Dragon Age Wiki
Dragon Age Wiki

If you are like me, you like making things. I get tired of not being able to buy more of something when I find a vendor and am in need of more potions/poisons or traps. So I thought I would search the Wiki for a list of Unlimited Supply vendors. Low and behold, no such page existed or at least not a very comprehensive one... and so here it is. (I figured it would help me and probably many others):  

    • Give me a minute to finish updating this before anyone else does anything to it**

Item Name Location / Vendor Price / Each Herbalism Poison-Making Trap-Making
Concentrator Agent Bartender / Gnawed Noble Tavern (Denerim)
Concentrator Agent Bodahn / Party Camp
Corruptor Agent Alimar / Orzammar
Corruptor Agent Bodahn / Party Camp
Deathroot Varathorn / Dalish Camp
Deep Mushroom Ruck / Ortan Thaig (Deep Roads)
Distillation Agent Bartender / Gnawed Noble Tavern (Denerim)
Distillation Agent Bodahn / Party Camp
Elfroot Varathorn / Dalish Camp
Flask Bartender / Gnawed Noble Tavern (Denerim)
Flask Bartender / Redcliffe Tavern (Redcliffe Village)
Flask Bartender / The Spoiled Princess / (Lake Calenhad Docks)
Flask Bodahn / Party Camp
Lifestone Ruck / Ortan Thaig (Deep Roads)
Lyrium Dust Quartermaster / Mages Circle Tower
Toxin Extract Varathorn / Dalish Camp
Trap Trigger Alimar / Orzammar
Trap Trigger Barlin / Lothering