shield Pummel, Shield Block, Shield Cover

剧情技能[ | ]

As you befriend Alistair and gain his approval he will gain the following additional abilities:

技能名 增益 需求
灵感: 初级 +1 体质 25% 好感度
灵感: 中级 +2 体质 50% 好感度
灵感: 高级 +4 体质 75% 好感度
灵感: 终极 +6 体质 90% 好感度
注意: These bonuses are non-cumulative, i. e. the companion will get a total bonus of +6, not of +13.

小事记[ | ]

  • When asked to compare a set list of NPC companions to food, BioWare employee Cori May said that Alistair was most comparable to "strawberries and cream, sweet and wholesome and delicious, and a little goofy."Cori May, Dragon Age CentralTemplate:Dead linkWhile writer Sheryl Chee says "Alistair is an apricot. Cute, sweet and just a little fuzzy."Sheryl Chee, Dragon Age CentralTemplate:Dead link
  • Writer Sheryl Chee has said that when going out for a drink Alistair would "have half a pint and giggle uncontrollably for the rest of the night."Sheryl Chee, Dragon Age CentralTemplate:Dead link
  • In writing Alistair, David Gaider was inspired by Xander from Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Malcolm Reynolds from Firefly.David Gaider, BioWare Social NetworkGaider also wanted Nathan Fillion, who played Mal, to be Alistair's voice actor but it was decided to choose a British actor instead.David Gaider, BioWare Social Network
  • Alistair was originally supposed to be a "grizzled Grey Warden veteran". That didn't work well for a character that needed to join the player early, and he was rewritten. David Gaider, BioWare Social Network
  • Alistair is David Gaider's favorite NPC from Dragon Age: Origins.David Gaider, Dragon Age CentralTemplate:Dead link
  • The name Alistair can mean "Defender of the People", or "One who holds off the enemies".
  • Alistair seems to have a persistent fear of mages turning him into a toad.
  • David Gaider apparently once compared Alistair to a "gateway drug", causing Sheryl Chee to question Gaider in shock believing him to have said "date-rape drug". To this Gaider responded "I said a GATEWAY drug!" David Gaider's Twitter
  • Alistair's surname after becoming king has been confirmed as Theirin in the comic series, but it is unknown if he takes this name after his coronation or holds it since birth.
  • Alistair's romance bears some resemblance to that of Sir Anomen Delryn, from Baldur's Gate II Shadows of Amn (One of Bioware Corp's first RPG'S). They both will give the main character a flower to announce their romantic interest in them.

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