The Golden Prince's Raiment is a unique heavy chestpiece from the Warrior Item Pack DLC for Dragon Age II.
- Found in a chest either in Gamlen's House or at the Hawke Estate, depending on the act.
Tales of Emile Deveraux flourish amongst the Orlesian peasants. The dashing "Golden Prince" was a populist who raised a huge army from his common subjects by promising reform for the aging empire. Although he never won his imperial coronet, Lord Emile captured the hearts and minds of generations of Orlesian dreamers while wearing this golden armor. It is said that, as a young girl, even Empress Celeste was captivated by his stories.
—From Codex entry: The Golden Prince's RaimentTrivia[]
- The armor that Marshal Bastien Proulx wears in Dragon Age: Inquisition is nearly identical to the Golden Prince's Raiment. Many other Orlesian soldiers wear similar armor in the Exalted Plains.
- Cyril de Montfort's guards can be seen wearing a similar armor while attending the Exalted Council.