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For the spirit healers as a group, see Spirit healer.
For the specialization in Dragon Age: Origins, see Spirit Healer (Origins).

Spirit Healer is one of the specializations available to the mage class in Dragon Age II.


Spirit healers focus on restoration, not destruction. They know that the best way to win a battle is to keep themselves and their allies in the fight as long as possible. They are the mages most likely to be accepted—or at least tolerated—by common people, and yet templars fear them as much or more than the damage-focused specializations. No other mages so directly draw their power from the beneficial spirits of the Fade. It's a risk, but the rewards are undeniable. Removing injuries, granting resilience to wounds, even rescuing comrades from the brink of death—these are not support abilities, they are the core of any effective party. Any fool can cause harm, but no amount of muscle can make a weapon heal.[1]

Spell tree[]

Spell tree


Healing Aura Healing Aura
Size: 10m
Upkeep: 30%
Cooldown: 10s
Requires: Level 7
While this mode is active, the mage can use spirit healer spells and becomes a focus for restorative energies, increasing the natural healing of all allies within the aura. However, the mage cannot cast any offensive spell for the duration of the effect.

Unable to cast offensive spells
Health regeneration rate: +100 for all party members
Radiance Radiance
Requires: Level 11
Requires: 4 points in Spirit Healer
Healing Aura now stretches further across the battlefield.

Size: +5m (total: 15m)
Faith Faith
Requires: Level 13
Requires: 6 points in Spirit Healer
The most powerful spirits are said to be those of Faith itself. By relying on these powerful spirits, the spirit healer learns to make Healing Aura more effective.

Health regeneration rate: +100 for all party members (total: +200)
Group Heal Group Heal
Activation: 30
Cooldown: 40s
Requires: Level 8
Requires: Healing Aura
The mage restores the health of all allies simultaneously with a surge of creation magic. (Healing Aura must be active.)

Health regeneration: 25% for all party members
Unity Unity
Requires: Level 12
Group Heal now restores significantly more health.

Health regeneration: +15% for all party members (total: 40%)
Vitality Vitality
Requires: Level 13
Requires: 5 points in Spirit Healer
The spirit healer's deep connection to the Fade lends the mage incredible resilience.

Constitution: +10
Health regeneration rate: +100
Revival Revival
Activation: 40
Cooldown: 120s
Requires: Level 10
Requires: Healing Aura
The mage revives all allies who have fallen in battle, returning them to the fight with some of their health and mana or stamina restored. (Healing Aura must be active.)

Revives fallen companions
Health regeneration: 30%
Mana/stamina regeneration: 40%
Renewal Renewal
Requires: Level 14
Revival now restores more health and mana or stamina.

Health regeneration: +20% (total: 50%)
Mana/stamina regeneration: +20% (total: 60%)
Refusal Refusal
Requires: Level 16
Requires: 4 points in Spirit Healer
No competent spirit healer will leave a friend on the ground, no matter how many times they fall.

Cooldown: -20s (total: 100s)
Second Chance Second Chance
Requires: Level 12
Requires: Revival
Requires: 3 points in Spirit Healer
The spirit healer's mere presence lends allies great resilience to wounds. While the spirit healer is present, party members who fall in battle will not suffer injuries upon reviving.

Party members immune to injuries from dying


Sadly, due to design limitations (10 spells per school of magic) and an arguable spell allocation (Vitality not a Creation spell), the Spirit Healer class specialization isn't as useful as it used to be. The most potent support spell - Heal (incl. Greater Heal) - isn't part of this category.

A well organized team might be just fine with this single heal spell (and a few potions) and even Blood Mages can use it. Either on other party members or to recover most of their hitpoints, should they turn off their Blood Magic aura for a moment.

That being said, it can be combined with Blood Magic for interesting results. (No longer the case with patch 1.03 installed)

Healing Aura reserves 30% of your mana pool, Blood Magic requires 70%. So it's possible to activate both. This way, you never have to worry about using Sacrifice on a party member, just patch him up with a Group Heal.

Keep in mind though that the remaining Blood Magic abilities count as offensive spells. So you should either limit yourself on Blood Magic and Sacrifice., or deactive either aura depending on the current situation.

And although you're not allowed to cast offensive spells while Healing Aura is active, there are still enough other spells (all the Creation spells, Dispel Magic, Barrier, as well as some Entropy and most Force Mage spells) can be used to aid in survival for the mage and allow them to keep their party going strong.

Especially thanks to the Creation spells, it's also easy to play a purely defensive mage without Blood Magic. Haste alone already makes it worth it... and Heroic Aura can be used to bolster the party even further, thus negating the need of offensive spells in combat by simply using the rest of the party for damage.

Such a support character also works well in Nightmare mode and it's easy to set up proper tactics.


  1. "Mage Class". Retrieved 05-26-2014.