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Arl Rendon Howe is an old friend of Teyrn Bryce Cousland and the arl of Amaranthine. He is also the father of Nathaniel Howe, a companion in Awakening.


Rendon Howe was born during the Orlesian occupation, and like many of the nobles at the time, joined the rebellion led by the future king, Maric Theirin. He fought alongside the young Bryce Cousland of Highever and Leonas Bryland, future arl of South Reach, at the bloody battle of White River. The battle was the most catastrophic defeat of the entire occupation, from which only 50 rebel soldiers escaped alive. Although he was decorated for valor by King Maric, Howe's abrasive manners earned him almost universal dislike among his peers. He has three known children: Nathaniel, Thomas, and Delilah. Bryland also implied that Howe's personality altered after the battle.




  • A rogue himself, Rendon Howe is responsible for two rogue companions failing to kill the Warden, and then joining the party: he hires Zevran to assassinate the Warden and his son Nathaniel tries the same thing out of vengeance.

See Also

  • Codex: The Howes of Amaranthine
  • Codex: Letter to Rendon Howe

