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Track Spies in Nevarra is a war table operation in Dragon Age: Inquisition.


Available after completing war table operation Track Spies in Val Chevin.

Operation text[]


From Val Chevin, the trail of the Venatori agents has led us north to the capital city of Nevarra. Venatori spies have worked themselves into the good graces of the Mortalitasi, with promises of life beyond death and greater control over spirits.

We're on track to have enough Ben-Hassrath and Inquisition agents in place when we make our strike against the Venatori spy network. Keep sending people as best you can, but tread lightly. Nevarra is quieter than it has any right to be, and any major activity will be noticed.


Advisor suggestions[]

Note: The time listed is the time it takes with no agents.

Josephine - N/A[]

Not participating in this mission.

Leliana - 3:12:00[]

Nevarra is crawling with Venatori agents. I can get a few of my best spies into place undetected, but no more.

Cullen - 4:00:00[]

If Tallis says we need more agents, we must listen to her and send our spies in.




My people got out of Nevarra none the worse for wear, and we have soured the relationship between the Venatori and the Mortalitasi. Nevarrans care deeply for their honored dead, and when you suggest that Corypheus might want to desecrate the bodies, they take this very seriously.

While investigating the Mortalitasi, one of my agents came across something that might be useful. I'm sending it your way.




My people got out of Nevarra without getting killed, but that was the best we could do. We've attracted too much attention and we won't be able to execute our plan successfully with the Venatori on high alert.

While investigating the Mortalitasi, one of my agents came across something that might be useful. I'm sending it your way.



Both advisors
