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Supplier is an achievement in Dragon Age II, which is obtained by discovering every crafting resource in the game. Every resource must be acquired, even though the achievement states that every variety must be required.

If the act is finished without one of the materials, it becomes impossible to obtain the achievement. If you fail to recruit and keep Isabela through Act 3 (i.e., make her friend or rival with at least 50% friendship or rivalry before To Catch a Thief), her Act 3 side quest will be unavailable to you, denying you access to Ambrosia. Fenris must be recruited and kept around to gain access to the Holding Caves in his Act 2 companion quest, A Bitter Pill, otherwise you will miss out on a Glitterdust and Embrium resource. You must keep Anders around as you need to go on a sidequest with him in Act 3 or you will fall one Deep Mushroom short of the achievement. Side quests with Merrill will also be required, in particular for but not limited to Felandaris in Act 3.

If The Black Emporium is installed, purchasing crafting resources at the Black Emporium counts toward this achievement, as it makes the player's resource count equal 66, no matter the source. You can only purchase crafting resources missed in previous acts, so even with the Black Emporium, you will still need Isabela, Merrill and Anders available in Act 3 to get the Supplier achievement.

Crafting resources[]

Act 1[]

Location Quest Resource Description
The Bone Pit Elfroot On the far south east end of the map.
Bone Pit Mines The Bone Pit Deep Mushroom Up the first set of stairs after killing the third group of dragonlings. (Must be gotten before you leave the mines)
Bone Pit Mines The Bone Pit Lyrium In the main area when you first enter, look for it on the north- western side of the big open area after killing the dragon and a handful of dragonlings. (Must be gotten before you leave the mines)
Darktown Deathroot On the south end of the map near the door to the sewers in the Abandoned Mining Tunnels.
Dead Man's Pass Blackpowder Promise Embrium At the corner where the four paths meet.
Deep Roads The Deep Roads Expedition Deep Mushroom To the left side of the stairs in the first room where you face Darkspawn.
Deep Roads The Deep Roads Expedition Deep Mushroom To the left after the exit of the second room, past where the Emissary spawns.
Deep Roads The Deep Roads Expedition Lyrium Where Sandal is found.
Deep Roads The Deep Roads Expedition Lyrium Past the inactive golems, down the stairs and on the left.
Deep Roads The Deep Roads Expedition Silverite Just before the blue-lyruim veined caves, in a pit to the right of the main path where you fight the monstrous spider.
Deep Roads The Deep Roads Expedition Orichalcum In the Primeval Ruins, at the top of the stairs in the first room after Bartrand's camp, where you fight the first golem.
Disused Passage Deathroot In the second rectangular room without the flame trap.
Lowtown Spindleweed In the side-street between the two eastern exits during daytime.
Runaway's Cavern Act of Mercy Lyrium West of where you meet Alain.
Sanctuary Enemies Among Us Deathroot On the right past the first group of shades.
Slaver Caverns Wayward Son Deep Mushroom In the back of the cave up on the platform in the first room. (Must be gotten before you leave the caverns)
Slaver Caverns Wayward Son Spindleweed Behind the mine cart near the entrance. (Must be gotten before you leave the caverns)
Sundermount Deep Mushroom In the graveyard just before the altar on the mountain path.
Sundermount Elfroot In the loop to the left between the entrance and the Dalish Camp.
Sundermount Elfroot Behind the clump of stone in the first clearing up the mountain path, where the Dalish hunter insults Merrill.
Sundermount Ambush Site The Way It Should Be Elfroot On the west side of the looping southern trail.
Sundermount Caverns Silverite Next to the door in the fire pit room just after the entrance.
Tal-Vashoth Cavern Blackpowder Promise Lyrium On the eastern side of the map. Go through the first 3 doors, follow the tracks and then go down the stairs on the left.
Tal-Vashoth Cavern Blackpowder Promise Silverite Through the first 3 doors, follow the tracks and then up the stairs.
Vimmark Mountain Pass Shepherding Wolves Silverite After dealing with the qunari retrace your steps to the cavern to find it on the left of the slope.
The Wounded Coast Glitterdust At the end of the south-pointing dead end on the most northeast side of the map.
The Wounded Coast Elfroot On the south side of the north path just past that first north-east clearing.
The Wounded Coast Elfroot At the dead end on the far west of the map.
The Wounded Coast Spindleweed On the path to the north-eastern clearing.

Act 2[]

Location Quest Resource Description
Bone Pit Mines Cave Crawling Lyrium Up the stairs to the south of the entrance.
The Bone Pit Deathroot On the right near the entrance.
The Bone Pit Glitterdust In front of the second mine entrance towards the east.
Rotting Cave Forbidden Knowledge Lyrium Bone pits, in the cave where you find the evil tome.
Dank Cave Forbidden Knowledge Lyrium To the right of the stairs just after exiting the narrow hall.
Darktown Deathroot Next to the stairs in the pit before Anders's Clinic.
Gallows Dungeon Dissent Spindleweed Through the door on the left at the entrance.
Gallows Dungeon Dissent Deep Mushroom In the first clearing where you fight the spiders.
Holding Caves A Bitter Pill Glitterdust Near where the four paths meet.
Holding Caves A Bitter Pill Embrium On the west (high) path near the start.
The Killer's Lair All That Remains Orichalcum About halfway through. In the first narrow corridor-like section after the large initial room.
Lowtown Spindleweed In the south-eastern dead end behind the armor merchant during daytime.
Smuggler's Cut Blackpowder Courtesy Silverite Near the exit to the wilderness.
Smuggler's Cut Blackpowder Courtesy Deep Mushroom In the southernmost of the two dead end areas curling off of the west side of the big loop, just south of the Wilderness exit.
Sundermount Glitterdust Around the first bend on the way up the mountain path.
Sundermount Elfroot In the stone ruin on the low path past the Dalish Camp close to where you are sent to slay the Varterral
Sundermount Embrium On the upper path above the cave pass, on the right side of the Revenant clearing.
Sundermount Caverns Silverite In the first room, on the small path on your left.
Sundermount Caverns Orichalcum In the main room (after the campfire room) on your left in a cove.
Sundermount Caverns Orichalcum In the main room, up the stairs and on your left in a cove.
Varterral Hunting Ground Mirror Image Orichalcum A little less than halfway through, at the bottom of a short stair, on a plateau to the left.
Varterral Hunting Ground Mirror Image Glitterdust After the orichalcum down the stairs and to the left.
Varterral Hunting Ground Mirror Image Deep Mushroom Up the stairs and to the left from the large open room where you fight the Varterral.
The Wounded Coast Elfroot About halfway down the east-west path on the south side, a little past the first Raiders.
The Wounded Coast Embrium On the south path en route to the Raiders on the Cliffs quest.
The Wounded Coast Embrium On the north path where it slopes up to the right.

Act 3[]

Location Quest Resource Description
The Bone Pit Mine Massacre Dragon's Blood Collected from the High Dragon's corpse.
Castillon's Landing No Rest for the Wicked Ambrosia In a box in the upstairs office.
Drakestone Mines Justice Deep Mushroom On the north side of the first room down the stairs from the entrance, when looking for Drakestone.
Darktown Deathroot On the south end past the giant wheel.
Lowtown Spindleweed During daytime, next to the stairs in the Foundry District.
Pride's End A New Path Felandaris To the right of Audacity's idol.
Sundermount Glitterdust On the ledge just prior to the dead-end clearing at the top of the upper mountain path. It is right before the "travel down the mountain" if you've already done Merrill's side quest. if not, it's on the little curve off the path before the entrance to cave of her mission.
Sundermount Caverns Lyrium First room after entrance on your left.
Sundermount Caverns Orichalcum On the left in the second room where you fight the shades and spiders.
The Wounded Coast Elfroot Just past the mine cart on the southern path.
The Wounded Coast Embrium To the left just short of the far western exit.


End of Act 1[]

Before the Deep Roads Expedition:

  • Poisons and Bombs: Deep Mushroom 3/9, Deathroot 3/6, Glitterdust 1/6, Felandaris 0/1
  • Runes: Lyrium 3/9, Silverite 3/6, Orichalcum 0/6, Dragon's Blood 0/1
  • Potions: Elfroot 6/9, Spindleweed 3/6, Embrium 1/6, Ambrosia 0/1

After the Deep Roads Expedition:

  • Poisons and Bombs: Deep Mushroom 5/9, Deathroot 3/6, Glitterdust 1/6, Felandaris 0/1
  • Runes: Lyrium 5/9, Silverite 4/6, Orichalcum 1/6, Dragon's Blood 0/1
  • Potions: Elfroot 6/9, Spindleweed 3/6, Embrium 1/6, Ambrosia 0/1

End of Act 2[]

  • Poisons and Bombs: Deep Mushroom 8/9, Deathroot 5/6, Glitterdust 5/6, Felandaris 0/1
  • Runes: Lyrium 8/9, Silverite 6/6, Orichalcum 5/6, Dragon's Blood 0/1
  • Potions: Elfroot 8/9, Spindleweed 5/6, Embrium 5/6, Ambrosia 0/1


  • If two or more crafting resources of the same variety are available at the Black Emporium for purchase (e.g., a stack of elfroots), then all purchased resources of that variety will only count as one, even if purchased one at a time.[1]
  • An additional Spindleweed may be available during Act 2 and Act 3 even if you have collected them all. It is advised to ignore the crafting resource as buying it may glitch the Supplier achievement.
    • pcpc Picking any Spindleweed (example: picking one in lowtown in act 2) before go to the Black Emporium will prevent the bug.
    • xbox360xbox360The achievement seems to operate on a crafting resource counter. When the Spindleweed was purchased from the Black Emporium, the achievement unlocked with one actual in-game crafting resource remaining.

