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Dragon Age Wiki

Spiders are creatures encountered underground or in large forests. They feed mainly on large bats they catch in webbing, but have been known to attack larger prey.[1]


Also called "deep crawlers" by the dwarves, they originally grew in the depths of the dwarven Deep Roads, once having been encouraged by the dwarves to multiply to feed on the numerous species of large bats that the dwarves considered pests. Once the Deep Roads were lost to the darkspawn, these spiders began to feed on genlocks as well as bats, and their numbers were no longer controlled. Some moved up to make their lairs in the surface forests, but most have remained below ground living in caverns or in lost thaigs.[2]

There are many varieties of spiders with the queen being at the center. Her offspring are called spiderling in early states of development. The most dangerous varieties are considered to be the giant poisonous spiders.[1]

Notable spiders[]



Thaig crawler
Giant spiderling
Venomous spider
Poison spider
Poisonous spider
Giant spider
Giant poisonous spider
Fade-Touched spider
Monstrous spider
Queen spider

Codex entries[]

Codex entry: Poison Spider Codex entry: Poison Spider
Codex entry: Giant Spider Codex entry: Giant Spider
Codex entry: Giant Spider Codex entry: Giant Spider

Note texts[]

A Strange Letter From Lothering A Strange Letter From Lothering

See also[]

Corrupted spiderling
Corrupted spider
Corrupted spider queen
Fauna and flora


