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Visit Anders is an Act 2 companion quest for Anders in Dragon Age II.


Anders is overheard speaking to Isabela at his clinic in Darktown, but if she was not recruited or is in the active party, Anders will be speaking to Seneschal Bran instead.

The initial question "Were they after you?" has no effect on approval earned.

Choice 1. All options result in no approval change:

  • (Diplomatic) I want to know about you.
  • (Humorous) It took them long enough.
  • (Aggressive) Is this going anywhere? (Conversation ends)
  • (Flirt) You need a safer place. (Not an option for a rival Rivalry (+50) Anders. Confirmed with an aggressive Hawke on PC.)

Choice 2:

  • (Diplomatic) How are you handling it? (to Choice 3)
  • (Humorous) I bet Justice loves it! (to Choice 3)
  • (Direct) The mages should submit. Rivalry Anders: rivalry (+15), conversation ends
  • (Flirt) I'll keep you safe. (to Choice 4, conversation ends for rival Rivalry (+50) Anders.)

Choice 3. Note that it is skipped if Choice 2 was "Flirt":

  • (Diplomatic) You have to control it. Friendship Anders: friendship (+5)
  • (Humorous) It'll be fine.
  • (Aggressive) You are an abomination. Rivalry Anders: rivalry (+10)

Conversation ends unless Hawke flirted with Anders in Act 1 or during this conversation. In other words, a single flirtatious line in Act 1 or Act 2 is enough for the talk to proceed. (Neutral or friend only. Not for rival Rivalry (+50) Anders–conversation ends if you pick the second flirtatious line only. See: "Choice 1 - (Flirt)")

Choice 4.1. If Hawke is female:

  • (Diplomatic) Stay in control. Friendship Anders: friendship (+10)
  • (Flirt) You are so romantic.
  • (Direct) You are losing control. Rivalry Anders: rivalry (+10), conversation ends

Choice 5:

  • (Flirt) I can't let you go. Friendship Anders: friendship (+20)
  • (Flirt) Promises, promises. Friendship Anders: friendship (+15)
  • (End romance) You are right.

Conversation ends.

Choice 4.2. If Hawke is male:

  • (Flirt) Stay in control. Friendship Anders: friendship (+10)
  • (Flirt) Don't risk yourself. Friendship Anders: friendship (+5)
  • (Direct) You are losing control. Rivalry Anders: rivalry (+10)

Conversation ends.


  • Hawke can earn up to Friendship (+5) or Rivalry (+15) with no flirting.
  • Hawke can earn up to Friendship (+35) (for a female)/Friendship (+15) (for a male) or Rivalry (+20) with flirting.