Unyielding is a warrior ability from the Champion specialization in Dragon Age: Inquisition.
- Invulnerability Duration: 5 seconds
- Health Threshold: 5%
- Cooldown Time: 60 seconds
- Constitution on unlock: +3
- When triggered, Unyielding creates a visual effect that is similar to that of Walking Fortress. Despite this visual similarity, the invulnerability effect of Unyielding is considered to be separate from Walking Fortress. Therefore, Unyielding does not benefits from the Siege-Breaker and Focused Defense upgrades of Walking Fortress.
- A similar effect of gaining invulnerability upon receiving a lethal strike is provided by Kitty's Collar, which will cause the Unyielding icon to be displayed when it is equipped. The Unyielding passive does not stack with the invulnerability effect of Kitty's Collar (specifically, both invulnerability effects will be consumed simultaneously).