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Olaf's Armory is a shop located in Hightown in Dragon Age II.

Act 1[]

Name Price
Wyvernscale Gauntlets
Wyvernscale Gauntlets Wyvernscale Gauntlets
2Gold 2Silver 97Bronze
Marcher Battle Plate
Marcher Battle Plate Marcher Battle Plate
4Gold 81Silver 60Bronze
Surfacer Stone Boots
Surfacer Stone Boots Surfacer Stone Boots
2Gold 59Silver 43Bronze
Note: Also sells four random pieces of armor and two amulets.

Act 2[]

Name Price
Trevisian Breastplate
Trevisian Breastplate Trevisian Breastplate
3Gold 90Silver 0Bronze
Chevalier Silverite Helm
Chevalier Silverite Helm Chevalier Silverite Helm
3Gold 50Silver 98Bronze
Surfacer Stone Gauntlets
Surfacer Stone Gauntlets Surfacer Stone Gauntlets
8Gold 21Silver 43Bronze
Golem's Leg
Golem's Leg Golem's Leg
4Gold 16Silver 50Bronze
Reinforced Bracers
Reinforced Bracers Reinforced Bracers
2Gold 28Silver 25Bronze
Note: Also sells random generic armor (x4) and accessories (x2) intended for warriors and rogues. These items are regenerated every time you enter the Hightown area.

Act 3[]

Name Price
Stonehammer Plate
Stonehammer Plate Stonehammer Plate
11Gold 32Silver 40Bronze
Red Breastplate
Red Breastplate Red Breastplate
10Gold 89Silver 0Bronze
Gauntlets of the Dark Breath
Gauntlets of the Dark Breath Gauntlets of the Dark Breath
4Gold 58Silver 22Bronze