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“The stars are the eyes of the creation, and to look into them is to make contact with the Maker” ―Sister Oran Petrarchius

Sister Oran Petrarchius is a Chantry scholar most notably known for publishing A Study of Thedosian Astronomy.


Oran Petrarchius focuses on the history of Thedosian astronomy and astrology. In her research of the topic, she studied the changes in the interpretation of the stars and constellations formed by them. With the rise of the Chantry, previous readings of the stars fell into disfavor as part of heathen beliefs, and the constellations took on a new meaning, reflective of the Maker's worship. Through telling the history of these changes, Sister Oran is said to be revealing the stars' "true nature".[1]

Literary works[]

  • A Study of Thedosian Astronomy[2]

Codex entries[]

For literary work codex entries, see Category:Sister Oran Petrarchius (source).



  1. Dragon Age logo - new Dragon Age: The World of Thedas, vol. 2, p. 141
  2. See literary work codex entries by Sister Oran Petrarchius.