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See Also Ostagar, Return to Ostagar the DLC.


Note: If you have completed The Hungry Deserter quest and have used the key to open the Mage's Chest, then you will not be able to open the chest during this quest and will not be able to obtain the Corrupt Inquisitor Staff

When returning to Ostagar you start off at the upper west side of the ruins where the infirmary was once located, from entering Ostagar to reaching the Tower of Ishal you will run into serveral elite mobs who will drop Cailan's Armor. Proceed towards the location of the war council and towards the former magi encampment proceed where you will find rubble marked Elric's Buried Key to loot Key to the Royal Arms Chest. Continue on towards King Cailan's Tent, here is where you find Cailan's Chest and loot Maric's Blade and the quest item 'Secret Correspondence'. Cross the bridge to the eastern side of the ruins where you will discover King Cailan's body afterwards clear the eastern side of the ruins and head for the Tower of Ishal. Once inside the tower you see the stairs are barracked and an opening to the Darkspawn Tunnels, follow the tunnels to the Battlefield. After defeating the Boss Risen Ogre, return and decide what to do with Cailan's body.

Cailan's Body

There are three options presented as to what to do with Cailan's body - give him a funeral pyre, cut him down and leave him for the wolves or leave him for the Darkspawn. Depending on who is in the party at the time, each companion has differing reactions to what you choose to do.

Funeral Pyre:

Zevran (-3)


Zevran (-3)

Leave him:

Zevran (0)


, source: Drop Hurlock General

, source: Drop Hurlock Strategist

, source: Drop Hurlock Strider

, source: Drop Hurlock Necromancer

, source: Drop Hurlock Vanguard

, source: Mages' Chest, if the Key to the Mages' Chest wasn't already used beforehand during The Hungry Deserter

, source: Drop Risen Ogre

, source: Drop Risen Ogre

, source: Dead Mabari

, Gift, source: Found where the Joining Ritual took place

, source: Charred Corpse

, source: Elric's Buried Key

, source: Cailan's Chest

, source: Weapon Stand, Tower of Ishal

, source: Wooden Crate

, source: Cailan's Chest

, source: Dead Mabari



Sometimes the Genlock Necromancer appears standing amidst a horde of other darkspawn and cannot be targetted or killed. He only becomes active and killable when the Risen Ogre is finally dead. For some reason despite the quest shown being complete, interacting with King Cailan's body afterwards does not give you options to 'deal' with his his body as if the quest was still incomplete.
