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Toxic Cloud is a rogue ability from the Sabotage tree in Dragon Age: Inquisition.


  • Duration: 8 seconds
  • Radius: 3 meters
  • Damage: 15% weapon damage per second
  • Cooldown time: 32 Seconds
  • Cost: 50 stamina


Contact Poison Contact Poison
Duration: 8s
Requires: Toxic Cloud
Toxic Cloud has a shorter cooldown time and now also poisons enemies in the area.

Cooldown reduction: 5 seconds
Bonus damage: 25% per second for 8 seconds

Lost in the Mist Lost in the Mist
Requires: Trespasser
Allies in Toxic Cloud can lose their enemies in the vapors, gaining a stack of Elusive every few seconds in the cloud.


  • The Elusive combat property negates the damage of the next attack, no matter how powerful it is. It can stack up to three counters, which means it will negate the damage of the next three attacks.
  • The effects of the Lost in the Mist ability, including its sound effect and visual animation, can remain active indefinitely.