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The Purveyor's Rejection is an event card in Dragon Age: The Last Court. It generates only if the Marquis of Serault replaces the Purveyor of Teas with another Accomplice.


When he discovers he has been replaced, the Purveyor requests an audience.

Available actions[]


Ignore it
Other matters demand your attention

Result: Behind the smiles
The Purveyor does not ask twice, and he next time you see him he is as effusive as ever. Perhaps it is a coincidence when your soldiers complain that Serault's revolutionaries seem uncannily well-informed.
Purveyor is no longer Accomplice, +1 Authority, +10 Rumors of Revolution


See him in private
Convey that Serault simply needs talents other than his for the time being.
Difficulty: Cunning*5/4

Success: The pact
"I understand, your Grace, of course. But we drank the Bitter Tea together, and that which it joins cannot easily be separated. I will be here, when you change your mind."
Purveyor is no longer Accomplice, +Cunning

Failure: The pact
He nods. "As you wish. But I should warn you, your Grace: we have shared the Bitter Tea, which is brewed by blind, midnight crones from the ashes of the strangled dead. They dig them from a Navarran tomb-city, and burn them with a blue flame. You may find we are bound together, however much we might wish it were not so."
Purveyor is no longer Accomplice, +10 Twilight, +Cunning
