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The Tyrdda's Lover landmark text can be found by claiming the landmark in Redcliffe Farms near a tree dedicated to Tyrdda Bright-Axe's lover. The letter is from Elaina to horsemaster Dennet, forbidding him and Bron from cutting the tree down.

Note text[]

Tyrddas Lover Landmark Letter

Note: Tyrdda's Lover Landmark Text


I don’t care if it’s the best land on the farm. The farmers remember the old ways and the old blood, and we’ll honor that, just as I honor you twisting the old horseshoe nails into circles and sneaking them into the horses’ saddles for luck. If the farmers want to leave that tree to honor Tyrdda’s leaf-eared lover, we’ll let it be, and whatever we lose from the land, we’ll gain in loyalty.

If I come back and find that tree gone and you and Bron blustering some story about it falling in a storm, I’ll get the truth from Seanna, and you’ll be sleeping in those stables you love so much.

All my love,


  • This note is not included in the Codex.