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The Abbess' Road is a limited pinned action card in Dragon Age: The Last Court. It is continued from The Lord of the Wood Comes a-Calling, and unlocks The Missing Bard.


The Elegant Abbess greets you with a warm smile. She smooths a wrinkle from her robe.

Her most recent project is a road through the wood, linking Serault - via her abbey - to the fertile valleys of Claose. "Claose is golden with barley," she tells you. "The road would benefit all of Serault. But since this Horned Knight made his appearance, we have made no progress. Each morning we find the foundations we laid the day before have been uprooted. Tools and materials vanish into thin air. My workers are beset by unlikely accidents.

"I implore you, Marquis: intervene."

Available actions[]


Grant her additional soldiers and labourers
This is a war. Let us wage it as one.
Difficulty: Rulership*6/5 (uses 1 action)

Success: The Woodswar
The 'Woodswar', they call it. It is fought with axe, pick and brand against root and bough, midge-cloud, beast and woods-wisp.
The road inches ever forward, transfixing the wood. Ultimately it stretches like a chalk-white spear all the way to Claose. The trees, cut back a bowshot from the road, can only glower.
The woods grow sullen after that. Their shadows deepen.
+20 Prosperity, +1 Secret, -20 Twilight, -3 Bags of Royals, unlocks The Missing Bard, A new chapter opens in the story of the Lord of the Forest, An occurrence! Your 'Unwelcome' Quality [has now increased]

Failure: Defeat
Though the war against the wood is fought with resolve and ingenuity, fortune favors the bigger army - and the trees are without number. More and more of the workers desert or disappear. There are more injured soldiers than healthy ones.
The road's progress slows, halts and reverses. Soon it is just cobbles scattered among the tree-roots and a tale told by the survivors.
The Abbess' Folly, they call it.
+1 Secret, -10 Prosperity, +20 Twilight, -3 Bags of Royals, A new chapter opens in the story of the Lord of the Forest


Ask the Horned Knight's permission to build the road
(Locked while In the Horned Knight's Debt)
No doubt he will expect a favor in return.

Result: Diplomacy
The Horned Knight is pleased that you came to him. "In this way, diplomacy is done," he says. "This time, I compromise my wishes for in favor of yours. Next time, you compromise yours for mine."
The road spears the wood. Soon, carts laden with barley move along it in one direction, and wagons carrying glass in the other. They are joined by merchants and pilgrims, messengers and entertainers. The abbey thrives, and Serault prospers.
-3 Authority, gain In the Horned Knight's debt, You are in the Horned Knight's Debt, +20 Prosperity, +1 Secret, +1 Favor from the Elegant Abbess, unlocks The Missing Bard, A new chapter opens in the story of the Lord of the Forest


Tell the Abbess she will have to find another route for her road
(If in the Horned Knight's Debt) You are already in the Horned Knight's debt. He will never agree to the road willingly.

Result: The words unspoken
The Abbess quite understands. Before you can finish she lays her cool fingers on yours. "Forget I asked." After a moment, she laughs, lightly. "Perhaps I should have appealed to the other lord of Serault, instead."
Immediately, she is regretful. "I'm sorry. That was insensitive. I didn't mean to put you in this position. It must be difficult. Your ancestors ruled without question, but here you are, forced to share rulership with a lord of...of sticks and leaves." She sighs. "Such strange, sad times."
+1 Secret, -1 Favor from the Elegant Abbess, You are no longer in the Horned Knight's Debt, unlocks The Missing Bard, A new chapter opens in the story of the Lord of the Forest


Tell the Abbess she will have to find another route for her road
(If not in the Horned Knight's Debt) You do not wish to anger the Horned Knight, nor put yourself in his debt.

Result: The words unspoken
The Abbess quite understands. Before you can finish she lays her cool fingers on yours. "Forget I asked." After a moment, she laughs, lightly. "Perhaps I should have appealed to the other lord of Serault, instead."
Immediately, she is regretful. "I'm sorry. That was insensitive. I didn't mean to put you in this position. It must be difficult. Your ancestors ruled without question, but here you are, forced to share rulership with a lord of...of sticks and leaves." She sighs. "Such strange, sad times."
+1 Secret, -1 Favor from the Elegant Abbess, unlocks The Missing Bard, A new chapter opens in the story of the Lord of the Forest
