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Vigil's Keep is a fortress in Amaranthine. When Amaranthine fell to the Orlesians, the Howe family did not surrender. Instead, they chose the fortress Vigil's Keep as their base of operations. When the Orlesians were defeated during the Fereldan Rebellion in 8:99 Blessed, Vigil's Keep was the first place that the flag of Amaranthine was raised again. After this, Amaranthine became the new home of the Howe family.

In 9:30 Dragon, the keep was given to the Grey Wardens by the Fereldan monarchy following the end of the Fifth Blight. If the Warden-Commander invested in silverite armor for the Vigil's soldiers, they eventually come to be known as the Silver Order. Under the tutelage of the Wardens, the Silver Order developed into one of Ferelden's most revered military forces, a lasting memory of the Vigil's famous commander.


Later additions

  • Lillith
  • Armaas
  • Alec (if he was conscripted into the keep's army during the court appearance)


Vigil's Keep Throne Room Vigil's Keep Throne Room

Vigil's Keep Dungeon Vigil's Keep Dungeon

Deep Roads (Vigil's Keep) Deep Roads (Vigil's Keep)

Vigil's Keep Basement Vigil's Keep Basement

Special objects


  • The east side of the Keep (where the kitten is found wandering) has two locked chests and a wooden crate. These periodically respawn containing new items.


  • If you save your game in front of the World Map gate of Vigil's Keep after you gain the keep back and reload your save, your characters will spawn on the other side of the World Map gate where you are at the beginning of Awakening.


See also
