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The Lion's Claws are unique medium gloves from the Rogue Item Pack DLC for Dragon Age II.



Foiled at every turn by the infamous outlaw Lady Rosamund, the ever-persistent Teyrn Loghain fielded an army to chase the bandit through the Korcari Wilds. Eventually, she was captured near Barshamp. Bound, gagged, and in chains, she still managed to escaped on the first night using thieves tools concealed in these gloves. To this day there is an unclaimed bounty on her head of one thousand sovereigns.

From Codex entry: The Lion's Claws

See also[]

Jasmine Cutty's Wrap Jasmine Cutty's Wrap
The Black Fox's Jerkin The Black Fox's Jerkin
Rat Red's Longboots Rat Red's Longboots
