The Cult of Andraste is a war table operation in Dragon Age: Inquisition.
Available upon completion of the main quest The Threat Remains.
Operation text[]
Before the Fifth Blight and the arrival of the Hero of Ferelden, Haven was occupied by cultists who worshiped a dragon—one they believed to be Andraste reborn. Both the cultists and their dragon were long gone by the time the Chantry arrived to build the Temple of Sacred Ashes, but there may still be undiscovered passages in the mountains containing their relics. With a concerted search effort, it might be possible to unearth something useful to the Inquisition.
Advisor suggestions[]
Josephine - N/A[]
Not participating in this mission.
Leliana - 0:12:00[]
This is a task best left to a few select agents knowledgeable regarding dangerous magic. I have just the ones in mind.
Cullen - 0:15:00[]
I'm leery of what we might find in these passages, but we have enough soldiers for a search. They will simply need to be careful.
Both advisors
It’s incredible how many passages remained undiscovered even after the Chantry’s arrival, and they scoured every inch of these mountains for years in search of anything related to the Sacred Ashes. The cult didn’t build all of this; it was here long before, and who knows how many years it would take to find it all?
Of the new passages uncovered during the search, most were long empty or contained goods far beyond salvage. A few, however, yielded some artifacts of interest… And one evidently contains strange runes we have yet to translate. If we can find someone capable of doing so, they might prove of use.
Both advisors
Lifeward Amulet
- Unlocks war table operation the Secrets of Andraste
- This operation cannot be completed after relocating to Skyhold.