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Shale's dialogue contains a list of the conversations that Shale shares with the other companions, in which they discuss each other's backgrounds, and their reactions to the game's events. It also contains a list of the conversations Shale shares with The Warden.

Shale's remarks

  • (added to the party) "Yes."
  • (taken out of the party) "Pigeon crap!"
  • (entering the main market) "Coins are so pretty. Perhaps I should eat some and startle the locals?"
  • (entering Gnawed Noble Tavern) "Challenge someone to arm-wrestle me. That would be fun."
  • (entering The Pearl) "There was a time in Honnleath when two filthy wretches rubbed together right beneath me--unbearable!"
  • (outside the Wonders of Thedas) "The only 'wonder' of Thedas is how everything got to be so very brown."
  • (inside the Wonders of Thedas) "Does it think they might have a chisel strong enough to chip my stone? I doubt it."
  • (outside Eamon's estate) "A mass of flesh crawling over the entire landscape like a river of slugs. That's my definition of a city."
  • (Alienage gates) "It is moments like this when I am grateful for the inability to smell."
  • (at the vhenadahl tree) "Perhaps we should carve our names into the giant tree?"
  • (entering Lake Calenhad Docks) "I take it we are here to see the mages? Lovely."
  • (at Lake Calenhad shoreline) "I could just walk along the lake bottom to reach the tower. It, however, could not."
  • (entering the Apprentice Quarters) "They should keep all flesh creatures in confinement, not just the mages."
  • (entering the Senior Mage Quarters) "I think if these statues were golems they would ask what the fascination is with bowls."
  • (in Irving's study) "I'd sooner eat a book than read it."
  • (entering the Great Hall) "Such interesting decoration. Is this their Hall?"
  • (seeing the corruption in the Templar Quarters) "It is as if a flesh creature exploded all over the room. Fascinating."
  • (being sedated by the Sloth Demon) "Frozen again. Lovely."
  • (Confronting the Sloth Demon)"Ahh, good. It has come back to me. Now it can watch me crush this demon's head like a grape."
  • (approaching Cullen) ""
  • (collecting the fourth Apprentice Note) ""
  • (collecting the final Apprentice Note) "Let me guess: It ends in tragedy?"
  • (defeating Shah Wyrd) ""
  • (Tomas tells the party about the attacks) "Is anyone surprised? Anyone?"
  • (Bann Teagan greets the party) "Oh, good eye."
  • (outside Redcliffe chantry) "Are there pigeons here? I think we should look for them."
  • (approaching the windmill in Redcliffe) "I wonder what it must be like to float? Or drown?"
  • (secret tunnel into Redcliffe dungeon) "Lovely. A place to store human waste, in all manners of the word."
  • (going up the first slope in Haven) ""
  • (up the slope leading to the chantry) ""
  • (heading in to the Ruined Temple) ""
  • (entering the Ruined Temple library) ""
  • (statue of Maferath) ""
  • (statue of Hessarian) "I bet there's an inscription. I died a long time ago like all the other puny flesh creatures."
  • (mountain caverns) ""
  • (on the Mountain Top after seeing the high dragon) ""
  • (entering the Gauntlet) '
  • (entering the bridge puzzle room) "Perhaps I could simply throw it across? No need for a bridge, then."
  • (solving the bridge puzzle in the Gauntlet) ""
  • (entering the room with the Urn of Sacred Ashes) "Those ashes better to be able to part the ocean, that's all I have to say"
  • (standing at the foot of the Urn of Sacred Ashes) "What an odd thing to do with the honoured dead...store it in a pot. Bizarre!"
  • (greeting Harhen Sarel) I am a golem. Obviously. (Dalish Origin required)
  • (about the aravels of the Dalish Camp) ""
  • (near the halla pen of the Dalish Camp) ""
  • (entering the Brecilian Forest) ""
  • (near the Tevinter ruins) ""
  • (after the werewolves retreat into the ruins) ""
  • (descending down the first stairs in Ruins Upper Level) ""
  • (hearing the dragon in Ruins Upper Level) ""
  • (in conversation with Zathrian and the Lady of the Forest) "Oh somebody please kill somebody"
  • (entering Frostback Mountain surface camp) "Orzammar lies this way, no? They make golems in such a place, do they not?"
  • (observing the Paragon statues) "Imagine if all of those where golems..."
  • (entering Orzammar Commons) "Lava bad. Don’t go near the lava."
  • (exit to the Deep Roads) "Hmph. At least there are no pigeons here."
  • (outside Tapster's Tavern) "I hope that is someone being murdered and not simply singing."
  • (entering Tapster’s Tavern) "A brawl would be a pleasant diversion right about now."
  • (entering Dust Town) "We're here to kill them all, yes? For sport?"
  • (at the Proving) "What do they have to prove? They’re all soft, filthy things that are going to die."
  • (entering the Diamond Quarter) "A higher class of midget lives here, I’ll wager."
  • (outside the palace) "Such big houses they have."
  • (scenic vista) "Even I could shatter from this height, surely..."
  • (entering Bownammar) "This is a holy place. Do I remember? I... am not sure."
  • (entering Anvil of the Void) "The Anvil of the Void is near. I can feel it."

Shale and the Warden

The dialogue options shown here are currently full lists for Male Human Noble with at least 1 point in Coercion. The dialogue choices shown may include conversation options that are not available to those without Coercion or may include or be missing gender/race specific dialogue choices. The approval number shown represents the change in approval for that specific conversation option and not for the entire conversation. For the total change in approval add up each option you intend to select.


  1. Upon activating Shale for the first time. Alistair will lose Approval if he is in your party. Oghren can gain +2 favor.
    • "Dulen harn." {Activate the golem.}
      • Er... hello to you, too.
      • And how do you know I'm a mage?
      • "Just my luck?"
      • You could be more thankful, you know.
        • Not all of them, no.
          • Do you have a name? (to 4)
          • You didn't care for them I take it? (to 2) <-- Best option
          • Did you watch the attack? (to 3)
          • That's horrible! Dispproves (-5) (to 3)
        • I take it that wouldn't concern you? Dispproves (-2) (to 2)
  2. Not that I wished their fate on them, no, but it did make for a delightful change of pace.
    • Do you have a name? (to 4)
    • That's horrible! Dispproves (-5) (to 3)
    • Did you watch the attack? (to 3)
    • I'll bet. Approves (+4) (to 3)
  3. Well go on then, out with it. What is its command?
    • Do you have a name?
    • Why are you calling me "it?" Dispproves (-1)
    • I'm told you killed your last master.
    • You'll follow my commands, will you?
  4. It... does have the control rod doesn't it? I am awake so it... must...
    • Is something wrong?
    • It certainly does, right in its hand.
    • Don't get any funny ideas, golem. Dispproves (-3)
      • All right. Walk over there.
      • What? Why? (repeat with slightly changed answer)
      • I don't like where this is going. (repeat with slightly changed answer)
      • (If Oghren is in your party) Throw Oghren as far as you can.
      • (If Zevran is in the party) Go on, give Zevran a hug. (However, I was in a romance with Zevran at the time)
      • (If Alistair is in the party) Fine. Attack Alistair.
      • (Party consisting of Leliana, Morrigan and Sten did not have character specific dialogue.)
        • Shouldn't you be happy about that?
        • Can it be fixed?
        • So... what now? You go on a killing rampage?
        • Well, you're not just walking away. Dispproves (-5)
          • I hadn't given it much thought. (to 5)
          • I can think of many uses for a personal golem.
            • I am a Grey Warden, in need of aid against the Blight. (to 5)
            • I am an adventurer, of sorts. (to 5)
            • Killing darkspawn, primarily. (to 5)
          • I don't intend to do anything with you. (to 5)
  5. I suppose I have two options, do I not? Go with it or... go elsewhere? I... do not even know what lies beyond this village.
    • You're welcome to come with me. (May have companion specific dialogue, or may skip to 6) (Alistair Dispproves (-5) if in party)
    Dialogue indented below only takes place if party member interjects (Alistair, Oghren, Zevran, others? Answer: Oghren makes a comment, no dialogue choices but the Warden gets Approves (+2) with Oghren. Wynne, Zevran, and Leliana don't have additional comments or concerns). Dialogue shown is from Alistair.
      • Thanks for stating the completely obvious. (to 6)
      • (Persuade) Think of it as a portable battering ram. (to 6) (Alistair Approves (+4) if in party, I received Dispproves (-1) with a hardened Alistair.)
      • I could tell it to do something else.
        • Yes I have. (Ends conversation, Shale lost as a companion)
        • No. You're coming with me. (to 6)
      • It's coming with us. No question. (to 6) (Alistair Dispproves (-3) if in party)
    • Are you going to keep calling me "it"? (repeat)
    • What do you want to do? Approves (+2) (repeat)
    • You killed your former master...
      • I notice you don't call him "it." (repeat previous)
      • That's rather heartless of you. Dispproves (-3) (repeat previous)
      • That's hardly a recommendation. (repeat previous)
      • I like a little bloodthirst. Approves (+2) (repeat previous)
    • And how do I know you can be trusted?
      • It doesn't. (repeat previous)
      • Good point. (repeat previous)
      • My other friends aren't made of stone. (repeat previous)
    • We don't really need your help. Dispproves (-7)
      • Well, don't kill all the birds. (Ends conversation)
      • I don't trust you. Off you go, golem. (Ends conversation)
      • I was thinking more... target practice. (Triggers battle with Shale - Ends conversation)
      • Fine. Come with me, then. Approves (+2) (Ends conversation)
  6. I will follow it about then... for now. I am called Shale, by the way.
    • I am Grey Warden, pleased to meet you. (Ends conversation)
    • Shale? Is that supposed to be a joke? Dispproves (-5) (Ends conversation)
    • Is that your name or... what you're made of? Dispproves (-3) (Ends conversation)
    • If you're following, then we're going. Dispproves (-7) (Ends conversation)


Immediately place Shale into your party and speak with her.

  1. What's with the heavy sighs? (only appears once) <--
    1. Won't we be right next to your stain? -5 Approval (Ends conversation)
    2. Glad to know you care, at least +4 Approval (Ends conversation) <--
    3. I don't think our chances are so bad. +4 Approval (Ends conversation) <--
  2. You're still with me, I see.
    1. No, stay. You're quite helpful. (Ends conversation)
    2. Don't go. I happen to need you. (Ends conversation)
    3. Do what you want. (Ends conversation)
    4. I think it would be best, yes. (Causes Shale to leave the party)
  3. I would have expected golems to be... different. (only appears once)
    1. No need to get touchy. -5 Approval
    2. See, that's what I'm talking about.
    3. Are they dirty limericks? +2 Approval <--
      1. I have no idea what golems sound like. (If you have not found the The Anvil of the Void)
      2. You just seem very... animated. (If you have not found the The Anvil of the Void)
      3. Other than Caridin, they didn't speak. (If you have found the The Anvil of the Void)
      4. I didn't get to know any of them. (If you have found the The Anvil of the Void) -3 Approval
      5. Maybe as they attacked me. (If you have found the The Anvil of the Void)
      6. Being different isn't so bad. +2 Approval <--
        1. If you say so. (Ends conversation)
        2. I agree. Being a golem would be handy. +4 Approval (Ends conversation) <--
        3. It's an experience, I'll give it that. (Ends conversation)
        4. The control rod could always be fixed. -10 Approval (Ends conversation)
  4. I have some questions.
    1. Are those crystals in your skin?
      1. But what do they do? <--
      2. Do all golems have them? <--
      3. They must be worth a lot! -3 Approval
        1. That still doesn't explain anything. <--
        2. So they're decoration? <--
        3. It's a dwarven thing, then. <--
          1. Did he succeed? <--
          2. That sounds like an excellent idea. -5 Approval
          3. But they can do other things, too? <--
            1. Would you be willing to have more added? +4 Approval (Ends conversation) <--
            2. I don't want to take advantage, Shale. +1 Approval (Ends conversation)
            3. That sounds promising. Where would I find them? (Ends conversation)
            4. I doubt I'd ever need such a thing. (Ends conversation)
    2. I'm told you killed your former master.
      1. You expect me to leave it at that? <--
      2. Vague? But not nonexistent. <--
      3. And what would keep you from doing it again? -5 Approval
      4. That's very convenient. -10 Approval
        1. What sorts of experiments?
        2. So you retaliated against him?
        3. Alter you? Why? You're fine as you are. +4 Approval
          1. Are you sure? Nothing at all? <--
          2. So he hit the "kill me" button by accident? <--
          3. What do you remember next? <--
            1. That must have been terrible. I'm sorry. +4 Approval <--
            2. But you wanted to kill him, right?
            3. You didn't wonder where he'd gone?
              1. I don't believe you. -10 Approval
              2. Sounds like you had a good rest. +4 Approval <--
              3. Maybe it has something to do with your crystals.
              4. So it could happen again, then? -3 Approval
                1. Sounds good to me. (Ends conversation)
                2. Just try it, golem. I'm no mage. (Non-Mage) / Just try it, golem. I'm a far better mage than he. (Mage)+4 Approval (Ends conversation)
                3. I was simply curious about the story. (Ends conversation)
    3. How did you end up in Honnleath? Do you remember?
      1. I would have thought you'd enjoy scaring humans. +2 Approval <-- (1)
      2. But why were you out in front of the tower?
      3. His wife? (Conditional appearance)
      4. How does one shrink a golem? (Conditional appearance)
      5. You didn't like this Wilhelm, I take it? <-- (2)
        1. Not really, it was quite the bargain. -5 Approval
        2. Wilhelm's wife sold it, I believe.
        3. Oh, yes. A fortune, in fact. +4 Approval <--
      6. Do you remember anything before Honnleath?
      7. Just how old are you, exactly? (Conditional appearance)
      8. Interesting. I'm done asking about that. (Ends conversation) <--
    4. How did Wilhelm come to acquire you? +7 Approval (Conditional appearance)
      1. You don't know why you were there?
      2. What was Wilhelm doing in the Deep Roads?
      3. Wouldn't that have been dangerous? (Conditional appearance)
      4. Do you know where in the Deep Roads this was?
      5. So if he hadn't found you...?
      6. Let's move on. (Ends conversation) <--
    5. You watched that village day and night? For years? (only appears once - sufficient approval needed for conversation to continue)
      1. Sounds like you were a bit of a voyeur. -10 Approval
      2. Oh, I'm sure it was more interesting than that. -3 Approval
      3. Yes, that would be rather horrid. +4 Approval <--
        1. That's what they do. They're birds. (Ends conversation) -5 Approval
        2. Sounds a little... messy. (Ends conversation) +2 Approval <--
        3. Ah yes. Your bird thing. (Ends conversation) -3 Approval
    6. You don't seem to like humans much. (Conditional appearance - Ends conversation)
  5. Never Mind. (Ends conversation)

With sufficient approval (26+) the following conversation can occur

  • I have watched a lot of humans in my time. It should be aware that i have decided that it is... not much like any of them.
    1. Er... but I am human. (non-Human Wardens will read Er... because I'm not human? instead)
    2. That's super. Thanks, Shale. +4 Approval <--
    3. That could be good or bad.
      • Surely it must come from some superior lineage, yes? Some breed of flesh creature that has decided to elevate its genetic stock above its natural shortcomings?
        1. (Elf Mage Warden) Well, I am a mage, as well as an elf... +2 Approval
        2. (Human Mage Warden) Well, I am a mage. +2 Approval
        3. (City Elf Warden) Sure, we alienage elves are just better that way. +2 Approval
        4. (Dalish Elf Warden) Very likely. I am Dalish, after all. +2 Approval
        5. (Dwarf Commoner Warden) I am castless, and an exile. Is that what you mean? +2 Approval
        6. (Human Noble Warden) My father was the teyrn of Highever. +2 Approval
        7. (Dwarf Noble Warden) I am a member of House Aeducan, in fact. +2 Approval
          • Then that must be it. Humans always spoke of elves as stupid, but it must be their own stupidity talking. (Elf)
          • I would appreciate it if it didn't spread around that I said anything. Humans might start to get the wrong idea. They might start thinking their race is not completely hopeless. (leads to options below, "And we wouldn't want that!" and siblings)
        8. There's a back-handed compliment in there, somewhere...
        9. I don't like where you're going with this. -5 Approval
            1. And we wouldn't want that! (Ends conversation) <--
            2. Yeah, I'll keep it to myself. (Ends conversation) <--
            3. Thanks for the vote of confidence. (Ends conversation) <--

Change up Shale's crystals and speak with her again.

  1. No, no, they're quite slimming. +5 Approval <--
  2. I think they're so pretty! (Female Warden only) +6 Approval <--
  3. They look... fine, I suppose. +1 Approval
  4. Don't be ridiculous. They're useful. -5 Approval

Shale's Question. (For those who completed "A Paragon of Her Kind" with Caridin killed and recruited Shale afterward.)

I have a question for It, if It will indulge me.

  1. I'm afraid I had to kill him. -5 Approval
  2. He's dead. What more needs be said? -5 Approval
    1. He wanted to destory the Anvil of the Void.
    2. I had no choice. I was defending myself.-19 Approval
    3. He was in my way. What more needs be said?-19 Approval
      1. I can tell you about how you were made. <--(jump to "I'm not trying to insult you, Shale." section below.)
      2. What else would you do? (Ends conversation & Shale leave the party)
      3. No, I suppose there's no reason at all.-6 Approval (Ends conversation & Shale leave the party)
      4. You're not going anywhere. I know that much.-30 Approval (Ends conversation & Shale fight you, right in the camp)
    4. No, I don't owe you an explanation. -5 Approval <--
  3. (Persuade)(lie)I don't know what happened to him. (Expert Coercion required to pass)
    1. Yes. It is in the hands of the dwarves, now.+2 Approval
      1. The Anvil made golem from living souls.
        1. I'm not trying to insult you, Shale.
        2. You were once squishy. Sad but true.-2 Approval
        3. I honestly don't know.
          1. I'll see what I can do.+4 Approval
          2. Anywhere specific?
          3. I cannot chase after memories, Shale.
      2. I don't think you want to know, Shale. (repeats, only appears once)
      3. No, nothing at all.
    2. (Persuade)(lie)There was no anvil, that I saw.
    3. I'd prefer not to discuss it. <--(jump to "Yes. It is in the hands of the dwarves, now." section above.)
  4. I don't owe you any answers! (repeat and replaced "No. Find your own answers.") -25 Approval (Ends conversation & Shale leave the party)
    1. Go ahead. You'll die down there, trust me.
    2. You aren't going anywhere, you're my golem!-30 Approval (Ends conversation & Shale fight you, right in the camp)
    3. There's no answers for you there. He's dead.-5 Approval <--(2)
    4. Fine. He's dead. I killed him.-5 Approval <--(2)

(Recommended following step 3,1,1,1. You would gain +6 Approval) without her leaving your party.)

After completing Shale's personal quest

I have a question for It, if It will indulge me.

  1. I was willing to risk it. It was the right thing to do. +4 Approval (Ends conversation)
  2. Branka was insane. I wasn't siding with her. -5 Approval (Ends conversation)
  3. You believed in Caridin. I wasn't going to let you down. +7 Approval (Ends conversation)
  4. I don't know, really. I went with my gut. -10 Approval (Ends conversation)

And later:

  1. So...you're female? I had no idea.
    • It has never told me what gender it has, has it?
    1. I am male.
    2. I am not made of rock.
    3. You just don't seem... -3 Approval
    4. I am a female.
      • I have no gender. It will not become an issue?
      1. No! No, not at all. +2 Approval
      2. You're just cuter than before. Weird. -1 Approval
      3. Will I have to open doors for you, now? -3 Approval
      4. I'm female myself. I think it's great! (female warden) +4 Approval
      5. Are we going to fight over the same men? (female warden)

It occurs to me that I have been ... (sigh)

  1. You have good reasons, I think. <--
  2. You're a golem. I understand. <--
  3. That's putting it mildly. <--
    1. A friend? <--
    2. A comrade-in-arms? <--
    3. A soft, squishy flesh creature? <--
      1. I am honored, Shale. (Ends conversation)
      2. It is good to have you along. (Ends conversation)
      3. Does this mean I get to be called "you" now? (Ends conversation)
      4. All right. Sugar overdose. I'm good now. (Ends conversation)

Shale and Morrigan

  • Shale: The swamp witch has a great deal in common with my former master.
  • Morrigan: "The swamp witch?" How original.
  • Shale: The swamp witch has the same arrogance, the same air of cruelty. I would hate for it to have possession of my control rod... if it still worked, of course.
  • Morrigan: Let me tell you what you can do with your control rod, golem.
  • Shale: Is it telling me that if the rod did work that it wouldn't want control over me?
  • Morrigan: I wouldn't go so far as that. I could, for instance, command you to go and jump in a lake. A very deep lake.
  • Shale: It fools no one. The swamp witch would control everything, if it could. It would have us all dancing on its strings.
  • Morrigan: Oh, you know me too well, golem. Your revealing gaze has laid me bare.
  • Shale: I will be watching the swamp witch. it must not be trusted.
  • Morrigan: (Sigh) Now you're beginning to sound just like Alistair.
  • Shale: I understand the swamp witch is out to slay its own mother?
  • Morrigan: Entirely in self-defense.
  • Shale: So it claims. It could not have been its plan from the very beginning, then.
  • Morrigan: I knew nothing about my mother's... intentions... prior to finding the book. 'Twas your notion I arranged that?
  • Shale: Unnecessary, considering it is the only one who can read the book. It could just as well be a journal, or a book of recipes.
  • Morrigan: Would you like me to teach you how to read the book? Then you can see for yourself.
  • Shale: (Snorts) Now it is testing me.
  • Morrigan: (Chuckles) Well do you care enough to learn, or no?
  • Shale: No. I do not care.
  • Morrigan: Then leave me be.
  • Shale: Why does the swamp witch still travel with the Grey Wardens?
  • Morrigan: You are of the opinion that I should not be?
  • Shale: I am curious. It seems as if it has little reason to stay.
  • Morrigan: The same could be said of you. There is no control rod commanding your presence, golem.
  • Shale: I have no history, and thus no purpose. The same cannot be said for the swamp witch. Its purpose is simply unknown.
  • Morrigan: Keep asking questions and I shall turn into a bird. I can do that.
  • Shale: (Snorts) I have no fear of birds.
  • Morrigan: Oh, I didn't say you were afraid. I would simply hover out of reach, hovering, waiting until...
  • Shale: Enough! I shall be silent.
  • Morrigan: Excellent choice.
  • Shale: How many other forms can the swamp witch become?
  • Morrigan: Several.
  • Shale: Can it become a golem?
  • Morrigan: Seeking companionship, are you?
  • Shale: If it could become a golem, I simply wonder why it would not stay that way. It is a superior form.
  • Morrigan: No, I cannot become a golem. I can learn to become animals, and each form must be learned anew.
  • Shale: And how does it learn a form? Does it read about it somewhere?
  • Morrigan: (Laughs) 'Tis not a talent one can read from books! You must copy a creature's soul!
  • Shale: I do not understand.
  • Morrigan: Nor should you. Rock is unchanging -- allow it to stay that way.
  • Shale: Would the swamp witch consider explaining the nature of magic to me? I am most curious.
  • Morrigan: Surely there is another who would not be so bothered by your tiresome questions. Perhaps Alistair?
  • Shale: I fear the second Warden has not the knowledge to answer my question.
  • Morrigan: You might ask him anyhow. Certainly whatever he happened to come up with would serve as amusement.
  • Shale: I do not understand. I seek enlightenment, and not amusement.
  • Morrigan: You're apt to get much further seeking amusement, I assure you.
  • Shale: The swamp witch is a most confusing creature. I do not understand it.
  • Morrigan: You're not the first one to say so. The first golem, perhaps.
  • Shale: I will ask the swamp witch later when it is less inclined to make bizarre responses to my queries.
  • Morrigan: You will be waiting for some time, then, I fear.
  • Shale: I would still like to know how the swamp witch learns its forms.
  • Morrigan: Eager, are you not? Does the golem wish to become human, after all?
  • Shale: A human is soft and weak form. I desire no such thing.
  • Morrigan: Then why the interest in shapechanging? Unless you secretly wish to become something other than what you are?
  • Shale: Is that why the swamp witch learned? To escape her form?
  • Morrigan: In a way. It was lonely to grow up in the Wilds. To join with the forest, to become one with its denizens... there was a freedom in that.
  • Shale: I think it would be an excellent talent for disguises.
  • Morrigan: Or perhaps to walk through doors without hitting one's head, hmm?
  • Shale: Yes, exactly.
  • Morrigan: Well. 'Tis not a good enough reason.
  • Shale: What is a good enough reason?
  • Morrigan: For which?
  • Shale: It said that my reason for learning more of shapechanging was "not good enough." What reason would be?
  • Morrigan: (Chuckles) i do not know. tell me what it is, and I shall decide.
  • Shale: It could simply decide any reason was insufficient then.
  • Morrigan: You find that maddening, do you?
  • Shale: It has a bird-like nature to its sadism, I'll give it that.
  • Morrigan: Good. Let us leave it that way.
  • Shale: So I take it that the swamp witch and the Grey Warden are... intimate?
  • Morrigan: I am hoping that is not a reference to Alistair.
  • Shale: Because it believes I am an oblivious moron?
  • Morrigan: Anything is possible. As to the original question, is there a reason you ask?
  • Shale: I am simply curious as to whether or not it bewitched the Grey Warden.
  • Morrigan: (Scoffs) I have no need to force anything from men.
  • Shale: Oh? My apologies then. I was about to offer my congratulations for a task accomplished.
  • Morrigan: And not intended as a backhanded compliment at all, yes?
  • Shale: Not at all. I am the soul of politeness.
  • Shale: The swamp witch desires something from it.
  • Morrigan: From what? Ah... you mean from him. (Chuckles) And if I do? What of it?
  • Shale: It is aware of the swamp witch's true nature?
  • Morrigan: Let me guess. You know my true nature?
  • Shale: I have spent a great deal of time observing the world. I know what I see when I see it.
  • Morrigan: You spent thirty years watching whatever a small village was willing to parade in front of your eyes. Do not cast yourself as the worldly sage. At best you are a barely-working statue with a poor memory and a poor attitude. Do not seek to begin judging me.
  • Shale: Hmph. Perhaps it has a point.
  • Morrigan: Yes, I should think so.
  • Shale: The swamp witch has been looking at me oddly. Stop it, or I will crush it's tiny, bird-like head.
  • Morrigan: I am simply finding it difficult to believe that there is a woman inside of there.
  • Shale: A woman who was also a warrior. And a dwarf.
  • Morrigan: Yes, that would explain a great deal.

Shale and Alistair

  • Shale: It has become very close with the other Grey Warden
  • Alistair: Uh...yes, I suppose I have at that.
  • Shale: I find this difficult to comprehend. It is whiny and weak and constantly laughing.
  • Alistair: Then I guess a romance between you and I is completely out of the question?
  • Shale: And the attempts at humor. I cannot understand how it is endured.
  • Alistair: Well maybe you should ask her why she likes me so much instead of bothering me with it.
  • Shale: It has a loud mouth. Why its head has not been crushed already is hard to imagine.
  • Alistair: Or maybe you just happen to figure she likes me a lot more than she likes you.
  • Shale: Don't be foolish.
  • Alistair: Yes, I thought so. Just watch your step or I'm totally telling.
  • Shale: I'm going to stand over here now.
  • Shale: I find it very odd.
  • Alistair: "It" meaning me? Am I an "it," now, too? I feel honored.
  • Shale: For one who professes to be a warrior, I find it remarkably weak-willed and indecisive.
  • Alistair: Er... thank you?
  • Shale: It also likes to hide its many weaknesses behind a veil of jocularity.
  • Alistair: For a statue, you know a lot of big words.
  • Shale: Is there a reason it enjoys following others so much? Especially when it is in a position to lead?
  • Alistair: Have you ever been responsible for someone else's life? Or a lot of other lives? Or an entire nation?
  • Shale: Of course not.
  • Alistair: Then... shut... up.
  • Shale: I will remember this moment when the birds come.
  • Shale: I am told that it lost a large number of comrades in the battle with the darkspawn.
  • Alistair: Me? I guess I did, yes. I didn't know all of them that well, however. Mostly just Duncan.
  • Shale: I am unfamiliar with this name.
  • Alistair: It's... it's not important. You don't need to know who he was.
  • Shale: I cannot remember if I ever had anyone important to me. All I remember is being given orders.
  • Alistair: I would gladly be following Duncan's orders right now, if I could.
  • Shale: It enjoys following others? I find that odd.
  • Alistair: You wouldn't understand. Don't worry. I don't expect you to.
  • Alistair: So, Shale... when you were standing there all that time? Did you... sleep?
  • Shale: I have no need to sleep. My body does not tire or do -- ugh -- other flesh-related functions.
  • Alistair: But don't you get bored? Wouldn't you want to dream, at least?
  • Shale: I do not dream. This is what it does when it sleeps? It paws its nose and mumbles incoherently.
  • Alistair: Yes, of course. I thought we all -- huh... you watch me?
  • Shale: I watch all closely when they are still at night. There is little else to do.
  • Alistair: For... hours and hours?
  • Shale: I count the breaths. it helps to overcome the overwhelming urge to crush their faces while they sleep.
  • Alistair: Well. I won't be doing much of that anymore.
  • Alistair: So tell me something... do you feel pain? When you get hit in combat?
  • Shale: This is when it squeals loudly and spurts blood about? This is when it feels pain?
  • Alistair: Uh... maybe? I've seen you take some bad hits. Don't you feel anything?
  • Shale: Anger. Rage, even. Perhaps a little distress. Is this pain?
  • Alistair: I'm not sure. I don't think I'd call it distress, exactly. It's more... (screaming)
  • Shale: For me, it is more... (pained growl)
  • Alistair: That sounds more like a bowel movement. I mean that sharp, stabbing... (screams) Like that?
  • Shale: No. Nothing like that.
  • Alistair: No? Huh. Good to know.
  • Shale: So it has become king after all, yes?
  • Alistair: It looks that way.
  • Shale: Is this not a good thing? This is a position of importance, no? Did it not want to be king?
  • Alistair: Not really, no. We don't always get what we want, however, do we?
  • Shale: If I were king, I would order that all birds be shot out of the sky. I would arm everyone with bows and put them on constant vigil.
  • Alistair: Well, let's be glad you're not king, then.
  • Shale: I suspect it thinks that would be a pointless endeavor. But it would be wrong.
  • Alistair: Ummm, right... just as an aside? This bird fixation? Creepy.
  • Alistair: So this... "bird thing" of yours.
  • Shale: I do not have a "bird thing." I have an extremely justified rage of the flying vermin that plague this world.
  • Alistair: But there are some birds that are useful. Like the ones you eat!
  • Shale: I approve of the ritual slaying of the foul beasts, but--it eats one? Disgusting.
  • Alistair: They're really quite tasty. you just need to rip off the feathers, first. I like the skin, myself.
  • Shale: I... think I am going to be sick...
  • Alistair: Ooh! Golem vomit! This I have to see!
  • Alistair: So do you ever want to go back?
  • Shale: To Honnleath? Perhaps it should stare at a patch of grass for thirty years and then tell me how much it misses it.
  • Alistair: Point taken. Still, if you can't remember anything else ever... it would be scary to leave, I'd think.
  • Shale: Fortunately, I am not as comfortable with the mundane and familiar as some.
  • Alistair: Ooh, ow. Ow! Sort of an adventurer, I see. Brave new world, that sort of thing.
  • Shale: And instead, I should be content to remain in that village, standing still out of fear of the unknown? What life is that?
  • Shale: I know what I am, now. I know how I was made. I can move forward. It who has had so much more should do half as well.
  • Alistair: Um. Thanks for that. I feel... really good, now.
  • Shale: A pleasure. Next time, we shall speak of its grammar and personal hygiene.

Shale and Oghren

  • Shale: (Sigh) So. I have a question for you, dwarf.
  • Oghren: Oh? Sounds like you're passing a stone, there. (Laughs) get it? "Passing a stone?"
  • Shale: I do get it, yes. My question is this: had the Anvil of the Void not been destroyed, does it believe the dwarves would have used it?
  • Oghren: Hmm. You mean to create more golems? Oh yes, faster than you could squish a nug.
  • Shale: Even knowing the agony that it caused? They would still inflict it on others?
  • Oghren: No need to inflict it. There'd be plenty ready and willing to sign up, just as you did. There's fewer and fewer of us each year, and the darkspawn never run out. If it meant saving Orzammar? There'd be plenty who'd become a golem, sure.
  • Shale: Does it think it was wrong to destroy the Anvil, then?
  • Oghren: (Sigh) No... sometimes people need to be kept from doing stupid things, even for good reasons.
  • Shale: It is referring to its former wife?
  • Oghren: I think some statues should sod off and ask their sodded questions to someone else.
  • Shale: Would the drunken dwarf have saved its former wife if it could? I assumed that since the drunken dwarf was a master of the inappropriate it lacked the ability to actually be offended.
  • Oghren: Hmph. Good call. Truth is, I don't know. She was almost crazier than when we were married, it looked like.
  • Shale: Almost? It is exaggerating, surely.
  • Oghren: Branka was always a bit twitchy. There was that day she took her forging hammer to my head for misplacing her tongs... ah, good times.
  • Shale: I am finding the nature of its relationship to this Branka difficult to imagine.
  • Oghren: Make-up sex. She really knew how to polish the old anvil, if you take my meaning! (Whistles) Paragon! (Laughs)
  • Shale: I am done imagining, now.
  • Shale: There was a man in the village who reminded me of the drunken dwarf.
  • Oghren: They had some dwarves just like me, huh?
  • Shale: No. None of the dwarves were similar. They were quiet and respected, more or less. No, the one I remember was a human. He vomited in the street constantly. Then he wandered into a snowstorm and froze to death.
  • Oghren: Huh? And how is that like me?
  • Shale: Did I say similar? I meant I hoped he was similar.
  • Oghren: I think I had a wife like you, once.
  • Oghren: So. Do golems know any good jokes?
  • Shale: I know at least one. It is a drunken dwarf that travels with the Grey Warden, constantly belching and--
  • Oghren: Bah! I mean a real one! You must have overheard at least one or two standing there as you did for years and years!
  • Shale: There was a human man who once started telling a joke to another as he relieved himself on my leg. I confess I didn't listen. I was too busy planning my revenge.
  • Oghren: Eh? And what happened to him?
  • Shale: He disappeared during the fighting in Honnleath. Tragic. Hit his head on a rock, I think.
  • Oghren: Huh. Remind me not to fart anywhere near you.
  • Shale: The drunken dwarf fights... reasonably well.
  • Oghren: You don't have to make it sound like you're passing a stone to admit it.
  • Shale: It is not physically weak. Or entirely inept. In combat.
  • Oghren: You looking to borrow money, or something?
  • Shale: I am saying that there are worse things than being forced to fight at its side.
  • Oghren: Good to know. Should I drop my trousers now? Or are you done?
  • Shale: Done. Very done.

Shale and Wynne

  • Wynne: Shale, why do you refer to me as the “elder mage?”
  • Shale: Clearly because it is old. And a mage. (Sarcastic alternative: "Clearly because it is purple. And a hyena.")
  • Wynne: Then you simply wish to be perverse? Surely you are better than that.
  • Shale: I have found that I am allowed precious few amusements. Since so many prefer to call me “golem,” I enjoy referring to them in a similar fashion.
  • Wynne: Oh, very well. But could you at least use a different adjective? I do not wish my age to be my defining characteristic.
  • Shale: As the fussy mage desires.
  • Wynne: Oh, I give up.
  • Wynne: Have you given any thought to your future, Shale?
  • Shale: I was thinking I might, oh, join the Chantry. Become Divine. And have giant Andraste golems fashioned to conquer the lands!
  • Wynne: Truly?
  • Shale: No-oooo.
  • Wynne: It was a serious question. One day the quest of these Grey Wardens will be finished, one way or another. What will you do then?
  • Shale: The quest of the Grey Wardens is to destroy the darkspawn, I thought.
  • Wynne: Oh? So you share a larger purpose with them? Is that your ultimate goal?
  • Shale: I had not given it much thought. It might be better than slaughtering every bird in existence.
  • Wynne: Well, yes. At the very least. It's worth thinking about.
  • Shale: Has the elder mage ever encountered another golem?
  • Wynne: I suppose there used to be one deactivated one stored in the tower's vault. I wonder what became of it.
  • Shale: Why was it deactivated? Did it crush some arrogant mage's head after one too many commands?
  • Wynne: I do not know, Shale. Perhaps it is just irreparably broken. I think it stayed in the tower because no one could move it. It is very, very old. I believe it came from Tevinter, a long time ago. Perhaps someone bought it so it would guard the tower.
  • Shale: Its people do enjoy their slaves, don't they?
  • Wynne: It... it was not a slave! It was... it is a...
  • Shale: A tool? As I thought. No, don't deny it. No.
  • Shale: The elder mage watches me. I am reminded of a certain former master whose head I crushed... or so I'm told.
  • Wynne: Oh, I'm sorry, Shale. I am simply curious about you, that's all.
  • Shale: As my former master would say during his experiments.
  • Wynne: Oh, I would do no such thing. I just find the idea of you so fascinating. On the one hand it seems it would be so sad, and so lonely an existence. And on the other you are so very powerful. No golem I know of has ever had free will as you do. May I ask what you intend to do with it?
  • Shale: Other than exterminating the vermin of the sky?
  • Wynne: Er... yes, other than that.
  • Shale: I do not know. Crushing heads is fun, for now.
  • Wynne: Well, that's... something.
  • Shale: It seems I must retract a statement I made earlier. The elder mage is not at all like my former master.
  • Wynne: Oh? That's a good thing, is it?
  • Shale: It is, unless you happen to like having your head crushed. Not that I remember doing that.
  • Wynne: You know, I think I even remember who you speak of. His name was Wilhelm, yes? From the Free Marches?
  • Shale: It was Wilhelm of shrill voice and the control rod that he enjoyed wielding very much. Any more than that he did not divulge.
  • Wynne: Well, if it was the same man, he had quite the reputation. A scholar of some means who disappeared mysteriously.
  • Shale: Mystery solved. I killed him. I expect I smiled, much as I'm able to.
  • Wynne: (chuckles) You do speak your mind, don't you?
  • Shale: Fortunately, no other part of me has anything to say.

{after completing Broken Circle)

  • Shale: I have a question it may be able to answer, elder mage.
  • Wynne: Must it always be "elder mage?" I am not a wizened old crone just yet.
  • Shale: Would it prefer "mage well past her prime, don't mind the sagging bits?"
  • Wynne: You have an odd way of requesting answers to your questions.
  • Shale: I am curious about the abominations of the tower. Is it possible for such a creature to become human again?
  • Wynne: Yes, it is simply... very difficult. It requires travel into the Fade.
  • Shale: And? Is the mage the same afterwards as the mage was before?
  • Wynne: No, I... have never met such a person, but no. They are changed. Forever.
  • Shale: I understand. Thank you for the answer... wise one.

{after completing A Paragon of Her Kind)

  • Wynne: I have thought about what you said before, Shale. About slavery.
  • Shale: It is profitable, so I am led to believe.
  • Wynne: It is wrong. And it is no more right to make a slave out of a golem. I think... no one understood how golems were made, Shale. Perhaps we should have suspected, but no one knew. Golems were like spells. Useful.
  • Shale: I am useful. I'm better than any fireball, that I'm sure of.
  • Wynne: It's not the same thing. When this is over, I will make certain that the Circle of Magi knows the truth. Your people should not be treated as objects.
  • Shale: *Laughs* I have no people. I mentioned the slavery because I knew it would be bothered, no other reason.
  • Wynne: But I... it still deserves to... you are a very perverse creature, you know this?
  • Shale: It almost wishes it had a control rod, no? *Laughs*

Shale and Zevran

  • Zevran: Hmm. I've a question for you, Shale. How does it feel to be a giant statue?
  • Shale: What a bizarre question. How else would it feel?
  • Zevran: Well, lets see... Does it hurt? Do you feel like you've been buried under a pile of rock? Or do you feel nothing at all?
  • Shale: I have nothing to compare it to. How does it feel to be considered an inferior race when compared to others who are just as soft and weak as you?
  • Zevran: Ah...fine?
  • Shale: How very fragile it must be. One touch and its kind crumples, spilling liquid everywhere. No wonder they clad themselves in metal.
  • Zevran: It takes more than just a touch, I'm sure...
  • Shale: I feel very solid. And immortal. No putrid liquids to squirt out of me, oh no.
  • Zevran: Hmm. Now that you mention it, I...I suddenly rather feel like a delicate mushroom...
  • Zevran: I've thought about your predicament, my friend.
  • Shale: It has thought of a way to lure birds out of the sky?
  • Zevran: I mean your situation... being made of stone and such. I imagine it must be terrible for you to see others... together. You know.
  • Shale: Together. As in standing next to one another?
  • Zevran: I speak of love, my sturdy friend. And the act of love. Surely this must bring you discomfort, knowing you can never partake in such pleasures.
  • Shale: That is disgusting. It was bad enough that I had to suffer the occasional pair of villagers lying in my shade, but the idea of partaking? Gah!
  • Zevran: You are stoic, my friend. And brave. You do us a great honor by suffering in silence.
  • Shale: I was not suffering, silently or otherwise, until now.
  • Zevran: I understand.
  • Zevran: So tell me, Shale... if you had the opportunity to become flesh, would you take it?
  • Shale: It does seem rather preoccupied with this topic.
  • Zevran: Humor me. Would you choose to live? To breathe the air and taste of flesh? Or would you remain the immortal stone that you are?
  • Shale: Would I also get to age and bleed and become sick and die?
  • Zevran: Of course. These are the things we accept for the blessing of being what we are.
  • Shale: Then no thank you. I have no need of such frailties.
  • Zevran: You were once a dwarven woman. With dreams and passions and all the rest. Does that hold no sway for you?
  • Shale: Why would I wish to be that woman again? She gave up her body, willingly.
  • Zevran: And what of family? Of children? Life does not begin and end with yourself.
  • Shale: I... have no desire to produce offspring.
  • Zevran: Your form is wondrous, that's true. But while you do not suffer the lows of life, you also do not experience the highs. It is something to consider.
  • Shale: It is nothing to consider. What it speaks of is impossible.
  • Shale: I have noticed that the painted elf seeks the attention of the Grey Warden.
  • Zevran: He certainly does.
  • Shale: (Snorts) I watched many such couplings during the time I spent immobile in Honnleath. Or should I say I was forced to watch. You do know that this usually ends in reproduction. I have seen it many times, indeed.
  • Zevran: Oh? That is not such a terrible thought. Creating a new life can be a great deal of fun.
  • Shale: So you say. I have no idea how a golem is created, but I doubt I shall be creating one anytime soon.
  • Zevran: Just as well, I imagine. Any lover of yours would no doubt be quickly reduced to a puddle of bruises.
  • Shale: So you see me winning the affection of another golem, do you? Most golems are slaves to whomever holds their control rod.
  • Zevran: Funny, it works exactly the same way for us as well.

(If Warden is male and romancing Zevran: Shale will suggest that the relationship can result in pregnancy. Zevran dismisses this as an impossibility)

(Alternate version if Shale's personal quest has been completed)

  • Shale: I have noticed that the painted elf seeks the attention of the Grey Warden.
  • Zevran: He certainly does.
  • Shale: (Snorts) I watched many such couplings during the time I spent immobile in Honnleath. Or should I say I was forced to watch. You do know that this usually ends in reproduction. I have seen it many times, indeed.
  • Zevran: Oh? That is not such a terrible thought. Creating a new life can be a great deal of fun.
  • Shale: Not always. When a golem is created, it involves an agony one would not believe. How fun is that, painted elf?
  • Zevran: Oh, I don't know. It could be plenty of fun, if done right.
  • Shale: Now the painted elf jests with me.
  • Zevran: (Chuckles) You think so, do you? Have it your way.
  • Shale: So here is a question for the painted elf...
  • Zevran: Painted elf? Oh, that's me! I do like that.
  • Shale: Am I to understand correctly that the painted elf is a "crow"?
  • Zevran: Not literally, but... yes. I am a Crow.
  • Shale: As in a bird.
  • Zevran: Is there another sort?
  • Shale: So the painted elf assaults helpless statuary with its feces?
  • Zevran: If given sufficient cause, why not?
  • Shale: That is outrageous! The painted elf will stay away from me. Or else.
  • Zevran: (Sighs) I get a lot of that.
  • Shale: I am curious. Will the painted elf answer a question?
  • Zevran: Why not? I appear to have all day.
  • Shale: The painted elf attacked the Grey Warden, and yet it still lives. Had the decision been mine, its skull would be so much pulp right now.
  • Zevran: Oh, I don't know. Could you destroy something as pretty as I am, hmm?
  • Shale: Easily. I fail to see how any measure of attractiveness would make one difficult to crush.
  • Zevran: Perhaps you do not know how to look, then.
  • Zevran: Take a long look at our Grey Warden, my good friend. Right there we have an object worthy of worship, no?
  • Zevran: One would have to be blind not to realise how very pretty we all are and how important that is to preserve.
  • Shale: Hmph. Perhaps there are definitions of "blind" I have yet to understand.

Depending on the third party member, Zevran's line "Take a long look at our Grey Warden, my good friend. Right there we have an object worthy of worship, no?" may be replaced by others:


  • Zevran: Look at the witch. Dark eyes, heaving chest, quivering lips. How could one kill such a creature without bedding it, first?
  • Morrigan: How relieved I am.


  • Zevran: Here, take that templar fellow. Rugged good looks, quick wit, manly shoulders. Just getting him to hop borders is a challenge worthy of the great heros.
  • Alistair: A challenge? I'd happily hop borders, given the chance. I've never even been close to leaving Ferelden!


  • Zevran: Take the innocent sister, for example. Certainly even you can see the naughty woman waiting to escape from that Chantry frock!
  • Leliana: Mm? That's odd... I could've sworn I heard an insignificant man talking about my undergarments!


  • Zevran: Take a peek at that Circle mage. Must we speak of the allure of an older woman? She has lessons to teach us all, my friend.
  • Wynne: You have no idea, little elf. Keep your imaginary hands to yourself.

(There are no changes for Dog, Sten, Oghren, or Loghain.)

Shale and Leliana

  • Shale: So I am to understand the sister is a follower of this "Maker"?
  • Leliana: Am I the sister? Aw... that's so cute. It's like you're my big brother, or sister... or whatever.
  • Shale: I am a creature of stone. I doubt that we will be related in any shape or form.
  • Leliana: Oh I didn't mean it literally. Don't you think people can be related in spirit?
  • Shale: I noticed that humans tend to believe in a great deal of things that are not true, even when given evidence to the contrary.
  • Leliana: Believing in things when there is no proof is what faith is all about, Shale.
  • Shale: Believing in things when there is no proof is what gullibility is all about.
  • Leliana: So I am gullible now?
  • Shale: I, ah, take it we are no longer sister in spirit?
  • Shale: I, uh, may have a cause to apologize to the sister.
  • Leliana: Apologize? For what?
  • Shale: For suggesting that the sister is gullible for believing in things which were not real.
  • Leliana: Oh that. I've already forgotten about that. Thank you for reminding me.
  • Shale: I suppose it would offer some... comfort... to believe that things occur according to some grand purpose. All those years I spent in Honnleath, unable to move, it would be comforting to think there was some reason for it.
  • Leliana: Do you know there wasn't? Maybe the Maker did it to bring you here, to us. You once said that you have no purpose. Perhaps you were simply looking for it in the wrong place.
  • Shale: Perhaps. I shall think on this.
  • Shale: I have thought about what the sister said.
  • Leliana: Our last talk? And?
  • Shale: I would like the sister to explain to me the purpose of birds.
  • Leliana: Birds? What... kind of birds?
  • Shale: Any kind. The evil little demons that strafe the ground with their droppings. What reasons could your Maker have for such things?
  • Leliana: The same reason he has for any...evil. Such as the darkspawn, if one were to... equate the two.
  • Shale: I have a hard time believing a higher power inflicting any evil upon this world. Does it enjoy such jest?
  • Leliana: Perhaps there is a lesson to learn in it. Not all lessons are easy, Shale.
  • Shale: Hmph. It's any wonder this Maker has so many followers. I mean... Birds! What was He thinking?
  • Shale: I have thought a little more about the sister's Maker.
  • Leliana: He's not just my Maker Shale. He's your Maker too. He created everything.
  • Shale: I happen to know exactly who my maker is.
  • Leliana: I think you're wrong. The important part of you... that part which makes you you... He made that.
  • Shale: And the sister simply believes this, even though there is no proof?
  • Leliana: I do.
  • Shale: And the sister still believes that she and I could be sisters? In spirit?
  • Leliana: I do. I think that would be nice.
  • Shale: I suppose there are worse things that could happen. Like being assaulted by a flock of pigeons.
  • Leliana: I'm glad to hear it.
  • Leliana: I did not realize that you were a woman.
  • Shale: That is because I am not. I am a golem.
  • Leliana: But you were once a woman. And a dwarf. Dosn't that... mean anything to you?
  • Shale: The bard speaks of someone who lived five centuries ago. What have I in commmon with her?
  • Leliana: You share a soul.
  • Shale: I do not... it talks in riddles. Desist, or I shall crush its head.
  • Leliana: Do you miss the life you once had, Shale? These centuries of memories you have lost?
  • Shale: Does it miss being within its mother's womb?
  • Leliana: Do I...? Well, no. I don't remember that far back.
  • Shale: It is no different. My memory stretches only so far, and what went before is now lost.
  • Leliana: And you remember nothing at all? Not even a little bit?
  • Shale: There are... images. Faces who I have no names for. places I remember being but not where they are. Do I miss these things? They are without context. I feel only disquiet when I think of them.
  • Leliana: Like dreams, then. When you awake all the details have fled.
  • Shale: Is that what it is to dream? Then yes. Perhaps it is like that.
  • Leliana: How very sad. To discover your entire life has been a forgotten dream. I am so sorry.
  • Shale: The sister has interesting footwear.
  • Leliana: Oh? You... like shoes, do you?
  • Shale: My mass is considerable. Some cushioning on my feet would be ideal, but I doubt such footwear could be made.
  • Leliana: Hmm. I could see some nice, thick sandals being made. With very tick leather straps. Oh yes, that could be done! Perhaps we could find some cobbler who could give it a try! What color would you want?
  • Shale: Surely the color is unimportant.
  • Leliana: In fact, the color is very important. That, and picking a shape that makes your ankles look slender... and you could use some help there, I fear.
  • Shale: I... have thick ankles?
  • Leliana: It's all right. I don't like my thighs. What's important is working with what you have.
  • Shale: Hmm. Very well. I wish my shoes to be red.
  • Leliana: Ooh! Bold choice! We'll have to remember that!
  • Shale: Why does the bard stare at me so?
  • Leliana: I was thinking about writing a song about you. "The Statue with the Heart of Gold"... or something like that.
  • Shale: It thinks my heart is made of gold? It is stone, as anything else. Cold stone.
  • Leliana: I meant that you had... a good heart. It seems to be that you do.
  • Shale: And they call this having a "heart of gold?" Why?
  • Leliana: Uh... because gold is precious and shiny and... a good heart is just as valuable?
  • Shale: Shiny.
  • Leliana: In a manner of speaking.
  • Shale: My heart does not qualify as shiny. I kill. Frequently, and not without pleasure.
  • Leliana: You had a difficult life. Deep down, at the center of your being, you are a good person. I believe that.
  • Shale: Even though I have never demonstrated this aspect? How peculiar.
  • Leliana: You aren't all stone, Shale. There is a person inside of you.
  • Shale: If so, it is because I ate him.
  • Leliana: I do not understand why you hate birds so much.
  • Shale: It is because I had to endure their chirping, their perching, and most especially their constant sh-
  • Leliana: No, I understand that part. But they were just... being what they are!
  • Shale: Exactly. Disgusting vermin with wings. Darkspawn must be exterminated for being what they are, as well.
  • Leliana: But a bird is a creature of grace, and beauty! They open their mouths and they sing!
  • Shale: The bard hears music. I hear a wail of banshees that boils my blood.
  • Leliana: But... what about a nightingale? Or a swan?
  • Shale: They are not pigeons, it is true. Still? Evil beasts of the sky.
  • Leliana: (Sigh) I give up.

(if a male Warden is in a romance with Leliana)

  • Shale: I notice the sister has spending a great deal of time with it.
  • Leliana: With "it?" Oh... you mean him. I'm surprised you would notice such things.
  • Shale: I am made of rock. This does not make me dense.
  • Leliana: (Giggles) I suppose not.
  • Shale: Does the sister not see a problem with serving two masters?
  • Leliana: Hmmm. ignoring the "serving" bit. I'll assume you mean the Maker. I´ve entered a chantry as a lay sister. but i never took vows. Even had I. the chantry doesn´t prohibit two people from comimg together in love.
  • Shale: I was told that the sister left behind the service of the Maker to journey here.
  • Leliana: You never really leave the Maker. Not in your heart.
  • Shale: That seems like an argument for infidelity.
  • Leliana: You... are very catty for a walking statue, you know that?
  • Shale: It has been mentioned.

Shale and Sten

  • Shale: I have never heard of such a thing called a qunari.
  • Sten: Then you have not been listening. We did not row to shore last year, we have been about for centuries.
  • Shale: I have listened. I have done little else, in fact, and yet I do not remember anyone mentioning such a qunari in all my years in the village.
  • Sten: Relying on humans as a source of education is a fool's errand.
  • Shale: They are rather ignorant, aren't they? And feeble. At the best of times.
  • Sten: We have creatures on Par Vollen that are similar. The humans call them "monkeys". They are dull, cowardly vermin. They cry out shrilly when threatened and throw their own feces.
  • Shale: That is an excellent comparison. I wonder if they are related?
  • Sten: Possibly.
  • Sten: I do not understand what a golem is. Why would anyone create such a being?
  • Shale: Why would one create a sword? To strike at its enemies.
  • Sten: But you are no sword, golem. You speak like a living creature, but act like a possession. I do not know what to make of you.
  • Shale: (Snorts) I am no possession, not now that the control rod is broken.
  • Sten: No? It is still in your heart. Do you even realize this? "Age by age have men stood up and said to the world, 'From what has come before me, I was forged, but I am new and greater than my forebears.' And so each man walks the world in ruin, abandoned and untried. Less than the whole of his being."
  • Shale: It is a riddle?
  • Sten: (Sigh) It seems so.
  • Shale: So are all of your kind similarly powerful, qunari?
  • Sten: I am not here to satisfy your curiosity, creature.
  • Shale: That is true. I suppose I sounded like a human, chattering away? I apologize.
  • Sten: No, it is I who should apologize. You are no human. You are a vastly superior construct.
  • Shale: That's kind of the qunari to say. If all of your people are like you, it is a wonder you haven't crushed the humans under your heel.
  • Sten: I have wondered this same thing.
  • Shale: One just need to look at them. They're so...
  • Sten: Small?
  • Shale: Exactly.
  • Sten: You and I, we are of the same mind, kadan.
  • Shale: What do you estimate are the chances of success, qunari?
  • Sten: For the Grey Warden? Little to none.
  • Shale: So, why does it follow? I do not risk death, but it does.
  • Sten: My mission is no different from the Grey Warden's. I must see this through to the end.
  • Shale: It would rather perish than give up its quest?
  • Sten: Indeed. There is honor to be salvaged in such a quest, no matter its chances.
  • Shale: Honor is a curious thing. It is far better to be practical.
  • Sten: What use is practicality when it leads to cowardice and emptiness? It is better to die well, than to live.
  • Shale: An, uh... interesting theory.
  • Sten: There is worth in your life, Shale. There is value, but only if it is used.
  • Shale: I have a question of religion, qunari.
  • Sten: For you, kadan, I will answer.
  • Shale: Would its "qun" accept a convert that was a golem?
  • Sten: I do not know. It has never happened. We accept beings of all walks of life, so long as they are willing to accept their place in the world.
  • Shale: And what place is that?
  • Sten: One of equality. Within the Qun, an individual exists to serve.
  • Shale: Hmm. That is less appealing. Would it consider birds to be its equal as well?
  • Sten: Birds? Birds are... but animals. Enlightenment does not await them.
  • Shale: Excellent. That sounds very promising.
  • Shale: I have heard an interesting tale of the Qunari.
  • Sten: Speak, kadan.
  • Shale: I am told that the Qunari put mages on leashes. Leashes! What a delightful concept!
  • Sten: It is not something that one should take pleasure in. It is done because it is necessary.
  • Shale: Why not put them out of their misery? Crush their skulls and be done with it. Fast. Efficient. Fun.
  • Sten: You have been offended by such men, so your bloodlust can be forgiven. But these ones you speak of are to be pitied. Even so, they must serve, just as any other must serve. All must find their place within the Qun.
  • Shale: It does sound like a delightful place where it comes from. Mages on leashes. What will they think of next?
  • Sten: I can not say that they would not wish to put a leash on you as well, kadan.
  • Shale: Hmm... That does sound less fun. Yes.
  • Shale: The qunari mentioned something of equality when we last spoke.
  • Sten: I said that all were equal under the Qun, yes.
  • Shale: What of humans? Surely they would not be as equal as others.
  • Sten: All who accept the Qun have their place, as any other. In the lands we occupy, even the Elves have come to embrace this concept.
  • Shale: And if this place is at the bottom?
  • Sten: If that is where one belongs, then that is where one should be.
  • Shale: The Qunari are a very practical people, Sten.
  • Sten: It is as I have always said. But I thank you.
  • Shale: I wish to say that it has been pleasant fighting at the qunari's side.
  • Sten: I feel the same. You are a remarkable construct, kadan. A warrior to be feared.
  • Shale: No more than the qunari, surely. The way it strikes down its foes, marvelous!
  • Sten: I smile each time you roar a battle cry, knowing our foes tremble.
  • Shale: I could watch you fight all day long--the skill you display, the form, how the light plays on its muscles... I mean... yes. Well done. With the fighting.
  • Sten: You, as well.
  • Shale: Right.

Shale and Dog

  • Shale: I am watching you, dog. Do you know how many of your kind urinated on me in that village? And all I could do is stand there and watch, helpless. If I see one of those legs of yours lift so much as an inch in my direction -- pow!
  • Dog: (Pained whine!)
  • Shale: I am glad we have this understanding. At least your kind can be reasoned with... unlike those damned feathered fiends!