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“Every battlefield is a world we shape. We decide the landscape, and when we are done, we turn away. Artificers are Makers.”

Three-Eyes is a trainer of the Artificer specialization and can only be encountered if the Inquisitor is a rogue.


Little is known about Three-Eyes, save for his name, which was inspired by the idea that every contraption he places on the battlefield acts as a "third eye" that allows him a closer watch, and control, over the enemy.

He is also a known acquaintance of Varric Tethras.


Following the completion of the war table operation Specializations for the Inquisitor, three trainers will arrive at Skyhold. If the Inquisitor is a rogue, Three-Eyes will be one of them and can be found next to the stables. If the Inquisitor is interested, Three-Eyes offers to train them in the ways of the Artificer.


Way of the Artificer Way of the Artificer (conditional)
Make Make (war table) (conditional)


Main article: Three-Eyes/Dialogue
  • Inquisitor: You used the term "makers." Why?
  • Three-Eyes: The Chantry won't teach you this, but it's obvious. The Maker is an Artificer. The first.