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Dragon Age Wiki
DAI Veil Tear

The Breach


The Breach is a Massive tear in the Veil that was created by Corypheus using divine Justinia V as a sacrifice as part of his greater goal to become a god. The Inquisitor walked in on him during the ritual and accidentally receive the Anchor that ties an individual to the breach. As a result demons leaked through the Fade, to an already war-torn Thedas, embroiled in the Mage-Templar War and the Orlesian Civil War.

The Breach's growing was temporarily stopped by the the Inquisitor who was unable to seal it at the time. Furthermore with each new tear, and with each passing hour, the Breach grows larger. The reformed Inquisition is charged with closing the veil and towards this end can recruit either the Templar Order to suppress the breach down to size or the rebel Mages to increase the power of the Anchor and is eventually successful.

Dragon Age Inquisition Codex

"What does it mean to pierce the veil, that which separates our world from the realm of dreams and demons? For the average man and woman, it is a frightening thought to consider just how fragile this separation actually is.

The veil is not a physical curtain, not a structure limited to a particular place-it is everywhere. It is in their home, in the streets where they walk in farmers' fields as well as remote mountain vales. At any moment it could be torn to shreds, allowing demons and other horrors to flood into our world like water through a burst dam.

Known lore tells us that small rifts can be sealed...but what about a large one? what if some catastrophic magical event created a rift so large and horrific, it weakened the integrity of the veil as a whole? Such a "Breach" would threaten our entire world, turning concerns about occasional demonic intrusion into a charming anecdote compared to the monsters we would then face.

If there is anything to be done, any reason we should look at magic with fear, it is for that possibility more than any other.

-From The True Threat of Magic by Lady Seeker Alandra Vael"
