Dragon Age Wiki
Dragon Age Wiki

See Also Dog, Talents, Ability Mechanics.


  • The mabari knocks the target down for 10s, dealing normal attack damage every 1s.
  • Conjuration time: 2 s.
  • In addition to damage-based threat, this talent generates 50 threat upon activation, and then 50 more threat every second, to a grand total of 550 additional threat.


  • Activation base is in Stamina and values vary with fatigue%.
  • There is no resistance check, exactly like in Overwhelm (Monster)'s case. Moreover, Indomitable does not grant immunity to Overwhelm. It is possible to stop Overwhelm only if the mabari is paralyzed, stunned, knocked down or otherwise incapacitated during the 10 s animation.
  • On console versions of DA:O, Dog has access to Warrior talents. A combination of Threaten, Taunt and Overwhelm should make it the most efficient tank in the game, outclassing Reaver by far.