The Herald wears a dove mask, blushed with carnelian. You restrain a groan. His master's lands share a border with Serault. You are not enemies, exactly, but you certainly aren't friends. The Dowager's smile is impeccable, but immobile as a portrait. Is that a flicker of apology in her eyes? The herald clears his throat. 'Allow me to tell you of my master's recent visit to the imperial court, where he was welcomed as a prince and showered with the most lavish of benefactions...' his voice drones like bees in the hive.
Your rival's herald drones about their visit to the imperial court, a tedious string of boasts and gossip. And here's a gift, just to rub it in! A chest of bright silks and sweet perfumes.
The exchange of gifts is a delicate matter of etiquette. How will you reciprocate?
Available actions[]
Give a richer gift in exchange Let it never be said that Serault cannot pay her debts.
Result: Escalation Masterfully wrought bowls, goblets, window-panes and a magnificent peacock of green and gold, all carefully wrapped for their journey. The Smiling Guildmistress winces to see it given away. 'Hundreds of royals of work,' you hear her murmur, pained. The smug herald, though, is confounded by your generosity. Perhaps his master will be less quick to boast in future.
+10 Dignity, -10 Prosperity
Accept his gift and return only a polite letter With the right words you might be able to keep the gift and preserve Serault's dignity.
Difficulty: Scholarship*2
Success: 'O most giving of neighbors...' Your flattery is generous and precise. The herald swells with pride on his master's behalf, warmed by your words. A page of vellum, a bottle of ink, and a seal's worth of wax. Not a bad trade for a chest full of luxuries.
+10 Prosperity
Failure: A bird in the hand Politeness prevents him from saying anything, but the herald's low opinion of Serault is confirmed. Undoubtedly there will be gossip about this among you neighbors, but today Serault needs silver more than respect.
-10 Dignity, +10 Prosperity
Match his gift and ply the herald with wine He must have heard a great deal at court. Perhaps some of it will be of use...
Difficulty: Cunning*2
Success: "I shouldn't tell you this, but..." You had thought the herald couldn't get any more verbose, but two bottles of best Seraultine white and his tongue runs away with him. Real and suspected trysts, unlikely pregnancies, peculiar uses for butter and oysters, and his own master's rumored enthusiasm for moon-bathing...
+5 Clues
Failure: Dull as dishwaster The herald is a dull, close-mouthed fellow, such a clod that no-one wanted to speak to him. He speaks only of the parties he wasn't invited to, and of a Grand Duke's improbable collection of forks.
+2 Clues