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Sit in Judgment is a quest in Dragon Age: Inquisition.


Once the Inquisitor has gained Skyhold, he/she must leave once and return in order to trigger this quest. After the first prisoner is judged, the quest triggers every time a new prisoner is captured.


The judgment options and outcomes are outlined below for each prisoner the Inquisitor may capture:

Chief Movran the Under

Captured as part of the Lost Souls quest. Judged for his crime of attacking Skyhold with a male goat (aka a ram) in retaliation for his son's death.

Judgment options Results Rewards
Banishment Slightly approves - Sera
Disapproves - Cole
Slightly disapproves - Solas and Iron Bull
Chasind Throne
Put on public display on a gibbet and "probably" released Slightly disapproves - Solas, Iron Bull and Cole Chasind Throne
Arm and Exile to Tevinter Recruited as an Agent
Unlocks the War table operation Judgment: Movran Arrived!
Greatly approves - Iron Bull
Approves - Sera
Slightly approves - Cole, Vivienne, Solas, Dorian and Blackwall
Chasind Throne
Assign to Abernache
(Requires Abernache to have survived Champions of the Just)
Recruited as an Agent
Approves - Iron Bull and Sera
Slightly approves - Cole and Varric
Slightly disapproves - Vivienne
Chasind Throne

Magister Gereon Alexius

Captured as part of the In Hushed Whispers quest. Judged for his crimes of apostasy, attempted enslavement, attempted assassination (of the Inquisitor).

Judgment options Results Rewards
Execution Approves - Cole and Iron Bull
Slightly approves - Sera
Disapproves - Dorian
Slightly disapproves - Solas and Varric
Imprisonment Approves - Iron Bull
Disapproves - Cole
Forced to work for the mages Approves - Solas and Cole
Slightly approves - Blackwall, Dorian and Iron Bull
Slightly disapproves - Sera
Made Tranquil
(Available to Mage Inquisitor only)
Approves - Iron Bull
Slightly approves - Cassandra
Greatly disapproves - Solas and Dorian
Disapproves - Blackwall and Cole

Note: Sentencing a mage to be made Tranquil after siding with the mage rebellion has a negative effect on your relationship with the mages.
Forced to research magic arcana for the Inquisition
(Requires Arcane Knowledge perk)
Recruited as an Agent
Approves - Dorian* and Solas
Slightly approves - Vivienne, Cole and Iron Bull
Disapproves - Sera
Slightly disapproves - Cassandra

Note: This decision elicits a comment from Dorian when the Inquisitor speaks to him in the library section of Skyhold after the judgment prompting a further "Dorian approves".

Knight-Captain Denam

Captured as part of the Champions of the Just quest. Judged for his crimes of wilfully corrupting his fellow templars with red lyrium, murdering the Knight-Vigilant

Judgment options Results Rewards
Execution Approves - Solas, Iron Bull, Sera and Cole
Slightly approves - Cassandra
Imprisonment Slightly approves - Solas, Iron Bull and Varric
Given to the Templars to be punished (implied execution) Approves - Iron Bull and Cole
Slightly approves - Cassandra, Varric, Solas, Blackwall, Sera and Vivienne
Exiled to the Sea of Ash
(Requires History Knowledge perk)
Approves - Cassandra and Iron Bull
Slightly approves - Solas, Blackwall, Sera and Cole
Conscription Unlocks the War table operation Judgment: Denam Red Templar Patrols
Approves - Blackwall
Disapproves - Solas, Cassandra, Cole and Varric
Slightly disapproves - Sera

Knight-Captain Denam Judgment video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o0fGaS3_hYw

Mistress Poulin

Aiding and abetting the Red Templars in the Dales

Judgment options Results Rewards
Have her rebuild the town (Requires the completion of Quarry Quandry) Unlocks War Table operation Judgment: Help the people of Sahrnia
Approves - Blackwall, Varric, and Sera
Slightly approves - Vivienne
Slightly disapproves - Iron Bull
Orlais Throne
Released Slightly approves - Blackwall and Varric
Slightly disapproves - Iron Bull and Sera
Orlais Throne
Put to work Slightly approves - Blackwall, Cassandra, Sera, and Varric Orlais Throne
Execution Disapproves - Blackwall, Cole, and Varric Orlais Throne
Money confiscated for House Trevelyan (Human noble only) Disapproves - Cole, Solas, and Varric
Slightly disapproves - Blackwall, Cassandra, and Iron Bull
~150 gold
Orlais Throne

Mistress Poulin of Sahrnia, Judgment video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=59h2Jb4mR6c

Mayor Gregory Dedrick

Captured as part of the Still Waters quest and after the Find Crestwood's Mayor War Table operation. Judged for his crimes of purposely drowning a number of citizens in Old Crestwood during the Fifth Blight

Judgment options Results Rewards
Give him to the Grey Wardens
(Requires completion of Here Lies the Abyss)
Slightly approves - Sera, Iron Bull and Cole
Slightly disapproves - Vivienne and Solas
Fereldan Throne
Exile Approves - Solas
Slightly approves - Cole
Slightly disapproves - Iron Bull and Sera
Fereldan Throne
Give him a clean death Approves - Iron Bull, Sera and Cole
Disapproves - Solas
Fereldan Throne
Lock him up in Ferelden Slightly approves - Vivienne, Varric and Iron Bull
Slightly disapproves - Cole
Fereldan Throne

Grand Duchess Florianne de Chalons

Captured as part of the Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts quest. Judged for the attempted assassination of Empress Celene

Judgment options Results Rewards
(Available to a faithful Inquisitor only)
(Florianne must be alive)
Approves - Cole
Slightly approves - Cassandra
Slightly disapproves - Solas and Iron Bull
Recruit her for the Inquisition
(Requires Nobility Knowledge perk
(Florianne must be alive)
Unlocks the War Table operation Judgment: Playing to Win
Recruited as an Agent
Greatly approves - Solas
Approves - Iron Bull
Disapproves - Sera and Cole
Slightly disapproves - Cassandra, Vivienne and Varric

Note: Though this decision states "Agent Acquired", she does not appear in the Inquisition perk list.
Farm work
(Florianne must be alive)
Approves - Sera, Cole and Blackwall
Slightly approves - Vivienne and Iron Bull
Disapproves - Solas
(Florianne must be alive)
Slightly disapproves - Solas, Iron Bull and Vivienne
Make her the Inquisition's court jester
(Florianne must be alive)
Approves - Sera
Slightly approves - Vivienne
Slightly disapproves - Cassandra
Ignore her
(Florianne must be dead)
Approves - Iron Bull
Slightly approves - Sera
Slightly disapproves - Cassandra
Put her remains to use
(Florianne must be dead)
Unlocks the War Table operation Judgment: Duchess in a Box Tour 9:41
Recruited as an Agent (Connections)
Approves - Sera, Varric and Dorian
Slightly disapproves - Cassandra, Cole
Return the trade routes to the reigning monarch
(Requires historical knowledge perk)
(Florianne must be dead)
Approves - Vivienne, Solas
Void her claims
(Florianne must be dead)

Grand Duchess Florianne de Chalons Judgment video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X9f9dcfLlOE

Magister Livius Erimond

Captured as part of the Here Lies the Abyss quest.

Judgment options Results Rewards
Imprisonment Slightly approves - Dorian, Blackwall, Varric, Vivienne, and Sera
Slightly disapproves - Solas
Disapproves - Cole
Execution Approves - Iron Bull, Cole, Solas and Varric
Slightly approves - Sera
Made Tranquil
(Available to a Mage Inquisitor only)
Approves - Iron Bull
Slightly approves - Cassandra
Greatly disapproves - Solas
Disapproves - Blackwall and Cole

Note: Sentencing a mage to be made Tranquil after siding with the mage rebellion has a negative effect on your relationship with the mages.
Remand to the Grey Wardens Approves - Blackwall
Slightly approves - Sera and Cole
Slightly disapproves - Solas

Lord Livius Erimond of Vyrantium, Judgment video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ywNPUBJvLXk

Ser Ruth

Captured as part of the Here Lies the Abyss quest. Judged for her crimes of blood sacrifice.

Judgment options Results Rewards
Divine Forgiveness
(Available to a faithful Inquisitor only)
Unlocks the War Table operation Judgment: The Good Works of Ser Ruth
Approves - Iron Bull and Cole
Slightly approves - Sera
Disapproves - Solas
Public Humiliation Approves - Solas and Vivienne
Disapproves - Blackwall, Sera and Cole
Imprisonment Slightly approves - Dorian and Cole
Slightly disapproves - Solas, Iron Bull and Sera
Refuse to judge a warden Approves - Sera
Slightly approves - Blackwall
Disapproves - Solas
Slightly disapproves - Cassandra, Cole and Vivienne
Exile like the rest of the Wardens Approves - Solas and Blackwall
Slightly disapproves - Iron Bull, Sera and Cole
Exile to the Deep Roads Unlocks the War Table operation Judgment: The Death of Good Ser Ruth
Approves - Sera
Slightly approves - Varric and Cole
Slightly disapproves - Solas

Ser Ruth Judgment video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ywNPUBJvLXk

Captain Thom Rainier

Captured as part of the Revelations quest and potentially the War Table operation Rainier's Release: An Alternative. Judged for his crimes of murder, treason and identity theft.

Judgment options Results Rewards
Pardon Approves - Sera
Give him to the Wardens after the Inquisition ends Slightly approves - Sera
Servitude to the Inquisition Greatly disapproves - Blackwall

Thom Rainier, Blackwall Judgment video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LGK0SscLyZ4


Captured as part of In Hushed Whispers and What Pride Had Wrought quests. Judged for his crimes while in the position of accomplice/general to Corypheus and being a traitor to the Templar Order.

Judgment options Results Rewards
Serve the Inquisition (under Cullen's watch)
(Requires completion of Before the Dawn)
Approves - Cole and Solas
Slightly approves - Iron Bull and Vivienne
Give him to Dagna for study Approves - Sera
Slightly disapproves - Dorian
Corrupting Runes of various levels
Remand to Kirkwall for judgment Approves - Sera
Exile to the wilderness Slightly approves - Sera
Disapproves - Solas
Slightly disapproves - Cole, Iron Bull, and Varric
Imprisonment Slightly approves - Sera
Disapproves - Cole

NOTE: The Inquisitor can speak to Cullen after this judgment regarding the decision made.

Crassius Servis

Captured when found in The Western Approach. Judged for his crimes: working for Corypheus, raising monsters, using magic for conquest, smuggling

Judgment options Results Rewards
Imprisonment Slightly approves - Solas and Iron Bull
Disapproves - Cole
Returned to Corypheus Approves - Sera and Iron Bull
Slightly approves - Solas
Slightly disapproves - Varric, Blackwall, Cole and Dorian
Recruited as an Informant Recruited as an Agent (Secrets)
Approves - Solas and Iron Bull
Slightly approves - Blackwall and Vivienne
Disapproves - Cole
Slightly disapproves - Sera
Recruited as a Smuggler
(Requires Underworld Knowledge perk)
Recruited as an Agent
Approve - Solas
Slightly approves - Iron Bull, Varric and Dorian
Slightly disapproves - Cole, Sera and Cassandra

Note: Though this decision states "Agent Acquired", Servis does not appear in the Inquisition perk list

Ser Delrin Barris

Becomes available after completing the War Table operation Investigate Man Accused of Abomination. After saving Val Colline from the Venatori, breaking a siege of demons in Ansburg, and stopping a mob from attacking a mage without raising his sword.

Judgment options Results Rewards
Promote Ser Barris to Knight-Commander of the Templars Nice cut scene
