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Sera's dialogue contains a list of conversations she has with her companions.

Sera and Blackwall

Templatetools This section is incomplete and requires expansion.

Sera and Cassandra

Templatetools This section is incomplete and requires expansion.

Sera and Cole

Templatetools This section is incomplete and requires expansion.

Sera and Dorian

  • Dorian: Where did you get all those arrows, Sera? You've got hundreds.
  • Sera: From your arse!
  • Dorian: Well my arse should open up a shop! Apparently it's quite prolific.
  • Dorian: Indulge me, Sera. What do you think of when I say "demon?"
  • Sera: Arrows.
  • Dorian: Fine. "Magister?"
  • Sera: Arrows.
  • Dorian: Not helpful. But given our history, I'll accept it. "Thaumaturgy?"
  • Sera: What?
  • Dorian: Magical endeavors. Helpful wonders.
  • Sera: Ohhh. Arrows.
  • Dorian: (Sighs.)
  • Sera: You don't laugh like a Tevinter.
  • Dorian: How is a Tevinter supposed to laugh, exactly?
  • Sera: Cruel and stupid, like... (cackles.)
  • Dorian: Oh no. You're not allowed to laugh like that until you get your magister license.
  • Sera: Knew it! Varric owes me a sovereign.

Sera and Iron Bull

  • Iron Bull: Sera, I had a thought. The next time we run into a line of enemies, I'll pick you up and throw you.
  • Sera: Get off.
  • Iron Bull: No! This could work ! I loft you over the front rank, and you land behind them to flank ... mayhem ensues.
  • Sera: I can't fly, you daft tit!
  • Iron Bull: Think of the mayhem, Sera! Mayhem.
  • Sera: I'd get a wedge-up something fierce!
  • Iron Bull: Look, you and Varric are the only ones small enough and he's... pretty dense.
  • Varric: Ouch! (If he's in the party)
  • Sera: Well, do some bloody presses!

Sera and Solas

  • Sera: You can make magic anywhere, Solas? Ever piss it by accident?
  • Solas: No. Wait...no.
  • Sera: What? How would you not remember something like that?
  • Solas: We were all young once.
  • Solas: Ar dirthan'as ir elgara, ma'sula e'var vhenan.
  • Sera: Pppbbthh!
  • Solas: Excuse me?
  • Sera: Excuse yourself, whatever you said and what I did, same difference to me.
  • Solas: I'd hoped, well, our people can sometimes feel the rhythm of the language despite lacking the vocabulary.
  • Sera: Uh huh? Know what else is good? Words that mean things. Like these, words.
  • Solas: Fenedhis lasa.
  • Solas: Have you ever had any interest in learning magic, Sera? While it has not manifested naturally, there are ways to determine whether arcane gifts lie dormant within you.
  • Sera: What? Don't make me think about that. I have to sleep at night!
  • Solas: Sleeping would give you the chance to explore the Fade. I could introduce you to spirits.
  • Sera: Right, you're messing with me on purpose!
  • Solas: Why would I do that? It is not as though I know who filled my bedroll with lizards.
  • Sera: Heh. Fair point! That was pretty good.

Sera and Varric

  • Varric: So what exactly is the deal with the Friends of Red Jenny?
  • Sera: Why are you lot always on about this? There's no deal. You just do things.
  • Varric: Just... "things" like... whatever.
  • Sera: Just things.
  • Varric: Like the, what, the hundred or so groups in Kirkwall, that sat around all night dressed as guards or exotic dancers, waiting to jump out and hit someone?
  • Sera: Nah, a friend shut them out. But they were legend, right?

Sera and Vivienne

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