Terrorize is a monster ability in Dragon Age: Origins.
- Cast Duration: 2s
- Radius: 8m
- Damage:
2 * [caster's level]
- Damage Type: Spirit
- Stun Duration: 3s
- Attack Bonus: +5
- Damage Bonus: +2
- Defense Penalty: -10
Used by[]
- In packs, Shrieks may use this ability in succession, creating a chain of stuns by which they can overwhelm an entire party.
- In case of Werewolves, Terrorize is a self-buff ability instead.
- The description is misleading: the AoE stun is not applied automatically. Much like Dread Howl and Bellow, it requires a mental resistance check against the creature's strength.
- For The Darkspawn Chronicles thralled shriek's have 35 activation and 45s cooldown instead.