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“The Qun tells us, 'To call a thing by its name is to know its reason in the world. To call a thing falsely is to put out one's own eyes.' We have names — they are chosen carefully.”

Rasaan is a Qunari tamassran in Dragon Age: Those Who Speak.


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Dragon Age: Those Who Speak.

Rasaan is aboard one of the Qunari dreadnoughts that are attacking Isabela's ship on its way to Seheron. She gives orders to take the enemy prisoners. She subsequently interrogates Isabela on Seheron.

Initially, she asks Isabela if she knew what qamek (a substance used to render those who refuse the Qun into mindless slaves) was, and knew that Isabela was lying when she had said 'no', but then said that it did not matter. She explained to her that it was used to free men and women who were beyond redemption, that enlightenment required submission, and that she would submit.

Rasaan began the interrogation by requesting Isabela to reveal her true name. When Isabela refused, she reminded her of the crimes committed against the Qunari, and that were they human, her head would be on a spear.

In between demanding Isabela's real name, Rasaan often asked her about her past, and how she came to be as she is. When her past was revealed, Rasaan comforted her, and told her that it was not too late for redemption, that inside Isabela was a woman who fought against injustice and struggled to make things right. She had a name.

Isabela and Rasaan

Rasaan fighting against Isabela

This angered Isabela, who told Rasaan that the Qunari were butchers, causing Rasaan to attack her and force her toward the qamek, telling her: "Then let all your names be erased. The Qun welcomes you." However in the next chapter, Isabela manages to evade Rasaan's grip and instead rendered Rasaan unconscious on the cell's floor. All that noise alerted the guard outside who opened the cell door to see what was happening. That helped Isabela escape from the cell while stealing the guard's dagger in the process.

Some moments later an injured Rasaan stood up and told the Qunari guard to find Isabela and inform the Arishok. The other Qunari guards thought Isabela would try to escape out of prison but Rasaan guessed right that she would try to free her crew too, so she found her. This time the enraged and unarmed Rasaan didn't try to convert her or put her under the effects of qamek, believing that only her death will be her salvation. The two had a fierce grapple and Isabela managed to defeat Rasaan. As she held the Tamassran at her mercy, Isabela confessed that her real name is Naishe, only it wasn't anymore. However, she didn't deliver the final blow on the Tamassran and instead left her lying on the cell's floor. After freeing her crew, they attempted to stuff Rasaan into a cell as more Qunari arrived. However, their actions were unnecessary, as King Alistair had brokered an alliance with the Arishok, though Isabela privately confessed to Varric Tethras that it was satisfying to see Rasaan squirm.
