Weapon Shop is a store operated by a surface dwarf and located in the Gallows Courtyard in Dragon Age II.
It sells weapons and armor for warriors and rogues. A single weapon rune is also available in each act.
Act 1[]
Name Price Templar Great Sword 2 51 12 Maelstrom 2 25 93 Rune of Fire 50 40
Note: Also sells random generic weapons (x4), intended for warriors and rogues. These items are regenerated each time you enter the Gallows.
Act 2[]
Name Price The Subtle Brute 5 1 60 Markham Heart Stopper 7 91 62 Seven Deaths 6 17 17 Rune of Impact 31 27
Note: Also sells random generic weapons (x4), intended for warriors and rogues. These items are regenerated each time you enter the Gallows.
Act 3[]
Name Price Qunari Sword 3 75 0 Widow's Fury 13 31 40 City Guard Sword 8 62 67 Spider's Heart 8 64 3 Rune of Striking 1 26 80
Note: Also sells random generic weapons (x4), intended for warriors and rogues. These items are regenerated each time you enter the Gallows.