Dragon Age Wiki
Dragon Age Wiki


Where are these numbers coming from? Approval is a hidden mechanic in this game, and the only notations are "slightly approves", "approves", etc. So I'm not sure how hard numbers were found. --Kelcat Talk 22:27, December 1, 2014 (UTC)

Slightly Approves = +1, Approves = +2, Greatly Approves = +3. Negative values for disapproval. Since there's no way to keep track of just how much approval one has gained for companions anyway, I think this is a fair way to go about it. I suppose a statement could be added to the page to clarify that, but I'm not sure it's completely necessary. --TubbyM0ph0 (talk) 17:17, December 6, 2014 (UTC)

I think it'd be much more appropriate to create a completely new approval template for Inquisition rather than jury-rigging the Origins one, but I suppose this will do for the time being. --Kelcat Talk 04:38, December 7, 2014 (UTC)
Well, a new approval template would just be text. Rather than creating a template it's easy enough to just type Slightly Approves next to the choices, or abbreviations. SA, A, GA etc. --TubbyM0ph0 (talk) 18:59, December 7, 2014 (UTC)
Ok let's settle this before I add too much more. How about just modifying the current template to replace the +1, etc with an abbreviation, i.e. +1 = SA Keep the heart icons and the green and red text colors. Or lose the icons altogether. I would do this to demonstrate it but I have no idea how to create a template. --TubbyM0ph0 (talk) 21:05, December 7, 2014 (UTC)