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Seeing Red is a companion quest for Varric in Dragon Age: Inquisition.

Varric saw enough red lyrium in Kirkwall for one lifetime. Now it's everywhere, and the worse of it "sings" like the shard that drove his brother mad. Varric would take no small pleasure in destroying those. Locate and destroy Primeval Red Lyrium nodes.


This quest becomes available by talking to Varric about his reaction to red lyrium.


12 nodes of Primeval Red Lyrium are needed for the quest, however there are a total of 18 nodes scattered across the below-mentioned locations. This gives the player some freedom to complete the quest regardless of the player's progress in game. The nodes can be destroyed by clicking on them, no specific class ability is required.

Locations of all 18 veins and the levels of enemies encountered there:

  • 3 in The Hinterlands
    • Ash Warrior's Refuge
    • Fort Connor
    • Lady Shayna's Valley - (level 15 enemies)
  • 3 in The Western Approach
    • Sand Rock Mine - 2 deposits (level 11 enemies)
    • Shimmer Stone Mine (level 15 enemies)
  • 4 on Storm Coast
    • Inside Daerwin's Mouth, which is accessible during the quest Red Water (level 18 enemies)
  • 3 in Emerald Graves
    • inside Veridium Mine (level 15 enemies)
    • outside Villa Maurel, left side (level 15 enemies)
    • Southfinger Watch in the northernmost part of the Graves (level 18 enemies). There is a bottle of Chasind Sack Mead in the nearby camp.
  • 5 in Emprise du Lion


967 experience (at level 18)

200 Influence

2 Power


Destroying the nodes with Varric in party grants normal approval and, when he's not present, slight approval.
