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Dragon Age Wiki

Smoking Arrow is a rogue talent from the Archery tree that upgrades Bursting Arrow in Dragon Age II.


  • Requires: Level 7
  • Requires: Bursting Arrow
  • Obscure chance: 100% for all party members
  • [PS3] Sometimes smoking arrow doesn't apply the obscure effect on one, all or some of it's targets.


  • Activation base is a fixed stamina value.
  • Smoking arrow will only obscure allies within the AoE, which will also damage them on Nightmare difficulty. This can be mitigated with Elemental Aegis, which can be applied for a short time to all party members with Rally. The damage can be further reduced by upgrading both abilities, or alternatively by using Runes of Fire Warding. If this is too troublesome, one may simply want to avoid spending a talent point on said upgrade.