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Dragon Age Wiki

The Surgeon was one of the refugees in the camps near Skyhold until Cullen Rutherford brought her to the Inquisition to help the sick and injured.


The Surgeon can initially be found in Skyhold's courtyard, helping injured soldiers and civilians. She's very busy and states that she should focus on the wounded, but takes some time to tell the Inquisitor how she's been helping the pilgrims in simple ways, setting broken bones and performing simple amputations. When the Inquisitor further asks about the injured, she replies that there's fewer by the day, as some heal while others pass away. She tries to make their passing painless. However, the most grievously wounded never made it to Skyhold in the first place.

The Inquisitor can also ask her whether healing shouldn't be left up to mages, but she retorts that good health isn't magic, but science, and depends on diet, exercise and a balance of the humors.

If the Inquisitor chooses to build the Infirmary Courtyard Upgrade in Skyhold, the Surgeon will move to the newly built infirmary.


  • The Surgeon believes in Humorism. Essentially, this theory holds that the mortal body is filled with four basic substances, called humors, which are in balance when a person is healthy. All diseases and disabilities supposedly result from an excess or deficit of one of these four humors. These deficits were thought to be caused by vapors inhaled or absorbed by the body. The four humors are black bile, yellow bile, phlegm, and blood. Treatments from this school of thought are bloodletting and the application of leeches.