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The Golden Halla is a side quest in Dragon Age: Inquisition.

A Golden Halla known as Hanal'ghilan is said to visit the Dalish in times of great need. A hunter named Ithiren believes the legendary Halla now roams the Exalted Plains.


Speak with Ithiren at the Dalish Encampment on the Exalted Plains to obtain the quest.


Hanal'ghilan can be spotted roaming around Halin'sulahn. The golden halla can be distinguished apart from the others via its slight yellow hue. At a distance its horns are noticeably brown rather than silver as the rest. Upon catching up to Hanal'ghilan, herd the halla towards the camp. Use caution as there may be several hostiles (Venatori, Freemen, and/or Black wolves) along the way; it is recommended to ride a mount so as to be able to keep up with the halla's speed and avoid enemies.

When close enough to the camp the quest will indicate it has been completed and Hanal'ghilan will then reside in the den behind the Dalish camp. Once the halla arrives it can no longer be attacked. If the Inquisitor elects to kill the halla instead, a Golden Halla Hide can be looted from the remains.


  • 512 XP
  • Influence 200
  • Power 2
  • DAIApproval Dalish Favor +3 for the side quest By the Grace of the Dalish
  • If the Inquisitor is of elvish origin or has the History Knowledge Inquisition perk, DAIApproval Dalish Favor +1 is granted for selecting the (Special) dialog option "A golden halla? Hanal'ghillan?" when speaking to Ithiren.


  • If the Inquisitor kills Hanal'ghilan prior to speaking to Ithiren, the quest may become bugged and no reward will be given, including any Dalish Favor, in addition to Ithiren's quest marker remaining permanent.