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“You wish to battle me? So be it... you will learn to bow to your betters, mortal!”

The Sloth Demon is a powerful demon who took over the minds of several mages, templars, and ultimately the Warden and their companions. It maintains its own realm within the Fade in order to lure to and play with trapped sleepers therein. It is a particularly powerful sloth demon who possesses the ability to shift forms.


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Dragon Age: Origins.

Due to Uldred's action in Kinloch Hold, a number of demons manage to cross into the mortal realm. Unlike many other demons at the tower, the sloth demon doesn't seem to be interested in possession, and actually being outside of the Fade; instead it involves itself in torturing its subjects by creating nightmarish visions for them in the Fade.

Sloth demon map

The sloth demon's realm

Upon meeting the Warden and their companions, the demon puts them to sleep in the real world, whilst their subconscious is trapped across the Veil. Feeding on its prisoners' memories and knowledge, it creates a maze, consisting of ten separate realms. One is meant to be a nightmare for the Warden, three for each of the Warden's companions, five are run by the sloth demon's lieutenants, and at the centre of it all resides the sloth demon itself. The areas are as follows:


The Warden regains consciousness at what appears to be Weisshaupt Fortress, the headquarters of the Grey Wardens. There, a vision of Duncan is trying to convince the Warden that the Blight is over so that they let down their guard, but the Warden sees through it, and quickly the spirit version of Duncan attacks the Warden. The Warden is then transported to The Raw Fade, where they meet Niall.

The Raw Fade

In the Raw Fade the Warden will meet Niall, who was one of the first victims of the demon, and whose mortal body is powering the demon's visions. The demon's lieutenant of this realm is a desire demon named Yevena.

Mage Asunder

In this realm, the demon is pitting the minds of various mages it trapped against each other. The lieutenant of this area is an abomination named Slavren.

Darkspawn Invasion

The Darkspawn Invasion is the demon's interpretation of Blight. The leader of this realm is an ogre named Uthkiel the Crusher.

Burning Tower

A rage demon by the name of Rhagos leads the Burning Tower area of the maze.

Templar's Nightmare

This area is based on the fears of the templars trapped by the demon. Vereveel, another desire demon, guards this place.

Sloth Demon's Sanctum

For help beating the sloth demon, see The Fade: Lost in Dreams.

Upon defeating all five of the sloth demon's lieutenants, regardless of whether they freed their companions from their nightmares, the Warden will have to face the demon itself at the Sloth Demon's Sanctum. When Sloth is finally confronted, it swears it will try harder to make their personal islands perfect if the party lay down their arms, but the Warden refuses and slays the demon. The demon will cycle through several appearances, starting as an arcane horror, then an ogre, a rage demon, an abomination, a shade, and finally an arcane horror again.

Sloth was feeding off those he held captive, and its servants in the Fade did likewise. Once Sloth is slain, the Warden and their allies wake back in the Circle Tower.


Broken Circle Broken Circle
Lost in Dreams Lost in Dreams


This section contains spoilers for:
Dragon Age: Origins.

  • "Oh, look. Visitors. I'd entertain you, but... too much effort involved."
  • "If you go back quietly, I'll do better this time. I'll make you much happier."
  • "I made you happy and safe. I gave you peace. I did my best for you, and you say you want to leave? Can't you think about someone other than yourself? I'm hurt, so very, very hurt."
  • "You wish to battle me? So be it. You will learn to bow to your betters, mortal."
  • (last words) "No more games! Face me, and DIE!"

Codex entries[]

Codex entry: Sloth Demon Codex entry: Sloth Demon
Codex entry: Demonic Possession Codex entry: Demonic Possession

