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Vigilance is a reward from Worked to the Bone, which begins after an Eldest Dragonbone is found and presented to Wade. The master smith will ask for additional ingredients (Greater Warmth Balm, a Grandmaster Flame Rune, a Fresh Dragon Egg and a Diamond) to help in the creation of a masterpiece. The final item is determined by the choices made during a dialogue with the master smith.

Crafting Options[]

Unlike other crafted weapons, Master Wade uses a series of questions to assist in the customization of Vigilance. Vigilance can be either a longsword or a greatsword, however the bonuses are the same for either type of weapon.

Vigilance Base Bonuses
+1 to all attributes
+0.5 armor penetration
+2 attack
Balance Preference
Raw power Flexible
+1.5 armor penetration
+5 fire damage
+6 attack
+5 cold damage
Materials Preference
Sharp Easy to swing Helps defense Whatever you think is best, Wade
3% critical strike chance
15% critical/backstab damage
+0.5/+1 stamina regeneration in combat
+50 stamina
+6 defense
+10% chance to dodge attacks
+3 to all attributes


19.80 damage
7.50 armor penetration
2.70% critical chance
Because of the choices that can be made, Vigilance can have different bonuses.

Flexible and nimble. Raw power. An unstoppable swing.
I want it as sharp as sharp can be. +1 to all attributes
+3% melee critical chance
+0.5 armor penetration
+8 attack
+15 critical/backstab damage
+5 cold damage
+1 to all attributes
+3% melee critical chance
+2 armor penetration
+2 attack
+15% critical/backstab damage
+5 fire damage
Whatever aid it can lend me in defense. +1 to all attributes
+6 defense
+0.5 armor penetration
+10% chance to dodge attacks
+8 attack
+5 cold damage
+1 to all attributes
+6 defense
+2 armor penetration
+10% chance to dodge attacks
+2 attack
+5 fire damage
Make it effortless to swing. +1 to all attributes
+0.5 armor penetration
+0.5/+1 stamina regeneration in combat
+8 attack
+50 stamina
+5 cold damage
+1 to all attributes
+2 armor penetration
+0.5/+1 stamina regeneration in combat
+2 attack
+50 stamina
+5 fire damage
Do what you think is best, Master Wade. +4 to all attributes
+0.5 armor penetration
+8 attack
+5 cold damage
+4 to all attributes
+2 armor penetration
+2 attack
+5 fire damage



  • There is a common bug that causes this weapon to have the same appearance as Starfang. Disabling the Warden's Keep DLC may allow the weapon to display correctly; doing so, however, causes you to lose the Power of Blood techniques.
  • There is another bug regarding the orientation/animation of the weapon as it is swung. This behavior is specific to the Greatsword version of this weapon - the Longsword version of Vigilance is not affected.
    • A mod that fixes both of these bugs for the PC can be downloaded here.
    • Other mods exist which can fix these problems individually. There is another mod that fixes the latter bug, as well as as fix for Vigilance appearing as Starfang.

See also[]

Codex entry: Materials for Working with Dragonbone Codex entry: Materials for Working with Dragonbone
Vigilance (longsword) Vigilance (longsword)