Dragon Age Wiki
Dragon Age Wiki
For plot items in other Dragon Age titles, see Plot items.

Plot items are special quest-related items separately stored under their own tab. They do not take up inventory space.

Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening[]

Plt ico anon letter
Quests: The Burden of Guilt
Icon catgut
Quests: Heart of the Forest
Dragon Bone 1
Quests: The Lost Dragon Bones
Icon eldest dragonbone
Quests: Worked to the Bone
Plt ico drug potion
Quests: The Trail of Love
Plt ico letter magi
Quests: The Trail of Love
Plt ico tattered note
Quests: The Trail of Love
Plt ico vault key
Quests: The Lost Dragon Bones
Ser Alvard's Missing Sword

Plt ico keys
Quests: Smuggler's Run
Quests: The Scavenger Hunt
Plt ico flower
Quests: Making Amends
Plt ico key
Quests: Smuggler's Run
Ico warhammer
Quests: The Scavenger Hunt
Plt ico drug potion
Quests: Moonshine for the Children
Plt ico found cake
Quests: The Scavenger Hunt
Quests: The Scavenger Hunt
Plt ico drug potion
Quests: Keep Out of Reach of Children
Pure iron
Quests: Golem's Might
Quests: A Present for Melisse
Ico boots med
Quests: The Scavenger Hunt
Tre ico book 1
Quests: The Sermons of Justinia II
Plt ico golem tracing
Quests: Golem's Might
Plt ico key
Quests: Law and Order
Smuggler's Run

Tre ico fancy bottle 5
Quests: The Blight Orphans (Again)
Plt ico key
Quests: Shadows of the Blackmarsh
Ico dagger
Quests: A Present for Melisse
Tre ico fancyvase
Quests: Heart of the Forest
Plt ico andrastes grace
Quests: Those Sweet Orphans

Ico quartz lure
Quests: Crystals of the Imperium

Icon golem control rod
Quests: Last of the Legion
Inferno golem shell
Quests: Golem's Might (A Master's Work)
Icon iron ore
Quests: Elemental Requirements
Icon lyrium sand
Quests: Bombs Away!
Plt ico ritual tablets
Quests: Memories of the Stone

Discarded Letter
Quests: The Long-Buried Past
Ico amulet
Quests: Lucky Charms

Plt ico key
Quests: The Righteous Path
Plt ico black pearl
Quests: Worked to the Bone
Plt ico key
Quests: The Righteous Path
Plt ico wedding ring
Quests: Last Wishes
Icon lyrium sand
Quests: Bombs Away!
Icon silverite ore
Quests: Elemental Requirements

Plt ico key
Quests: Golem's Might
The Wraith's Vengeance
Plt ico key
Quests: Golem's Might
The Wraith's Vengeance
Plt ico key
Quests: Golem's Might
The Wraith's Vengeance
Plt ico key
Quests: Golem's Might
The Wraith's Vengeance
Plt ico key
Quests: The Wraith's Vengeance
Icon lyrium sand
Quests: Bombs Away!
Ico potent health poultice
Quests: A Medical Necessity
Veridium ore
Quests: Elemental Requirements

Plt ico ironbark wood
Quests: From the Living Wood
Tre ico book 3
Quests: Wending Wood Stone Puzzle
Tre ico silk carpet
Quests: The Merchant's Goods
Icon heartwood
Quests: Heart of the Forest
Icon northern prickleweed
Quests: Ines the Botanist
Tre ico runestone 2
Quests: Wending Wood Stone Puzzle