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Static Cage is a mage spell from the Storm tree in Dragon Age: Inquisition.


  • Duration: 8 seconds
  • Area of affect: 9 meters
  • Paralyzed duration: 2 seconds
  • Cooldown time: 32 seconds
  • Cost: 65 mana


Lightning Cage Lightning Cage
Upgrade Static Cage is now powerful enough to hurt or even kill enemies who leave its boundaries. Whenever an enemy in the cage takes damage, a lighting bolt strikes them, dealing bonus electricity damage.

Electric Damage: 50% Weapon Damage
Tethering Cage Tethering Cage
Requires: Trespasser
Enemies can now leave Static Cage, but take constant damage while outside its boundaries.

Electric Damage: 50% weapon damage per second


  • Does not inflict friendly fire.
  • Initializes a paralyze combo.
  • The Static Cage with Lightning Cage upgrade can be combined with spells that deal damage multiple times to acquire massive amounts of damage. For instance, after putting up a Lightning Cage, use the Energy Barrage spell. This will result in 12 projectiles hitting an enemy for 12 × 66% = 792% weapon damage from the Barrage, plus 12 × 50% = 600% weapon damage from the Lightning Cage, thus hurting an enemy for 1392% weapon damage. Using spells that deal damage over time, such as Immolate, also can cause significant damage - in case of Immolate, to multiple enemies standing in the area of effect of both spells.