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Beginings in the Central Thedas

The Old God Toth awakens in 3:10 Towers, and the third Blight erupts in the central lands of Thedas with darkspawn coming in greater numbers than ever before. Swarms of them engulf the Tevinter cities of Marnas Pell and Vyrantium, and the Orlesian cities of Arlesans and Montsimmard.

Joined forces

The Grey Wardens of both countries are able to quickly organize a defense, and despite heavy losses in the besieged cities the darkspawn are pushed back, proceeding to ravage what will later become Nevarra as well as the Free Marches and the length of the Minanter river. Pressure from Weisshaupt convinces Orlais and Tevinter to unite against the horde, but neither will consent to aid the beleaguered city-states.

Victory on Hunter Fell

After fifteen years of conflict, the armies of Orlais and Tevinter join the Grey Wardens at Hunter Fell; Toth is destroyed, and the darkspawn in attendance are slaughtered in one of the bloodiest battles in history.
