Grey Warden Diaries (Valeska's Watch diary) can be found on the ground inside Valeska's Watch near the Deep Roads Entrance landmark in Emprise du Lion.
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They've broken through. The last time we had any trouble here, it was during the Blight. The records say someone reported hearing scrabbling. They investigated, but found no danger. After the Archdemon was killed, we got complacent.
We might need to destroy all of the bastion, to keep them back. There aren't enough of us left to man the post. If there's a raid, we might not stand. They could get out, attack the town.
Waiting for word from the Warden-Commander. In the meantime, I'll do all I can.
—From a diary found in Valeska's Watch
- This note is not included in the Codex.