Mud stains the hem of her robe. She gnaws on an apple as she walks, spitting the pips into the trees.
You greet her and ask of her travels have been kind. Clearing her throat, she sings:
I shall not be left to wander the drifting roads of the Fade,
For there is no darkness, nor death either, in the Maker's Light,
Oh. She's a chanter.
Available actions[]
Ask if she's seen signs of her quarry... ...and hope you can understand her answer. Chanters only speak in verses from the Chant of Light.
Difficulty: Scholarship*2
Success: Threnodies 5 Her voice is sweet.
Here, I decree
Opposition in all things:
For earth, sky
For winter, summer
For darkness, Light You smile, thank her and turn around. Back along the path in the opposite direction, you find the tracks that you missed, and follow them.
-1 Hours Remaining, +4 Closing In
Failure: Andraste, 1:11
"Its gates forever shut.
Heaven has been filled with silence." That's a "no", is it? She has more to say, but it makes even less sense. You take your leave.
-1 Hours Remaining
Ask for her blessing It can't hurt.
A matter of luck: the odds are against you here.
Success: Andraste 7:!2 Laying a hand on your head, she sings:
"Those who oppose thee
Shall know the wrath of heaven.
Field and forest shall burn,
The seas shall rise and devour them," Well, that sounds positive. You bid the sister a good day, and are on your way. Soon after, you find signs of your quarry. Perhaps the Maker really does provide.
-1 Hours Remaining, -2 Closing-In, You were fortunate!
Failure: Trials 1:14 She rests her hand on your heart and sings:
"Draw your last breath, my friends,
Cross the Veil and the Fade and all the stars in the sky.
Rest at the Maker's right hand,
And be Forgiven." Is that good? It doesn't sound good.
-1 Hours Remaining, You were unlucky. Better luck next time...
Be on your way You've no time for piety.
Results: Trials 1:10 The sister bows and steps aside as you hurry by. As you round the bend in the path, she begins to sing.
Though all before me is shadow,
Yet shall the Maker be my guide.
-1 Hour Remaining