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Ville Montevelan is a region in the Exalted Plains. It was the first human settlement established in the Dales following the conclusion of the second Exalted March.


When Ville Montevelan was first established after the end of the Exalted March of the Dales, it was originally populated by soldiers. In 2:21 Glory, Sister Amity, Champion of the Exalted March, laid the foundation stones of the village's chantry. When its construction was completed in 2:22, she put her arms aside to become the leader of Ville Montevelan's flock and assume the title of Revered Mother, a position she would keep for over forty years. When she passed away in her sleep in 2:64, her ashes were interred in the chantry's vaults, attracting even more pilgrims to the historic town.[1]

A hundred years after the end of the Exalted March, after several villagers drowned in a ferry accident while trying to cross the nearby river, Mayor Agur of Ville Montevelan raised funds to have a bridge built. However, some villagers took offense at the dedication, which read: "Dedicated to all, elven and human, who lost their lives in the second Exalted March," for honoring elven losses. Mayor Agur was forced to stepped down after rumors that he was elf-blooded started circulating. In spite of this, the bridge, Pont Agur, still bears his name.[2]


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Dragon Age: Inquisition.

As a result of the War of the Lions, Ville Montevelan has been abandoned and sustained severe damage. Pont Agur was destroyed in the fighting, but can be repaired by the Inquisition to gain access to the northwest section of the region. A Fade rift has also opened in the center of town.

Ville Montevelan is the location of several caches of Imperial army supplies. It is also the location of Codex entry: The Silver Knight, a prerequisite for being able to retrieve Evanura in the Emerald Graves.


Pressed for Cache Pressed for Cache


Rifts on the Battlefield Rifts on the Battlefield

War table operations[]

Repair Pont Agur Repair Pont Agur




Bottles on the Wall[]

Bottles On The Wall icon Vintage: Warden Korenic - search inside a yellow house by the river.


Landmarks on the Plains Landmarks on the Plains


Shards on the Plains Shards on the Plains


Song icon Codex entry: The Silver Knight - on the ground in a ruined pinkish house just south of the Ville Montevelan landmark (west of the Triumph of the Light landmark).

Codex entries[]

Codex entry: The Silver Knight Codex entry: The Silver Knight
Codex entry: Ville Montevelan Codex entry: Ville Montevelan

Note texts[]

Infatuation Infatuation
Instructions for the Maid Instructions for the Maid

