Dragon Age Wiki
Dragon Age Wiki

Velabanchel is a prison controlled by the Antivan Crows.


Velabanchel is an infamous and feared prison where the Antivan Crows incarcerate victims for "fun and torture". The prison's reputation has earned it the nickname "The House of Graves". The prison is virtually impenetrable, as it located on a rocky outcrop over the freezing sea and literally swarming with seasoned assassins.

It was first built by King Semion and used to house anyone who displeased him.


This section contains spoilers for:
Dragon Age: The Silent Grove.

BioWare canon
The plot follows BioWare's own canon, meaning that Alistair is king of Ferelden in the comic's story.

Velabanchel interior

Velabanchel interior

Alistair, Varric and Isabela break into Velabanchel as part of a "rescue" planned by Alistair. Varric attempts to open the gates for his companions, though inadvertently alerts the Crows. Once the trio are inside, a huge battle ensues. Varric and Isabela volunteer to hold off the attackers, while Alistair goes after his target. Alistair fights with the apparent commander of the prison, a Qunari who cripples Alistair's arm with a mace, before being slain. Alistair then opens a cell, and addresses its inhabitant as "King Maric". The man replies "You're too late. Much too late," as he is not Maric but did share a cell with him: Maric was freed long ago by Yavana the Witch of the Wilds.

See also

Agony Agony


  1. Based on the fact that Alistair can travel to the prison from Antiva City within the same night.