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“Three experienced fighters, two mages, and yourself? This job must be dangerous.”

Roland is a mercenary from Orlais and Miriam's best friend.


Roland is a suave warrior wielding a sword and shield. He has been Miriam's stalwart companion for some time, so he trusts her completely. Additionally, he is quick-witted enough to analyze confusing situations logically and improvise in difficult situations.

Miriam and Roland recently joined a gang of thieves known as Dolph's Daggers.


Dragon Age: Absolution[]

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Dragon Age: Absolution.

On a job to steal lyrium from a Circle of Magi tower in Nevarra, Miriam and Roland, veering from Dolph's plan, are able to sneak in by disguising themselves as mages and using their Dolph's Daggers collaborators to distract the templar guards. Although they successfully retrieve the lyrium, Dolph is incensed that their distraction got three of his recruits arrested—including his nephew. Miriam counters that if they couldn't evade two guards, then there was no way they could have fought their way through the mage tower, which was Dolph's original plan. Dolph is furious and accuses Miriam of trying to take over leadership of his gang. Miriam tries to deescalate the situation by reassuring Dolph that he is still in charge but is interrupted by Fairbanks and Hira, who reveal that they were the ones that hired Dolph's Daggers for the job in order to test whether Miriam and Roland had the necessary skills for their quest.

Fairbanks reveals that he’s already told the city guards where to find the stolen lyrium and that the entire city guard is on their way to their location as they speak, which is why Miriam and Roland should accept his offer. Dolph orders his men to kill Fairbanks and the others for this betrayal but Miriam skillfully subdues his men and intimidates them to turn and run in order to protect Hira.

Inside a forest, Miriam and Roland are introduced to the rest of Fairbanks' crew: Lacklon and Qwydion. Fairbanks reveals that Cassandra Pentaghast and Leliana tasked him and Hira to steal the Circulum Infinitus from the Tevinter Imperium and deliver it to Orlais. They tracked it to the Summer Palace, which belongs to the Imperial Divine. When Fairbanks states that the Circulum is being studied by Magister Rezaren Ammosine, Miriam's former slave owner, Miriam becomes vexed and initially refuses the job. In the end, Hira persuades Miriam to accept the job and Roland follows suit.

Roland appears to have taken an interest in Lacklon and flirts with him by using innuendo. Roland astonishes Lacklon with his flirtation, although sometimes Lacklon seems oblivious to his advances. After the group fought a bar fight to defend Miriam from several Tevinter ruffians harassing her, Miriam reveals her plan and secures the group an entrance into the Summer Palace.

Once inside the Summer Palace, the group splits up into four teams. Roland is disguised as a Tevinter guard and is tasked with drawing as many Tevinter guards away from the throne room while Fairbanks and Lacklon break into the vault. By third bell to evening Chant, the Tevinter patrol discovered Roland's ruse and attacked him. Lacklon leaves Fairbanks to reinforce Roland and helps him fight off the Tevinter guards. After fending off the guards, the Summer Palace's security system suddenly activates. Roland and Lacklon head back to the secret tunnel entrance only to find Miriam with a dead Fairbanks and the Circulum Infinitus in her possession.

Roland is willing to believe Miriam has a rational explanation for her damning circumstances but Lacklon accuses Miriam of killing Fairbanks and stealing the artifact. Miriam protests her innocence and Roland defends her, citing her rapport with him (which gives him some knowledge of how she operates), Miriam's indifference to acquiring the artifact, and the lack of stab wounds on Fairbanks' body. Lacklon acquiesces that Miriam may deserve the benefit of the doubt, but he still wants to learn the truth. Miriam says that they need to focus on gathering the rest of the group and escape the palace. However, Lacklon does not want to return to the danger, even to risk a rescue, and wishes to leave immediately. However, Roland is able to charm and entice Lacklon into participating in the rescue by stating he will gain fame for his part in helping them. Lacklon agrees to rescue the other members but demands that he holds on to the Circulum until they discover who the traitor in their group is.

As Miriam, Lacklon, and Roland fights through a multitude of undead rampaging through the palace, they encounter signs of Qwydion defending herself from something in battle. Lacklon decides that since it would be too difficult for them to find Qwydion, and also acknowledging that she has the mettle to survive and escape on her own, it would be wiser to focus on searching for Hira, who is probably still at the vault and is probably Miriam's primary concern. Miriam tells Roland that Qwydion is safer if she is on the move and assures her companions that they'll search for her after they have retrieved Hira. After fighting their way to the vault, the three find Hira trapped behind the vault's magical lockup. Roland and Lacklon hold off the multitude of demons and undead so Miriam can find a way to free Hira. Miriam reveals to Hira that Fairbanks died and gave the Circulum to her. Hira then urges Miriam to leave her and give the Circulum to her contact in The Hanged Man, a Kirkwall tavern. She tells Miriam that the Inquisition meeting in Orlais was set up by Fairbanks and is probably a trap. The companions then hear the roar and fire breathing of a dragon inside the vault, and realizes that it's just about to break out of its confinement. As more demons and undead reach their position, Hira pulls away from Miriam and goes further inside the vault so that Miriam will be forced to abandon her. Roland and Lacklon shepherd Miriam away from the vault and flees. Roland, Lacklon, and Miriam run into Qwydion at the courtyard of the palace and the four head to the secret tunnel entrance to escape. However, the group is spotted by a Tevinter guard who sets up an ambush for them at the tunnel. Although the group fends off the the tunnel guards, the Tevinter guard tries to apprehend or kill atleast one person in the group. Ultimately, the guard is attacked from behind by Magister Rezaren.

Rezaren is surprised, but happy to see Miriam, and affectionately welcomes his "sister" home. However, Miriam is agitated by his presence, and goes to attack him. Neb quickly separates the two, and Rezaren orders him to focus on Miriam while he deals with her friends. Rezaren's skill and magic makes short work of Roland, Lacklon, and Qwydion despite their best efforts, and he is able to restrain them in magical fields. Miriam soon recognizes Neb, and though Rezaren tries to warn her, she lifts off his mask and sees that Neb is her brother's corpse, animated and controlled by Rezaren's magic. She angrily attacks him again, causing him to lose his concentration and free the others. Tassia and reinforcements arrive before she can land a killing strike, and archers begin shooting at the group. Qwydion conjures a wall of fire to cover their escape but Miriam is shot in the back with an arrow.

With the city on lockdown, the group tries to sneak back into their safe house. As Roland tries to scout for a safe route, Lacklon follows him to privately discuss their situation. Lacklon confides in Roland that Hira's failed rescue and Magister Rezaren addressing Miriam as his family only strengthened his suspicions of Miriam, but Roland replies that it is absurd and objectionable to believe Miriam harbors any loyalty to her former slave master. While Lacklon agrees that he may have taken the accusation a step too far, he nevertheless asserts that even Roland has to admit that there is something dishonest about the job that could get them all killed. Lacklon thinks they should leave the city, even if it means abandoning Hira and possibly Miriam, and extricate themselves from the job before it leads them to their doom. Roland rebukes Lacklon for wanting to "screw" everyone else and Qwydion, who along with Miriam was eavesdropping on their conversation, teased him for loudly conspiring to betray them. Miriam doesn't blame Lacklon for wanting to leave but pleads with Roland not to leave yet as they'll never get out of the city in broad daylight and reminds them that they'll be hunted down and executed as fugitives for their crimes. Roland resolves to stay with Miriam and orders Qwydion to carry the injured Miriam to the safe house. Afterwards, Roland tells Lacklon that he understands if Lacklon doesn't trust Miriam, and asks him to trust him instead. Deciding to put his faith in Roland, Lacklon decides to stay with the group as well.

Once in the safe house, Qwydion tries to heal Miriam's wounds with magic, but the group discovers that someone is using blood magic to prevent Miriam from healing and also to put her into a coma. With no other options, Lacklon instructs the group to use cloths to slow the bleeding. Eventually Miriam awakens and throws up her own blood (which magically dissipates); Qwydion could now use her magic to heal her wound. Miriam eventually recovers and tells the group that Hira is alive and she is determined to save her.

Miriam tells the group her history with Rezaren's family and that she has come up with a plan to rescue Hira, but she needs their help. While Qwydion and Roland sympathizes with Miriam's troubled past, Lacklon reminds the group that Hira herself wanted them to leave her behind and deliver the Circulum to her contact in Kirkwall. Qwydion, after being told that Fairbanks betrayed them, could not believe he was a traitor as she had worked with him for years and always considered him loyal. Roland reminds the group that they all signed up to deliver the artifact to the Inquisition, so he proposes that they deliver it to Skyhold—but Lacklon objects as meeting the buyer at their main stronghold risks getting them duped into losing their payment. Miriam interrupts their discussion to exclaim that she doesn't care about the Circulum. She pleads with the group to be decent people and help her rescue Hira. In the end, Miriam offers the group a choice: She promises those who help her will gain her trust, forgiveness, gratitude, and whatever they're looking for; while those that want to abandon Hira can take the Circulum and go. Much to Miriam's relief, the group was unanimous in supporting Miriam's rescue plan.

Miriam approached the Summer Palace's entrance gates alone as a bluff, while Lacklon, Roland, and Qwydion breached the wall of the other side of the palace; this forced Tassia and Neb to divide their forces in order to defend against both attacks. Roland engaged Tassia in battle while Lacklon kept the other Tevinter guards busy. In the meanwhile, Qwydion snuck into the palace while the Tevinter guards were distracted. Ultimately, Tassia proved to be too formidable a foe, as she managed to hold Roland hostage and coerced Lacklon to surrender. However, Qwydion managed to sneak into the palace's throne room during the fighting, and casted a spell that destroyed the vault's pedestal, which un-petrified the vault's dragon. The vault's dragon broke free from its retraints and its subsequent rampaging consequently caused intense damage to the palace's structure and preoccupied Tassia as she and her men struggled to contain it. Hira used the chaos of the dragon's rampage to free herself and flew to the safe house. Lacklon saw her escape and called out to her but she didn't seem to notice him. Knowing that Hira had escaped, the group decides to regroup and head back to the safe house as well.

The group finds Hira just about to leave the safe house, and escorts her back inside the safe house only to find it ransacked. The group grows suspicious of Hira for trying to leave, refuting her cover-ups, and also for her refusal to relinquish the Circulum. After Miriam deduced that Hira was the traitor, Hira attempted to escape but was trapped by a wall of fire conjured by Qwydion. After Miriam took back the Circulum, Miriam demanded an explanation. Hira revealed that she grew disillusioned with the Inquisition when they refused to fight Tevinter, which has been a safe haven for the Venatori. Thus she became an ally of the Crimson Knight, who had no qualms about waging war with Tevinter. Together, Hira and the Crimson Knight made a plan to turn the Templars against Tevinter, even the ones inside it. However, the two needed the Circulum to do it. Hira made a deal with Rezaren to arrange for the Circulum Infinitus to be at the Summer Palace. Hira and her group were meant to get caught and Hira would make an exchange for the Circulum. Once Hira delivered Miriam to him and he has used the Circulum to resurrect Neb, Rezaren can then let Hira go with the Circulum. Rezaren was suppose to then scuttle any investigation into the matter so that the Imperial Divine wouldn't be able to trace the theft back to Hira. Although Hira tried to reassure Miriam she had no intention of letting Rezaren keep her and would have rescued her eventually, Miriam is upset by her betrayal.

Suddenly, Rezaren, Neb, and a dragon he mind-controlled attack the group and Hira is seemingly knocked out. Lacklon, Qwydion, and Roland hide in the safe house in order to protect themselves from the dragon. Miriam willingly surrenders herself and the Circulum, and also offers her full compliance in exchange for the safety of her comrades. Rezaren has become ruthless due to Miriam's resistance and now only sees Miriam as his slave. He now seeks to punish Miriam by killing her friends in front of her. Unwilling to let Miriam return to a life of abuse, the group comes up with a plan to help Miriam defeat Rezaren. Seeing as the plan is very dangerous and could end very terribly for them, Lacklon gives Roland a passionate kiss—much to Qwydion's surprise.

Rezaren sheds his, Miriam's, the dragon's, and Neb's blood to do Neb's resurrection ritual with the Circulum. The Circulum summons Neb's alleged spirit. Roland orders the group to hold off with the plan to see how the ritual ends. Ultimately, Neb's spirit touches Neb's body and causes it to disintegrate. At that opportune moment, Roland and Lacklon then shoot a grenade at Rezaren—and its subsequent explosion disrupts the ritual and stuns Rezaren momentarily. Rezaren swears profanities at Miriam and Neb for being ungrateful as Miriam and him fight; but Miriam ultimately kills him and asserts that she and Neb never belonged to him. With Rezaren dead, the dragon he mind-controlled becomes wild again. Rather than start another conflict, Qwydion heals the dragon's wounds which is enough to mollify it and let it leave the group in peace.

In the aftermath of the battle, Hira regains consciousness and Miriam gives Hira an ultimatum: Help her take the Circulum to what's left of the Inquisition and they can try to rekindle their relationship. Miriam pleads with Hira to tell her she is more important to her than her vengeance. Hira however, reveals that the Hira she was speaking to was an illusion. Hira appears behind Miriam and tearfully tells her "[She] wishes she could," before casting a spell that put the entire group to sleep. When the group regains consciousness, Lacklon thinks Hira didn't have time to finish them off while Roland assumes she wasn't able to bring herself to kill them. Ultimately the group resolves to pursue Hira, foil her plans, and destroy the Circulum.
