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The Western Approach is a large, arid expanse in the southernwestern Orlais.[1] Farther west lie the Hunterhorn Mountains and uninhabited steppes and forests.


This area was the site of a major battle during the Second Blight. The darkspawn swarmed out of the great chasm to the south named the Abyssal Rift and corrupted the land beyond recovery. Now it is a stark and sad place with unstable purple sands, occasional rocky pillars and ridges jutting out of them and strong howling winds. At night the air grows still and the sky is alight with shimmering auroras, but this is also the time when the darkspawn come out of hiding.

The Orlesians put iron towers at least a hundred feet high to mark the path in the badlands: a traveler who reaches one of them is able to see the next. The towers are now old and rusted. Adamant Fortress, built by the dwarves and used as a Grey Warden outpost, stands on the lip of the chasm.[2]



The Venatori The Venatori



  • In several published maps of Thedas, The Abyssal Rift is erroneously labeled as "The Abyssal Reach". The former label is the correct one.[3]


  1. Dragon Age logo - new Dragon Age: The World of Thedas, vol. 1, p. 182
  2. The Fortress of Adamant. Dragon Age.
  3. David Gaider (October 14, 2014). The Bittersweetest thing. Tumblr.