Only Hawke is able to access all six schools of magic - Anders cannot learn Entropy magic, Merrill cannot learn Creation magic, and Bethany cannot learn Primal magic.
Diamond icons represent active talents that have an instant effect: the character executes a special attack or action (e.g. casting a Fireball at a group of enemies).
Unless otherwise noted, all activated talents use a fixed amount of mana.
Circle icons represent passive abilities that add a permanent bonus, change in game mechanics, or upgrade to an existing ability (e.g. doing more damage with elemental spells).
Hexagon icons are sustained abilities that can be turned on and off. The character gains some bonuses or some game mechanics will change (e.g. adding extra armor or regaining mana from dead enemies).
FireballEffect Type: Activated Size: 5m sphere Activation: 20 Cooldown: 20s Requires: Level 2 The mage unleashes a bolt of flame that explodes, scattering and scorching foes.Fireball Activated
PyromancerEffect Type: Passive Requires: Level 3 Fireball Long practice with wielding flame increases all fire damage that the mage inflicts, including basic attacks from a fire staff.Pyromancer Passive
FirestormEffect Type: Activated Size: 10m sphere Activation: 60 Cooldown: 30s Requires: Level 5 Fireball The mage calls forth a devastating shower of flame that blasts down on the target area.Firestorm Activated
Winter's GraspEffect Type: Activated Size: 1.5 m Activation: 20 Cooldown: 20s Requires: Level 2 The mage summons a blast of cold that injures and slows a single enemy.Winter's Grasp Activated
Cone of ColdEffect Type: Activated Size: 12m semi-circle Activation: 30 Cooldown: 30s Requires: Level 4 Winter's Grasp A cone of deadly ice shoots forth from the mage's hands to injure and slow opponents.Cone of Cold Activated
Elemental MasteryEffect Type: Passive Requires: Level 10 Cone of Cold Firestorm 7 points in Elemental The mage learns to command nature's two brutal extremes, mastering the dreadful effects of both fire and ice.Elemental Mastery Passive
StonefistEffect Type: Activated Activation: 20 Cooldown: 15s Requires: Level 2 The mage hurls a stone projectile that strikes with massive force.Stonefist Activated
PetrifyEffect Type: Activated Activation: 30 Cooldown: 45s Requires: Level 4 Stonefist The mage entombs an enemy in stone, leaving the foe temporarily unable to move. However, the target becomes more resistant to damage for the duration of the spell.Petrify Activated
Rock ArmorEffect Type: Sustained Upkeep: 10% Cooldown: 5s Requires: Level 3 A layer of stone encases the mage in a shell that protects against damage for as long as this mode is active.Rock Armor Sustained
Chain LightningEffect Type: Activated Size: 2m (radius) Activation: 30 Cooldown: 20s Requires: Level 2 The mage singes a target with lightning, and electrical arcs lance out to hit other nearby foes.Chain Lightning Activated
TempestEffect Type: Activated Size: 15m Activation: 50 Cooldown: 30s Requires: Level 5 Chain Lighning Magical bolts of lightning stab down into foes across a wide area of the battlefield.Tempest Activated
GalvanismEffect Type: Passive Requires: Level 7 Petrify Tempest 7 points in Primal The mage masters the powers of earth and sky, inflicting greater electricity damage and learning more effective forms of the stone-based spells in this school.Galvanism Passive
Spirit BoltEffect Type: Activated Activation: 20 Cooldown: 10s Requires: Level 2 The mage fires a bolt of energy that slams into the target. Although other spells may be more powerful, the bolt can be cast with great frequency.Spirit Bolt Activated
Walking BombEffect Type: Activated Activation: 30 Cooldown: 30s Requires: Level 4 Spirit Bolt The mage curses an enemy with an effect that turns the victim's own body into a weapon. If the enemy dies while the spell is still active, it explodes, harming all other foes nearby.Walking Bomb Activated
Dispel MagicEffect Type: Activated Size: 5m Activation: 20 Cooldown: 15s Requires: Level 3 The mage interrupts enemy spellcasting, removes hostile magical effects from the party, and disables sustained magical abilities from enemies across an area of the battlefield.Dispel Magic Activated
Death SyphonEffect Type: Sustained Size: 10m Upkeep: 20% Cooldown: 5s Requires: Level 5 The mage replenishes vitality by consuming entropic energy from nearby corpses for as long as this mode is active.Death Syphon Sustained
Spirit MasteryEffect Type: Passive Requires: Level 6 Walking Bomb Death Syphon 7 points in Spirit Drawing from years of experience, the mage channels significant power from the Fade, inflicting greater spirit damage and regenerating mana more quickly.Spirit Mastery Passive
Elemental WeaponsEffect Type: Sustained Upkeep: 10% Cooldown: 5s Requires: Level 4 While this spell is active, the caster's staff channels its base elemental power across the entire party, enchanting the weapons of allies to give them additional elemental damage. For example, a mage using a fire staff adds extra fire damage to attacks from all other party members.Elemental Weapons Sustained
Mind BlastEffect Type: Activated Size: 5m Activation: 10 Cooldown: 10s The mage projects a wave of telekinetic force that knocks enemies back and diverts hostile attention.Mind Blast Activated
BarrierEffect Type: Activated Activation: 30 Cooldown: 45s Requires: Level 5 Mind Blast The mage or an ally is enveloped in a telekinetic field that repels significant damage.Barrier Activated
Crushing PrisonEffect Type: Activated Activation: 30 Cooldown: 30s Requires: Level 6 2 points in Arcane The mage traps a target in a collapsing cage of telekinetic force, inflicting a great deal of damage over a short time.Crushing Prison Activated
Arcane ShieldEffect Type: Sustained Upkeep: 20% Cooldown: 5s The mage conjures a protective aura that deflects incoming attacks for as long as this mode is active.Arcane Shield Sustained
All of the spells in this school except Crushing Prison, can be cast even with a Spirit Healer's Healing Aura, or Anders's Panacea active.
Glyph of ParalysisEffect Type: Activated Size: 6m Activation: 25 Cooldown: 30s Requires: Level 4 The mage inscribes a glyph on the ground that paralyzes most foes who cross its bounds.Glyph of Paralysis Activated
Glyph of RepulsionEffect Type: Activated Range: 6m Activation: 30 Cooldown: 30s Requires: Level 6 Glyph of Paralysis The mage inscribes the ground with a glyph that repels opponents with a strong wave of physical force.Glyph of Repulsion Activated
HealEffect Type: Activated Activation: 30 Cooldown: 40s The mage imbues an ally with restorative energy, knitting flesh and mending bone.Heal Activated
Heroic AuraEffect Type: Sustained Upkeep: 20% Cooldown: 5s Requires: Level 3 The mage enhances the party's aptitude in battle for as long as this mode is active.Heroic Aura Sustained
HasteEffect Type: Activated Activation: 30 Cooldown: 60s Requires: Level 7 Heal Heroic Aura 3 points in Creation The mage imbues the party with speed for a short time.Haste Activated
None of the spells in this school are considered offensive spells, and thus can be cast even with a Spirit Healer's Healing Aura or Anders's equivalent Panacea active.
Hex of TormentEffect Type: Activated Activation: 20 Cooldown: 30s Requires: Level 4 The mage curses the enemy, increasing damage from all sources for a short time.Hex of Torment Activated
HorrorEffect Type: Activated Activation: 30 Cooldown: 25s Requires: Level 3 Terrifying visions rend an enemy's mind, leaving the target stunned.Horror Activated
SleepEffect Type: Activated Range: 6m Activation: 40 Cooldown: 30s Requires: Level 6 Horror 3 points in Entropy The mage affects the minds of all enemies in an area, attempting to put them to sleep for a short duration. Attacking a sleeping target will wake it, however.Sleep Activated
Misdirection HexEffect Type: Activated Activation: 25 Cooldown: 30s Requires: Level 5 Hex of Torment Horror The mage casts a blinding spell that makes an enemy likely to miss and prevents it from inflicting critical hits.Misdirection Hex Activated
Entropic CloudEffect Type: Activated Activation: 50 Cooldown: 50s Requires: Level 8 Misdirection Hex Sleep 4 points in Entropy The mage afflicts a foe with lesser forms of all entropic spells. This chaotic energy swirls into a cloud that also affects other enemies near the target.Entropic Cloud Activated
Blood MagicEffect Type: Sustained Activation: 70% Cooldown: 20s Requires: Level 7 While this mode is active, the mage can use blood magic, sacrificing health rather than mana to obtain a deeper pool of energy for casting spells. When Blood Magic is in use, however, the mage cannot be healed by conventional spells or potions.Blood Magic Sustained
Grave RobberEffect Type: Activated Size: 12m Cooldown: 45s Requires: Level 10 The blood mage consumes the residual life force from nearby enemy corpses to regain health. (Blood Magic must be active.)Grave Robber Activated
SacrificeEffect Type: Activated Cooldown: 20s Requires: Level 9 The blood mage sucks the life force from an ally to regain health. (Blood Magic must be active.)Sacrifice Activated
HemorrhageEffect Type: Activated Size: 10m Activation: 60 Cooldown: 30s Requires: Level 13 3 points in Blood Mage This spell corrupts the blood of all foes in the targeted area, inflicting damage over a short duration without regard for enemy armor or damage resistance. Creatures without blood are immune. (Blood Magic must be active.)Hemorrhage Activated
Blood SlaveEffect Type: Activated Activation: 40 Cooldown: 30s Requires: Level 12 3 points in Blood Mage The mage enslaves a target, forcing it to fight alongside the party for a short time, after which the victim dies unless it is particularly powerful. Creatures without blood are immune. (Blood Magic must be active.)Blood Slave Activated
Fist of the MakerEffect Type: Activated Size: 6m Activation: 40 Cooldown: 15s Requires: Level 7 The mage slams enemies into the ground with incredible power, against which armor is no protection.Fist of the Maker Activated
Telekinetic BurstEffect Type: Activated Size: 6m Activation: 30 Cooldown: 20s Requires: Level 8 The mage summons a wave of telekinetic force that hurtles enemies away from the core of the blast.Telekinetic Burst Activated
Pull of the AbyssEffect Type: Activated Size: 10m Activation: 30 Cooldown: 25s Requires: Level 9 2 points in Force Mage The mage conjures a maelstrom of energy that draws enemies to its center while slowing them to a crawl.Pull of the Abyss Activated
UnshakableEffect Type: Passive Requires: Level 8 The mage suppresses the physical and elemental force of incoming attacks, becoming nearly immune to knockdown or other effects that interrupt combat.Unshakable Passive
Gravitic RingEffect Type: Activated Size: 12m Activation: 30 Cooldown: 40s Requires: Level 10 2 points in Force Mage The mage redirects the gravity in an area to significantly reduce enemies' speed. The closer an enemy is to the center of the spell, the greater the effect.Gravitic Ring Activated
Force Mage spells are available to Bethany when/if she returns to your party.
Telekinetic Burst, Pull of the Abyss and Gravitic Ring can be cast even with a Spirit Healer's Healing Aura active.
Healing AuraEffect Type: Sustained Size: 10m Upkeep: 30% Cooldown: 10s Requires: Level 7 While this mode is active, the mage can use spirit healer spells and becomes a focus for restorative energies, increasing the natural healing of all allies within the aura. However, the mage cannot cast any offensive spell for the duration of the effect.Healing Aura Sustained
Group HealEffect Type: Activated Activation: 30 Cooldown: 40s Requires: Level 8 Healing Aura The mage restores the health of all allies simultaneously with a surge of creation magic. (Healing Aura must be active.)Group Heal Activated
VitalityEffect Type: Passive Requires: Level 13 5 points in Spirit Healer The spirit healer's deep connection to the Fade lends the mage incredible resilience.Vitality Passive
RevivalEffect Type: Activated Activation: 40 Cooldown: 120s Requires: Level 10 Healing Aura The mage revives all allies who have fallen in battle, returning them to the fight with some of their health and mana or stamina restored. (Healing Aura must be active.)Revival Activated
Second ChanceEffect Type: Passive Requires: Level 12 Revival 3 points in Spirit Healer The spirit healer's mere presence lends allies great resilience to wounds. While the spirit healer is present, party members who fall in battle will not suffer injuries upon reviving.Second Chance Passive