The Awiergan Scrolls: First Aspect is an Act 3 side quest in Dragon Age II.
This quest is acquired upon finding a scroll in the Wounded Coast. The scroll is on the ground near a corpse, located south of the area's entrance at the end of the first dead end path. (see map, below).

Scroll location
The journal will update, telling you that a new hidden lair was discovered. Travel towards the middle of the map, just to the south of the Tal-Vashoth camp. From the entrance to the Wounded Coast, go left, following the path, taking your second path on the right. You will know you have reached the right area when you see an X on the map, and you are attacked by several mobs of undead; after being sufficiently softened up, a Boss-ranked Arcane Horror named Medan reveals itself to finish you off. Contrary to the journal entry, you'll be attacked in a clearing; you don't enter a cave or any sort of special map.
Consider pulling back from the corpses' spawn point to better secure your position, then kill them as they come. As for Medan, charge the horror to keep forcing it to use its localized AoE rather than its ranged Entropic Cloud. For either AoE, a Rune of Spirit Warding will annul most of the damage.
If you are still having problems finding the lair, try taking the 2nd right from the entrance on the southern path.
Note: The Formula: Fell Grenade can be found inside a crate upon the nearby inlet (by the marked location, not the scroll's location).
After killing Medan, your journal will update stating you have completed the quest.
If The Awiergan Scrolls: Pride Unbound has not been started, then it starts upon completion of this quest.
Girdle of the Elders, a belt dropped by Medan.
- If you loot The Awiergan Scrolls: First Aspect last, the passage near Anders' Clinic involved in Pride Unbound will still open.
- If you defeat the waves of corpses fast enough, Medan may not appear at all. This does not appear to affect completion of the quest (PC).
Related quests[]
The Awiergan Scrolls: Second Aspect