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Dragon Age Wiki

“Fancy doing something disgraceful?”

The Wayward Bard is a travelling Bard who always returns to Serault. He is the nephew of the Kindly Knight and bard to the Marquis of Serault.


If the Bard finds Carver Hawke...

While relaxing at a tavern, the Bard encounters a man who claims to be Carver Hawke, brother to Hawke, the Champion of Kirkwall and brings him to Chateau Serault to meet with the Marquis.

Available actions


Ask what he's heard about recent events
He might not be quite the player of the Game he was, but he keeps his ear to the ground.
Difficulty: Freedom*2
Success: +8 Clues


Compose a new verse glorifying Serault
The Seat of the Stag is his great, unfinished work. A hundred-odd stanzas of patriotic rhyme. Sometimes he sings the latest version at feasts, rewriting verses as he goes.
Spend Clues to increase Dignity. The higher your Dignity, the more it will cost.


Carouse with the Wayward Bard
Fine food. Finer wine. Soft silks and gold thread. The attention of bright young things. These he cannot resist.
You will gain a Favor from the Wayward Bard, but may lose Dignity.
Difficulty: Derring-Do*1


Wake up with the Wayward Bard in your bed
Was it your intention? A happy accident? Does it matter? He's experienced, confident and canny, both in politics and the bedchamber.
-2 Favor, Bard becomes Lover with +20 Cunning


Send him to steal secrets
He's mostly retired, but for you he'll revisit old, bad habits.
Spend a Favor from the Wayward Bard to gain a Secret and Clues. If you fail, you'll gain Peril.
Difficulty: Cunning*6/5
